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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 160 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 154 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3 57 1 Browse Search
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches 34 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 29 1 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4 21 1 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 4 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life 2 0 Browse Search
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Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Lowell (search)
e Italian might fare just as badly in America. Readers of Lowell's Fireside travels will have noticed that the first of them is addressed to the Edelmann Story in Rome. The true translation of this expression is Nobleman Story; that is, William W. Story, the sculptor, who modelled the statue of Edward Everett in the Boston public garden. Lowell's biographer, however, does not appear to have been aware of the full significance of this paraphrase of Story's name. When King Bomba II. was Story's name. When King Bomba II. was expelled from Naples by Garibaldi he retired to Rome with his private possessions, including a large number of oil paintings. Wishing to dispose of some of these, and being aware that Americans paid good prices, he applied to William Story to transact the business for him. This the sculptor did in a satisfactory manner; whereupon King Bomba, instead of rewarding Story with a cheque, conferred on him a patent of nobility. It seems equally strange that Story should have accepted such a dubious
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Sumner. (search)
-School that Sumner first distinguished himself. Judge Story, who had left the United States Supreme Bench to s, and the more brilliant scholar of the two; but Judge Story soon discovered that Phillips was studying as a mho works from the pure love of his subject. William W. Story, who was a boy at this time, records the fact the two following years he edited the reports of Judge Story's decisions in the United States Circuit Courts. er went to Europe and we find from his letters to Judge Story, George S. Hillard, and others, that he had alreatherwise he might have been a sheriff himself. Judge Story's letters of introduction opened the doors wide t 1844 was most probably owing to the influence of Judge Story, who had already marked Sumner out for the Supremker, but possessed greater resources for debate. Judge Story had noticed long before that facts were so carefu constitutional questions it was felt that he had Judge Story's support behind him. His oration on Freedom Nati
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Leaves from a Roman diary: February, 1869 (Rewritten in 1897) (search)
y's studio to be cleaned, and thither we all proceeded in the best possible spirits. We found a photographer named Giovanni Braccia on the floor a piano above Mr. Story; and after a lengthy discussion with him, in which Mr. Longfellow was the leading figure, he agreed to take the photographs at two napoleons a dozen. These pt their faces were mostly in shadow, with bright line along the profile,an effect which it requires skill to render. On returning to the street we looked into Mr. Story's outer room again, where the casts of all his statues were seated in a double row like persons at a theatre. Mr. Appleton was rather severe in his criticism ofs surprised he had purchased it, for it did not seem to her a satisfactory copy; a conclusion that I had been slowly coming to myself. She has a bronze replica of Story's Beethoven which, like most of his statues, is seated in a chair, and a rather realistic work, as Miss Cushman admitted. I judged from the conversation at table
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Centennial Contributions (search)
tle of an amateur, but he was the gentlemanly entertainer of those Americans who came to the city with good letters of introduction. Hawthorne evidently fell into Story's hands. He speaks slightingly of Crawford, and praises Story's statue of Cleopatra in unqualified terms; and yet there seems to have been an undercurrent of suspStory's statue of Cleopatra in unqualified terms; and yet there seems to have been an undercurrent of suspicion in his mind, for he says more than once in the Marble Faun that it would appear to be a failing with sculptors to speak unfavorably of the work of other sculptors, and this, of course, was perhaps more like Auerbach than any other writer of the nineteenth century, but still more like Goldsmith. The Vicar of Wakefield and thhless Cleopatra in the Cassel Gallery, or from Marc Antonio's small woodcut of Raphael's Cleopatra. Hawthorne was an idealist, and he idealized the materials in Story's studio, for literary purposes, just as Shakespeare idealized Henry V., who was not a magnanimous monarch at all, but a brutal, narrow-minded fighter. The discou
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 15: marriage and motherhood. (1847-1850.) (search)
y rest upon the important narrative by Mrs. William W. Story, the greater part of which was publishe marriage and placed the evidences of it in Mrs. Story's hands; but she gives from immediate authorccount, as heretofore printed, it is because Mrs. Story's original letter lies before me; and I havends, such as Mr. and Mrs. Cranch and Mr. and Mrs. Story; and she received her acquaintances, at her isclosed his love, telling her, according to Mrs. Story that he must marry her or be miserable. Shrefused to look on him as a lover, continued Mrs. Story, and insisted that it was not fitting,thy. One day, after great anxiety, she called Mrs. Story to her, and confided to her the secret of hee birth of her child. These she confided to Mrs. Story, with a book containing the narrative of herhusband. The papers were kept for a time by Mrs. Story, and at length returned to Madame Ossoli; anis narrative I will add another letter, from Mrs. Story to Mrs. J. R. Lowell, transcribed by the la[1 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 17: closing scenes. (search)
Chapter 17: closing scenes. Although Mrs. Story once read the certificate of the marriage of her friends, and had it long in her possession, she did not fix the date of it in her memory, and this will probably remain forever unknown. Their child was born September 5, 1848; and the mother was compelled, in order to disarm suy oppress me — and of yourself. Ever yours, M. O. Ms. I add one more extract from a letter, without date, but of the same period, from Madame Ossoli to Mrs. Story-- You say no secret can be kept in the civilized world, and I suppose not long. But it is very important to me to keep this for the present, if possible, (April 21, 1850):-- It was an odd combination. I had intended, if I went by way of France, to take the packet ship Argo from Havre; I had just written to Mrs. Story that I should not do so; and at the same time requested her to find Miss Fitton, who had my muff, etc.; having closed the letter, I took up Galignani, and my e
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Index. (search)
illiam, 291, 292. Shelley, P. B., 42, 134, 290, 307. Shepard, Mr., 9. Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de, 24. Slavery, American, 10, 12, 14, 126. Smith, Southwood, 229. Socrates, 309. Southey, Robert, 45, 290. Spring, Edward, 223. Spring, Marcus and Rebecca, 219, 220, 228, 239. Spurzheim, J. G., 49. Stael, Madame de, 30, 37, 45, 109 Stetson, Caleb, 142, 144. Stone, T. T., 163. Storer, Mrs. R. B., 3. Storrow, Miss Ann G., 36. Storrow, Samuel, 51, 52. Story, Joseph, 33. Story, William W., 240. Story, Mrs. William W., 238, 240, 241, 266, 275 ; narrative of, 241; letter from, 244; letter to, 268. Summer on the Lakes, 194. Sumner, Horace, 275. T. Tappan, Caroline (Sturgis), 87, 111, 154, 156, 199, 200, 211. Tasso, by Goethe, translated, 47, 63, 188. Taylor, Helen, 281. Tennyson, Alfred, 69, 220. The great Lawsuit (essay L, Dial ), 200. The Third thought, 285. Thoreau, H. D., 130, 134, 144, 154, 155, 164, 282. Thorndike, Mrs., 86. Ticknor, Geo
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 2: Parentage and Family.—the father. (search)
resigning the office, soon after his appointment as Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, wrote him a letter, stating it to be his last official act, and expressing his perfect conviction of the ability, the correctness, and impartiality with which you have discharged the important duties of your office. In 1808, he desired Mr. Sumner to become the editor of a Republican newspaper in Boston, and pressed his excellent qualifications for the position. In 1815, Mr. Sumner urged Judge Story to deliver a series of law lectures in Boston, but the judge declined, for the reason that the Royall Professorship was about to be established at Cambridge, and a course, delivered by himself, would be considered to be in competition with it. Mr. Sumner's earnestness and activity as a partisan were confined to this early period of his life. When he became sheriff, he ceased to exert political influence, or to cherish any strong preference for one party over another. After that he s
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 3: birth and early Education.—1811-26. (search)
ive-years' course in the school. note.—Since this chapter was stereotyped, there has been found among the files of the War Department a letter of Charles Pinckney Sumner to the Secretary of War, dated Nov. 22, 1825, in which he applies for a cadetship for his son Charles at West Point. This letter shows that the father's purpose to send his son to college was not formed immediately after his appointment as sheriff. The interesting part of the letter (in which he gives Mr. Webster and Judge Story as his own references) is as follows:— My oldest son, Charles Sumner, is desirous of being admitted a member of the Military Academy at West Point. He will be fifteen years old in January next. He is of a good constitution and in good health, although unusually studious. He is well acquainted with Latin and Greek; is somewhat acquainted with arithmetic and algebra, and French. He is exceedingly well acquainted with history and geography, both ancient and modern. He knows the scene
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 4: College Life.—September, 1826, to September, 1830.—age, 15-19. (search)
n his commonplace-book brief sketches (drawing the material chiefly from the Retrospective Review) of Owen Feltham, John Marston, James Howell, Thomas Fuller, Sir John Suckling, and Robert South. The notice of the autobiography of Jerome Cardan, in the Retrospective Review, specially interested him. Some of the extracts from these authors reappear in his subsequent writings and speeches. One from Beaumont, copied March 16, 1830, was applied to the Mt. Auburn Cemetery, in his tribute to Judge Story. Works, Vol. I. p. 136. For other extracts from the old English writers in his addresses, see Vol. I. pp. 10, 141, 401; Vol. II. pp. 14, 36, 42, 127. One from Marston— O, a faire cause stands firme and will abide. Legions of angels fight upon her side!— was introduced, Aug. 22, 1848, in his speech in Faneuil Hall. Orations and Speeches, Boston, 1850, Vol. II. p. 270. On March 8, 1830, he wrote thus of the Old English Writers:— I admire the old English authors. In <