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odies of regular troops here, with two batteries, is necessary. The Lawrence insurgents await the development of this new revolutionary military organization, etc., etc. In the Governor's despatch of July 27th, he says that General Lane and his staff everywhere deny the authority of the territorial laws, and counsel a total disregard of these enactments. Without making further quotations of a similar character from other despatches of Governor Walker, it appears by a reference to Mr. Stanton's communication to General Cass, of the 9th of December last, that the important step of calling the [Territorial] Legislature together was taken after I [he] had become satisfied that the election ordered by the Convention on the 21st instant [December] could not be conducted without collision and bloodshed. So intense was the disloyal feeling among the enemies of the government established by Congress, that an election which afforded them an opportunity, if in the majority, of making K
e proposed service. This was because nearly the whole of our small army was on the remote frontiers, where it had been continually employed for years in protecting the inhabitants and the emigrants on their way to the far west, against the attacks of hostile Indians. At no former period had its services been more necessary than throughout the year 1860, from the great number of these Indians continually threatening or waging war on our distant settlements. To employ the language of Mr. Benjamin Stanton, of Ohio, in his report of the 18th February, 1861, from the military committee to the House of Representatives: The regular army numbers only 18,000 men, when recruited to its maximum strength; and the whole of this force is required upon an extended frontier, for the protection of the border settlements against Indian depredations. Indeed, the whole of it had proved insufficient for this purpose. This is established by the reports of General Scott himself to the War Department. I
otion it was recommitted, and thus killed as soon as it saw the light. It was never heard of more. Then, after another pause of nineteen days, and only a fortnight before the close of the session, the Committee on Military Affairs, through Mr. Stanton, of Ohio, their chairman, on the 18th February reported another bill Ibid., p. 1001, bill 1003, H. R. on the subject, but of a more limited character than that which had been withdrawn. It is remarkable that it contains no provision touchiouse refused to act upon it. The bill was discussed on several occasions until Tuesday, 26th February. On that day a motion was made by Mr. Corwin, of Ohio, to postpone its consideration until Thursday, the 28th February. Con. Globe, 1232. Mr. Stanton, the reporter of the bill, resisted this motion, stating that such a postponement would be fatal to it. It will, said he, be impossible after that to have it passed by the Senate (before the 4th March). He, therefore, demanded the ayes and noe
to her own fame and the welfare of the whole country, would surpass them all. This noble and patriotic effort of Virginia met no favor from Congress Neither House referred these resolutions of her General Assembly to a committee, or even treated them with the common courtesy of ordering them to be printed. In the Senate no motion was made to refer them, and the question to print them with the accompanying message was debated from time to time until the 21st February, Con. Globe, pp. 590, 636. when the Peace Convention had nearly completed its labors, and after this no further notice seems to have been taken of the subject. In the House the motion to refer and print the Virginia resolutions made by Mr. Stanton, of Ohio, on the. day they were received, was never afterwards noticed. H. J., p. 236. Con. Globe, p. 601. This mortifying neglect on the part of the Representatives of the States and of the people, made a deep and unfortunate impression on the citizens of Virginia.
ment of the session of 1860-61, public rumor gave birth to this charge. It very justly and properly attracted the attention of the House of Representatives, and from its nature demanded a rigorous investigation. Accordingly, on the motion of Mr. Stanton, of Ohio, the chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, the House adopted a resolution instructing the committee to inquire and report to the House to whom and at what price the public arms, distributed since the 1st January, 1860, had beears that the aggregate of rifles and muskets distributed in 1860 was 10,151, of which the Southern and Southwestern States received 2,849, or between one-third and one-fourth of the whole number. Such being the state of the facts, well might Mr. Stanton have observed in making this report, much to his credit for candor and fairness, that there are a good deal of rumors, and speculations, and misapprehension as to the true state of facts in regard to this matter. Congressional Globe, 1860-61,
and all the other safeguards with which the Constitution surrounds every American citizen. If, in a legislative investigation, it should appear that the public interest required the removal of any officer of the Government, no President has ever existed who, after giving him a fair hearing, would hesitate to apply the remedy. This I take to be the ancient and well-established practice. An adherence to it will best promote the harmony and the dignity of the intercourse between the coordinate branches of the Government, and render us all more respectable both in the eyes of our own countrymen and of foreign nations. James Buchanan. Washington, June 22, 1860. On the reading of this message it was, on motion of Mr. Benjamin Stanton, of Ohio, referred to a select committee, consisting of himself, Mr. Curry, Mr. Charles F. Adams, Mr. Sedgwick, and Mr. Pryor, which was instructed to report to the House at the next session. No report was ever made. Thus ended the Covode Committee.