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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 21: administration of War Department (search)
nsent, and so I shall stay here for the present. But as soon as the war is so far over that I can properly leave, I shall attend to my own affairs. ... From City Point I have no news. Joe Bowers was here a fortnight since, looking as well as ever. Dunn was up on Monday with a bundle of despatches for the secretary. He said all were well. Comstock accompanied Butler to Fort Fisher. That affair makes unpleasant feeling between army and navy. What is the real truth I don't know. W. F. Smith has gone to New Orleans as the head of a board to investigate the Quartermaster's Department there, and everything else. We have nothing of moment from Savannah since its surrender. Of course, Sherrman's army will not be idle there. The Rebels are in desperation. Jeff. Davis wants to make terms with France or England, and is willing to become colonially dependent on either of those powers and to abolish slavery. A violent discussion is now going on in the Confederacy on this subje
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers and soldiers killed in action. (search)
12, 1864. Smith, Thomas H.,19th Mass. Inf.,White Oak Swamp, Va.,June 30, 1862. Smith, Thomas W.,26th Mass. Inf.,Winchester, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864. Smith, Timothy D., Corp.,37th Mass. Inf.,Sailor's Creek, Va.,April 6, 1865. Smith, William.11th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 8, 1864. Smith, William A., Corp.,4th Mass. Cav.,Gum Creek, Fla.,Oct. 24, 1864. Smith, William B.,22d Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Smith, William D.,1st Mass. Inf.,Yorktown, Va.,April 26, 1862. Smith, William F.,33d Mass. Inf.,Atlanta, Ga.,July 25, 1864. Smith, William H. B., 2d Lieut.,1st Mass. Inf.,Blackburn's Ford, Va.,July 18, 1861. Smith, William J.,20th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,May 3, 1863. Smith, William O.,25th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. Smith, William W.,35th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Smothers, John,55th Mass. Inf.,Honey Hill, S. C.,Nov. 30, 1864. Smy, Richard34th Mass. Inf.,Winchester, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864. Snell, Aaron H. Name and
8th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 12, 1864. Smith, Thomas H.,19th Mass. Inf.,White Oak Swamp, Va.,June 30, 1862. Smith, Thomas W.,26th Mass. Inf.,Winchester, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864. Smith, Timothy D., Corp.,37th Mass. Inf.,Sailor's Creek, Va.,April 6, 1865. Smith, William.11th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 8, 1864. Smith, William A., Corp.,4th Mass. Cav.,Gum Creek, Fla.,Oct. 24, 1864. Smith, William B.,22d Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Smith, William D.,1st Mass. Inf.,Yorktown, Va.,April 26, 1862. Smith, William F.,33d Mass. Inf.,Atlanta, Ga.,July 25, 1864. Smith, William H. B., 2d Lieut.,1st Mass. Inf.,Blackburn's Ford, Va.,July 18, 1861. Smith, William J.,20th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,May 3, 1863. Smith, William O.,25th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. Smith, William W.,35th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Smothers, John,55th Mass. Inf.,Honey Hill, S. C.,Nov. 30, 1864. Smy, Richard34th Mass. Inf.,Winchester, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864.
. W., 480 Smith, Sidney, 419 Smith, Stewart, 419 Smith, T. D., 419 Smith, T. F., 551 Smith, T. G., 419 Smith, T. H., 419 Smith, T. W., 419 Smith, Thomas, 551 Smith, Vernon, 551 Smith, W. A., 419 Smith, W. B., 419 Smith, W. D., 419 Smith, W. F., 33d Mass. Inf., 419 Smith, W. F., 116, 121 Smith, W. H., 551 Smith, W. H. B., 33, 419 Smith, W. J., 20th Mass Inf., 419 Smith, W. J., 54th Mass. Inf., 438 Smith, W. M., 226 Smith, W. O., 419 Smith, W. S., 551 Smith, W. W., 419 SSmith, W. F., 116, 121 Smith, W. H., 551 Smith, W. H. B., 33, 419 Smith, W. J., 20th Mass Inf., 419 Smith, W. J., 54th Mass. Inf., 438 Smith, W. M., 226 Smith, W. O., 419 Smith, W. S., 551 Smith, W. W., 419 Smith, Warren, 551 Smith, William, IX Smith, William, 11th Mass. Inf., 419 Smith, William, 23d Mass. Inf., 551 Smith, William, 28th Mass. Inf., 480 Smith, William, 35th Mass. Inf., 551 Smith, William, 54th Mass. Inf., 551 Smothers, John, 419 Smy, Richard, 419 Smyth, J. F., 550 Smyth, T. A., 248 Snell, A. H., 420 Snell, C. E., 551 Snell, Joseph, 420 Snell, N. T., 480 Snook, John, 551 Snow, A. H., 480 Snow, Frank, 551 Snow, G. D., 420 Snow, G. E., 20th Mass. Inf., 420 Snow, G.
Sanders' brigade, Mahone's division, Capt. Wilson L. Brewster in command of regiment, October 31, 1864. (1239) General Forney commanding brigade, Capt. Caleb W. Brewton in command of regiment, November 30. (1367) Capt. John F. Smith in command of regiment, December 31st. No. 95—(1273) Assignment as above, Maj. Lewis W. Johnson in command of regiment about April, 1865. No. 96—( 174) Colonel Forney in command of regiment, January 31, 1865. (1272) Forney's brigade, Lee's army, Lieut.-Col. Wm. F. Smith in command of regiment. The Eleventh Alabama infantry. The Eleventh Alabama infantry was organized at Lynchburg, Va., in 1861. It was distinguished at Seven Pines, May 31 to June 1, 1862, and at Frayser's Farm, June 30th, where it charged with bayonets across an open field. It was at Second Manassas, August 30, 1862; Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, and Salem, May 3, 1863; Gettysburg, July 1 to 3, 1863; The Wilderness, May 5 to 7, 1864; Spottsylvania, May 8t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
S. Guy, 5th Sergeant S. M. McDill, 1st Corporal S. R. Williamson, 2d Corporal W. H. McConnell, Private J. F. Barber, S. Blair, R. Brandt, F. M. Chisolm, Wm. Coleman, J. K. Coleman, D. E. Dunlap, D. A. Evans, A. Gladden, H. H. Gooch, W. H. Hardin, W. A. Howell, Private S. Jackson, J. J. Lewis, J. Lucas, H. C. Mathis, J. L. McClintock, T. M. McConnell, S. M. McConnell, W. Miller, J. Miller, W. N. Nelson, Jas. Porter, S. Robinson, J. Robinson, K. B. Short, W. F. Smith, Jas. Stricker, J. String, W. F. Knox. Co. G. 2d Sergeant W. H. Williams, 3d Sergeant H. A. Glenn, Private R. F. Martin, S. G. McConnell, 5th Sergeant W. M. M. Nelson, 4th Corporal T. T. Williamson, Private R. Bankhead, J. G. Brown, N. S. Brown, W. B. Cameron, W. J. Crawford, W. B. Garrison, W. B. Gilbert, N. L. Gilbert, W. W. Kitchins, C. E. Leitner, J. T. Lemmon, Private W. B. Mobley, Theo. Mobley, J. D. Oxner, T. C. Raines, M. B. Raines, D. H. Robert
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
Peeler, Samuel L. Putman, Milas A. Stroup, Joshua Vandike, Adam Whisnaut, Newton Wright, John C. Canipe, Noah Wright. Co. G. Sergeant Thomas A. Johnson, Private Scott B. Hutchison, Columbus Abernathy, William Brotherton, Alexander S. Beaty, Alfred Cathey, Franklin C. Downs, Andrew M. Fox, John M. Hipp, Moses S. Havis, John T. Johnson, Private Isaac M. Johnson, Ezekiel King, John S. Lewing, Thadeus C. McGathy, Thomas T. McGee, George W. Rosick, William F. Smith, John W. Todd, David S. Todd, Lawson N. Todd, David L. Todd. Co. H. 1st Sergeant James D. Wesson, 2d Sergeant John T. Howell, Corporal Richard T. Morris, Private David Allin, William Cosand, David R. Houffstichle John H. Hendrick, Private William Howill, Robert Smith, James F. Scism, John T. Williams, Robert H. Weas, William Weas, James P. Francis. Co. I. Sergeant John L. McDowell, Thomas L. Carson, Private William Blunton, Robert Crisp, Milus W. F
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the siege of Chattanooga. (search)
s to open new channels for the receipt of supplies. General W. F. Smith—who after the battle of Gettysburg left the command of Davis' new division came to reinforce the victors. W. F. Smith's soldiers on landing at Brown's Ferry had found a few hght was so remarkable, found a valuable auxiliary in General W. F. Smith, whom he had appointed chief of the engineer corps trans. Under the active and intelligent direction of General W. F. Smith these soldiers had quickly understood that in fortifh will afterward carry the flooring for the bridge. General W. F. Smith has gone ahead of the brigade in order to prepare eollected by Lieutenant Drener under the direction of General W. F. Smith. Noiselessly the lines are cast off, and the flotilr Dunbar. This vessel, repaired by the direction of General W. F. Smith, was engaged throughout the night in transporting frit. Hence, notwithstanding the zeal shown, as always, by W. F. Smith and his subordinates, Colonel Buell cannot start with th
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the Editor. (search)
. Myron Baker. 4th KentuckyMaj. Robert M. Kelly. 10th KentuckyCol. Wm. H . Hays. Lieut.-col. Gabriel C. Wharton. 18th Kentucky Detached at Brown's Ferry, Tenn.Lieut.-col. Hubbard K. Milward. 14th OhioLieut.-col. Henry D. Kingsbury. 38th OhioMaj. Charles Greenwood. Artillery. Capt. George R. Swallow. 7th Indiana BatteryLieut. Otho H. Morgan. 19th Indiana BatteryLieut. Robert G. Lackey. 4th United States, Battery ILieut. Frank G. Smith. Engineer troops. Brig.-gen. William F. Smith. Engineers. 1st Michigan Engineers (detachment)Capt. Perrin V. Fox. 13th Michigan InfantryMaj. Willard G. Eaton. 21st Michigan InfantryCapt. Loomis K. Bishop. 22d Michigan InfantryMaj. Henry S. Dean. 18th Ohio InfantryCol. Timothy R. Stanley. Pioneer Brigade. Col. George P. Buell. 1st BattalionCapt. Charles J. Stewart. 2d BattalionCapt. Cornelius Smith. 3d BattalionCapt. William Clark. Artillery reserve. Brig.-gen. John M. Brannan. First divisi
Graduates. --The commencement of the Medical Department of the New York University took place on Monday. Among the graduates were the following from Virginia: Henry C. Baker, John V. Brookes, Joseph T. Bunkley, G. W. Carrington, Jno. H. Magruder. Jas. Parrish, Engene C. Powell, Colin J. Hackett, Z. B. Herndon, John A. Klein, Jno. W. Lawson, Alex. Rives, Jr., Wm. F. Smith, Robt. B. Taylor, and Franklin J. White.--From North Carolina: Thos. W. Bickett, Frank J. Drake, Robt. H. Drysdale. Wm. H. Edmondson, Jas. K Long, Jno. McDonald, Thos. Ruffin, Henry G. Flanner, W. H. L. Goodman. H. B. Herring. P. A.Holt, Thos. Lassiter, J. J. Lawrence, Wm. Little, F. H. Sea well, Starkey Sharp, Jr., Andrew J. Stone, and John L. Watkins. From Tennessee: W. H. Robertson. Benj. L. Hester, and Wm. R. Tompkins.
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