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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 160 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 154 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3 57 1 Browse Search
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches 34 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 29 1 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4 21 1 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 4 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life 2 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 77 results in 9 document sections:

Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 2: Parentage and Family.—the father. (search)
resigning the office, soon after his appointment as Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, wrote him a letter, stating it to be his last official act, and expressing his perfect conviction of the ability, the correctness, and impartiality with which you have discharged the important duties of your office. In 1808, he desired Mr. Sumner to become the editor of a Republican newspaper in Boston, and pressed his excellent qualifications for the position. In 1815, Mr. Sumner urged Judge Story to deliver a series of law lectures in Boston, but the judge declined, for the reason that the Royall Professorship was about to be established at Cambridge, and a course, delivered by himself, would be considered to be in competition with it. Mr. Sumner's earnestness and activity as a partisan were confined to this early period of his life. When he became sheriff, he ceased to exert political influence, or to cherish any strong preference for one party over another. After that he s
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 3: birth and early Education.—1811-26. (search)
ive-years' course in the school. note.—Since this chapter was stereotyped, there has been found among the files of the War Department a letter of Charles Pinckney Sumner to the Secretary of War, dated Nov. 22, 1825, in which he applies for a cadetship for his son Charles at West Point. This letter shows that the father's purpose to send his son to college was not formed immediately after his appointment as sheriff. The interesting part of the letter (in which he gives Mr. Webster and Judge Story as his own references) is as follows:— My oldest son, Charles Sumner, is desirous of being admitted a member of the Military Academy at West Point. He will be fifteen years old in January next. He is of a good constitution and in good health, although unusually studious. He is well acquainted with Latin and Greek; is somewhat acquainted with arithmetic and algebra, and French. He is exceedingly well acquainted with history and geography, both ancient and modern. He knows the scene
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 4: College Life.—September, 1826, to September, 1830.—age, 15-19. (search)
n his commonplace-book brief sketches (drawing the material chiefly from the Retrospective Review) of Owen Feltham, John Marston, James Howell, Thomas Fuller, Sir John Suckling, and Robert South. The notice of the autobiography of Jerome Cardan, in the Retrospective Review, specially interested him. Some of the extracts from these authors reappear in his subsequent writings and speeches. One from Beaumont, copied March 16, 1830, was applied to the Mt. Auburn Cemetery, in his tribute to Judge Story. Works, Vol. I. p. 136. For other extracts from the old English writers in his addresses, see Vol. I. pp. 10, 141, 401; Vol. II. pp. 14, 36, 42, 127. One from Marston— O, a faire cause stands firme and will abide. Legions of angels fight upon her side!— was introduced, Aug. 22, 1848, in his speech in Faneuil Hall. Orations and Speeches, Boston, 1850, Vol. II. p. 270. On March 8, 1830, he wrote thus of the Old English Writers:— I admire the old English authors. In <
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 6: Law School.—September, 1831, to December, 1833.—Age, 20-22. (search)
n students have been often commemorated. Judge Story's method as a teacher is described in his Lofessor Ashmun was the sole instructor when Judge Story was absent on judicial duty at Washington, with the school as pupil or instructor. Judge Story was at first attracted to Sumner by a long-one dwelt much in his thoughts. Fascinated by Story's learning and fame, he looked probably to theen law and equity, then much misconceived. Judge Story noted it, in his Equity Jurisprudence, as aril 18, You speak rapturously of the girl. Judge Story's enthusiasm for Miss Kemble quite equalledSumner. It was during his law-studies that Judge Story and my father recognized his uncommon abilis joined us, and we sat on the portico; for Judge Story, fearing some accident would occur, would nster could not wait for it; but I staid with Mrs. Story until it rose to its full height and was safs time certainly, Gray was his favorite; W. W. Story gave Sumner, Jan. 1, 1834, a copy of Milton[14 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 11: Paris.—its schools.—January and February, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
gfellow, Felton, Cleveland, Charles S. Daveis, Dr. Lieber, and William W. Story. Most of these letters, as well as some to his family, are preet this evening and renew old scenes and recollections. And to Judge Story, Feb. 7: It is now two months since I left the United States, anChamber of Deputies, the courts, Versailles, and Pere La Chaise (Judge Story will start at this) are still unvisited. I have delivered but fne, and I have accepted his invitation. I talked with Foelix of Judge Story. He told me that there was no lawyer in France equal to him, thdid not even know of the existence of all these books. Thus has Judge Story beaten them on their own ground. After this, talked with regardomparative facility, but of course with constant blunders. To Judge Story. Paris, Feb. 14, 1838. my dear Judge,—. . . I have not yet hsures relating to this branch of jurisprudence. Sumner wrote to Judge Story, April 21: I have spent a long evening with Bravard, Professor o
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 12: Paris.—Society and the courts.—March to May, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
a fragment of his travels in Bolivia. To Judge Story, Cambridge. Paris, March 30, 1838. my derving. His motion and step reminded me of Judge Story's, as also did his animated voice and manneg to look off his paper. Sumner wrote to Judge Story, April 21, that Dupin, the first lawyer of and the reasons which led to its adoption. Judge Story's Commentaries on the Constitution are execr affectionate friend, Chas. Sumner. To Judge Story. Paris, April 21, 1838. my dear Judge. affectionately yours, Chas. Sumner. To Judge Story. Paris, May 10, 1838. my dear Judge,—Myand As ever yours, Chas. Sumner. To Judge Story. Paris, May 14, 1838. I have just come you on my arrival in London, and to hear of Mrs. Story restored in health and spirits and again theequent visit to Germany. In his tribute to Judge Story, of Sept. 16, 1845, he said:— It has bes, he endeavored to promote the election of Judge Story as a member of the French Institute, and fo
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 13: England.—June, 1838, to March, 1839.—Age, 27-28. (search)
odmin, and more at length at Liverpool. To Judge Story he wrote, Aug. 18: Never did I enjoy so muc1841, Vol. III. p. 403. as the reporter of Judge Story's decisions, who recently paid a visit of lso brought letters of introduction from Mr. Justice Story, with whom I was in constant correspondealso rendered a similar service for some of Judge Story's law treatises. He was assiduous in commed books for the Harvard Law School, and for Judge Story, Professor Greenleaf, and Luther S. Cushingdence, writing often and at great length to Judge Story of lawyers, judges, law-writers, law-books,m Europe, except a part of those written to Judge Story. Those received by Story and Hillard were pg his friends in Boston and Cambridge. William W. Story writes concerning Sumner's European journ p. 198. Such thoughts appear in letters to Judge Story, Aug. 18, 1838; Dr. Lieber, Nov. 16 and Deco not neglect to write. In a tribute to Judge Story, Sept. 16, 1845, Sumner referred to English
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 14: first weeks in London.—June and July, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
Yours affectionately, Chas. Sumner. To Judge Story, Cambridge. London, June 14, 1838. my d. His friendly relations at Washington with Judge Story brought the latter into a correspondence wipy vacation to you with all my heart! To Judge Story. Alfred Club, June 27, 1838. my dear Juness has been my greatest happiness. I hope Mrs. Story is well; I shall write her an account of som To-morrow is the Coronation. A letter to Mrs. Story giving an account of the Coronation on June 8 has not been found. It is referred to in Judge Story's letter to Sumner of August 11, 1838. Stornote of Nov. 11, 1838, to Sumner, on receiving Story's Law of Agency, is printed in Judge Story's LJudge Story's Life and Letters, Vol. II. p. 305. (I have not yet met him, except in court). He is still a young m840, Vol. LXVII. pp. 1-53. See a letter of Judge Story to him, which furnished suggestions for thempossible for any man to fulfil them. To Judge Story. Boston——think of that! my dear Judge,—[5 more...
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 15: the Circuits.—Visits in England and Scotland.—August to October, 1838.—age, 27. (search)
. As ever, affectionately yours, Chas. Sumner. To Judge Story. Liverpool, Aug. 18, 1838. My dear Judge,—. . . Clay's did not seem to call up any particular idea. Of Judge Story he spoke more at length than of any other, and expressedaddened by your letter of Aug. 10 and its enclosure, and Judge Story's generous double letter of Aug. 11; also Cushing's and . As ever, affectionately yours, Chas. Sumner. To Judge Story. Lanfire House, Sept. 28, 1838. my dear Judge,—Your at Edinburgh, of which Scott was President. I am glad Mrs. Story is so well, and hope I shall not be forgotten in your hocellor, on light, one of them fourteen pages long. To Judge Story. Strachur Park, Oct. 4, 1838. my dear Judge,—I am thd silver. As ever, affectionately yours, Chas. To Judge Story. Wentworth House, Murray's Handbook for Yorkshire, pp., 1838, invited Sumner, who brought a letter to him from Judge Story, to dine at his house in Curzon Street, and meet Lord an<