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the First, Second, and Third Corps were also created. It was formed by the divisions of Couch, Smith, and Casey, with General E. D. Keyes in command of the corps. The returns for March 31, 1862, sing in the battle of Williamsburg, where it sustained a slight loss only. On May 18th, General Wm. F. Smith's Division was detached and assigned to the newly formed Sixth Corps, leaving the Fourth men present for duty, including the artillery, which carried 36 guns. It was commanded by William F. Smith, a Sixth Corps general, who had fought under McClellan, and who, later on, had achieved disunder General Devens, temporarily attached to the Eighteenth as a third division, moved with General Smith's command, the three divisions being commanded at Cold Harbor by Generals Brooks, Martindalerbor amounted to 448 killed, 2,36;5 wounded, and 206 missing; total, 3,019. On June 12th, General Smith's command withdrew from Cold Harbor, and, re-emnbarking, sailed for Bermuda Hundred, arrivin
(1st Vt. H. Art'y) which joined in May, 1864, it having served previously in the forts about Washington. This feature of a continuous organization is an important one in view of the fact that it was the only one, out of two hundred or more brigades, which served through the war without being broken up, or reorganized. The same five regiments of the old Vermont Brigade which picketed the Potomac in 1861, marched together at the Grand Review in 1865. It was commanded successively by General Wm. F. Smith, formerly of the Third Vermont; General W. T. Brooks; Col. Henry Whiting, Second Vermont; and General Lewis A. Grant, formerly of the Fifth Vermont. At one time the Twenty-sixth New Jersey, a nine months regiment, was attached to the brigade for a few months, but it was a temporary arrangement only. The old Brigade should not be confounded with the Vermont Brigade (Stannard's) which was so prominently engaged at Gettysburg. This latter organization was in the First Corps, and was c
a matter of chance, the honor could not have been better awarded. Third Vermont Infantry. Vermont Brigade--Getty's Division--Sixth Corps. (1) Col. William F. Smith; W. P., R. A.; Bvt. Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. (3) Col. Thomas O. Seaver. (2) Col. Breed Noyes Hyde; W. P. (4) Col. Horace W. Floyd. companies. killed andgh, in March, 1864, and recruited its ranks preparatory to the spring campaign. It returned to Yorktown where it was ordered to join the Eighteenth Corps, General Wm. F. Smith commanding, and was placed in Marston's (1st) Brigade, Brooks's (1st) Division. Under Lieutenant-Colonel Raulston, the Eighty-first distinguished itself ited in Mifflin, Centre, Chester, Huntingdon, and Juniata Counties. It arrived at Washington September 22d, 1861, where it was assigned to Hancock's Brigade of Wm. F. Smith's Division, a brigade composed of exceptionally good regiments. Under its able general the brigade soon won distinction at Williamsburg, where, by its brilli