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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 44: Secession.—schemes of compromise.—Civil War.—Chairman of foreign relations Committee.—Dr. Lieber.—November, 1860April, 1861. (search)
spect of bankruptcy. George Livermore wrote Sumner, December 12: It is an awful time for merchant meeting, contains an appreciative estimate of Sumner. If Adams had been the candidate in 1872 again slavery or new muniments for its perpetuity. Sumner deplored the distraction which the compromisinre applauded at the meeting. Durant denounced Sumner, and referred to the break between him and Adant to the revision of any doubtful provision. Sumner was most earnest in his protests against a repe session the Morrill tariff bill was passed. Sumner made an effort without success to put engravinn in 1871. Works, vol. v. pp. 484-491. Sumner's new position was altogether congenial to hiswhich Dr. Howe was identified in his youth. Sumner, as was his habit, lingered at Washington afteto Dr. Lieber, who closed the correspondence. Sumner, to his credit, kept silent as to the breach, and Letters, p. 318. It somewhat corroborates Sumner's view of Lieber's conformity to Southern opin[85 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 45: an antislavery policy.—the Trent case.—Theories of reconstruction.—confiscation.—the session of 1861-1862. (search)
on.—confiscation.—the session of 1861-1862. Sumner was in Washington ten days in the latter half to join the rebellion, and Andrew Johnson, Sumner, July 24, in asking to have Johnson's resolutiIllinois, Polk of Missouri, and Breckinridge. Sumner's frequent motions for executive sessions showated to the prosecution of the war, with which Sumner expressed his concurrence in presenting an antal. Schemes of confiscation were started; and Sumner introduced two bills for the punishment of conon of slavery; and he was greatly attracted to Sumner, both on account of common sentiments and the onists, headed by that great and good man, Charles Sumner. The Duchess of Argyll wrote Sumner, Dec.Sumner, Dec. 1, 1861, that while foreigners who had been close observers of American politics might be expected yeas to fifty-five nays; Lovejoy, answering Sumner's note of congratulation, wrote, July 11: Our The President received him kindly, and when Mr. Sumner said that he had come to make an important r[6 more...]<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 46: qualities and habits as a senator.—1862. (search)
n two kindred characters,— John Bright and Charles Sumner. See estimates in W. H. Channing's Lifes praise and dispraise. J. W. Forney wrote of Sumner (Anecdotes of public Men, vol. II. p. 262): Wen to Washington on business, and have asked Mr. Sumner's aid,—it would be difficult, if not impossi have ever sent to Congress. The period of Sumner's chairmanship of the committee on foreign re an eminent judge,—John Lowell, of Boston. and Sumner did as much of it as most men holding his relaon among those who were as free as himself. Sumner's style was deliberate. He sometimes introducafter his return from this country to France. Sumner's intimate communication with foreigners, at all think of the senator from Massachusetts. Sumner's admirers often named their children for him.s, who as a class had not looked with favor on Sumner. Daily intercourse, as was often the case, chton, as well as at Boston and on the seashore, Sumner was always welcome to lodge or dine. The in[13 more...
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 47: third election to the Senate. (search)
President was completely met by a letter from Sumner, which was widely published. Works, vol. Vpublic by the senator's friend, Mr. Alley. Sumner as well as his friends saw the importance of hh service. Letter of the Duchess of Argyll to Sumner, Dec. 3, 1862. In the beginning he spoke, on the production of cotton. Having found in Sumner his most effective support, he wrote him on hithe manufacturers his peculiar indebtedness to Sumner. Shortly after, Mr. Child sought Sumner's infSumner's influence for an internal revenue appointment, and failing to receive it turned against him, first speathe business interests of his constituents. Sumner found eloquent and able support in different dhe Legislature in January following re-elected Sumner by a vote of two hundred and twenty-seven to f it repelled a considerable number of voters. Sumner wrote to Mr. Bright, October 28:— I wish Iey and the Clyde on an unprecedented scale. Sumner's first reference to these ships. I hope that [4 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 48: Seward.—emancipation.—peace with France.—letters of marque and reprisal.—foreign mediation.—action on certain military appointments.—personal relations with foreigners at Washington.—letters to Bright, Cobden, and the Duchess of Argyll.—English opinion on the Civil War.—Earl Russell and Gladstone.—foreign relations.—1862-1863. (search)
ularly in the statement which includes Grimes, Sumner, and Trumbull as attacking the Cabinet generalreferred in the Cabinet, entered heartily into Sumner's view, and expressed himself in an elaborate ,—Switzerland, for instance, and in letters to Sumner, March 16 and Sept. 24, 1863, expressed his grr his efforts in securing its ratification. Sumner's public action concerning individuals was nev felt his shafts, she was the only mourner. Sumner wrote to Mr. Cobden, March 16, 1863:— I d been very indiscreet. Mr. Bright wrote to Sumner, October 10, 1862:— I write to you from ify one. The Address grieved sorely some of Sumner's dearest friends in England. The Argylls wrorts. Already, before his Address, but without Sumner's knowledge at the time, the Cabinet had shownurt), was the most active and the best read. Sumner put confidence in his judgment and learning, auestions with Great Britain. One product of Sumner's vacation was a magazine article on Franklin'[134 more...
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 49: letters to Europe.—test oath in the senate.—final repeal of the fugitive-slave act.—abolition of the coastwise slave-trade.—Freedmen's Bureau.—equal rights of the colored people as witnesses and passengers.—equal pay of colored troops.—first struggle for suffrage of the colored people.—thirteenth amendment of the constitution.— French spoliation claims.—taxation of national banks.— differences with Fessenden.—Civil service Reform.—Lincoln's re-election.—parting with friends.—1863-1864. (search)
e earnest support and eager instigation of Charles Sumner. Their statement is not supported by his New York concerning a candidate for President, Sumner wrote from Boston, September 3: Your lette one. In the change from Hamlin to Johnson, Sumner took no part whatever. While always ready for appeared in the Scotsman, Jan. 7, 1865. Both Sumner and Lord Airlie were annoyed by the publicatiocause in the great crisis of the struggle. Sumner wrote to Mr. Cobden, September 18:— Bearo see that his people voted for McClellan. Sumner contributed two articles to a Boston journal o, in the last letter but one which he wrote to Sumner, objected to his use of England's old doings ahad visited Washington in January, when he and Sumner met for the last time. His last letter, writtounty, Ohio, of which he was a member, invited Sumner to deliver a eulogy upon him, and his son-in-eptance; but Sumner was obliged to decline. Sumner paid, March 29, 1864, an affectionate tribute [15 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 50: last months of the Civil War.—Chase and Taney, chief-justices.—the first colored attorney in the supreme court —reciprocity with Canada.—the New Jersey monopoly.— retaliation in war.—reconstruction.—debate on Louisiana.—Lincoln and Sumner.—visit to Richmond.—the president's death by assassination.—Sumner's eulogy upon him. —President Johnson; his method of reconstruction.—Sumner's protests against race distinctions.—death of friends. —French visitors and correspondents.—1864-1865. (search)
o invade neutral territory is a grave step. Sumner commented on the order in the Senate, Dec. 19,for some months, took place October 10, 1864. Sumner had regarded his friend and coadjutor, S. P. Cd, was then latent and untried. Nevertheless, Sumner was determined to make the issue, without calce the Senate. Horace Greeley in a letter to Sumner, June 26, 1864, approved this effort, and wishesident neither vetoed nor signed the bill; Sumner and other senators and representatives called nitiated under the President's direction, when Sumner addressed the Senate. He set forth as objectike up the resolution concerning Louisiana, and Sumner urged instead the consideration of the interst1098, 1103, 1104. There was a colloquy between Sumner and Johnson as to the power of a State to estae which the President had greatly at heart. Sumner referred to Collamer's views in his tribute topublican senators held shortly after, in which Sumner, who was always sensitive to whatever concerne[84 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 51: reconstruction under Johnson's policy.—the fourteenth amendment to the constitution.—defeat of equal suffrage for the District of Columbia, and for Colorado, Nebraska, and Tennessee.—fundamental conditions.— proposed trial of Jefferson Davis.—the neutrality acts. —Stockton's claim as a senator.—tributes to public men. —consolidation of the statutes.—excessive labor.— address on Johnson's Policy.—his mother's death.—his marriage.—1865-1866. (search)
and believe me gratefully and sincerely yours, Charles Sumner. To Whittier he wrote, October 17:— Tew weeks in Newport and at the family home in Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner began to occupy, just before the sessMrs. Sumner began to occupy, just before the session in December, 1866, a house in Washington,—322 I Street. The various preparations for housekeeping were madeught, to be sold a year later,—the only beasts that Sumner ever owned. During the winter he and his wife parter a secret, and was noted in the public journals. Sumner retained the sympathy and support of all his friendf all:— Cambridge, Oct. 2, 1867. My dear Sumner—You have my deepest and truest silent sympathy. avert the catastrophe, and expressing his faith in Sumner's manly strength and magnanimity, hoped for a while nor any of his family in their correspondence with Sumner (still preserved) ever complained or hinted to him e. Some years later there was a divorce procured at Sumner's instance, but without controversy,—the couns
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 52: Tenure-of-office act.—equal suffrage in the District of Columbia, in new states, in territories, and in reconstructed states.—schools and homesteads for the Freedmen.—purchase of Alaska and of St. Thomas.—death of Sir Frederick Bruce.—Sumner on Fessenden and Edmunds.—the prophetic voices.—lecture tour in the West.—are we a nation?1866-1867. (search)
t would impose a similar disability on him. Sumner recurred to the question of a senator's right uggestion being made that it would be debated, Sumner said, Oh, no, I think not! Let us pass it thr States should be admitted to representation. Sumner made an earnest effort for equal suffrage, butonvenience and denied their binding force. Sumner was unsuccessful in an effort to strike the woill a few days later. July 17, Globe, p. 701. Sumner carried at this time a bill to prevent exclusi1051-1053; February 28, Globe, pp. 1899, 1911. Sumner had at the time they were made in 1865 protest American States and Territories. Letter of Sumner to Hiram Barney, and of Mr. Hilgard to Sumner he committee-Cameron, Patterson, and Harlan—to Sumner's fair and honorable dealing with the businessinvestment. Harlan answered the inquiry as to Sumner's acting fairly in the transaction thus: None leased with the description of his qualities. Sumner, in the interview, could not account for Fesse[102 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, chapter 10 (search)
ellow wrote in his diary, October 2: Dine with Sumner for the last time in the old house. At sunset1, by Mrs. Janet Chase Hoyt; Chaplin's Life of Sumner, pp. 471-479. In one corner, the one farthestu should carry on the proposed compilation. Sumner had, after consultation with Seward, called ins fitted out in that country. Both Seward and Sumner were desirous that Mr. Bemis should arrange thhim on measures which he had greatly at heart, Sumner received most friendly treatment. The impeahich upon the record secured the acquittal. Sumner, taking the view that the proceeding was politode of deciding questions between nations. Sumner made an elaborate speech in favor of a return arly the naming of the date of resumption. But Sumner, who always assigned to moral forces (in this id? An obstinate throat trouble, for which Sumner sought the advice of an eminent specialist, Dr meeting in January, 1869, promptly re-elected Sumner for his fourth and last term, with a unanimity[88 more...]