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and best men. In connection with this movement, I cannot speak in too high praise of Major Chandler, Capts. Baldwin, Walker and Adams, and Lieuts. Henry and Sutherland, who assisted greatly in cheering on the men. During this encounter, Major Chandler and Lieutenant Sutherland were wounded and fell, and were probably taken priLieutenant Sutherland were wounded and fell, and were probably taken prisoners. The officers and men behaved with great courage during the whole time. The following is a list of casualties in the engagement: Major Chandler, missing, and supposed to be wounded and a prisoner. Company A--Killed--Private Julius A. Phelps, of Brookline, Mass. Wounded — H. Finnily, of Boston; J. C. Singer, of Bosty, in the leg; E. B. Nichols, badly, and missing. Missing — George E. Wright. Company D--Killed--Sergeant Fred. Ran, of Boston. Wounded and missing--Lieut. William Sutherland, Sergeant Isaac Williams, Corporal William E. Rice, Private John Kyle. Company E--Wounded--Lieut. Miles Farwell, slight; Sergeant Thomas Strongman, in
course when a chance shall present itself. M. Smith, Senior Officer. Casualties on the Sassacus. United States steamer Sassacus, May 6, 1864. Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of casualties arising on board this ship from the engagement of the fifth instant: James M. Hobby, first assistant engineer, scalded severely; G. H. Doyle, first class fireman, ditto; Thomas Welch, first class fireman, scalded, perhaps fatally; James Tillot, first class fireman, William Sutherland, first class fireman, Edward Kelly, second class fireman, and Joseph Murray, second class fireman, scalded and wounded, perhaps fatally; O. H. Merrell, second class fireman, scalded very severely; Charles White, second class fireman, scalded very severely; Thomas Johnson, second coal-heaver, killed; John English, coal-heaver, M. Sullivan, coal-heaver, and E. Sullivan, coal-heaver, scalded; E. H. Mayer, ensign, and E. Sawyer, ensign, contusion, not severe; E. Clayton, ordinary seaman, a
nd file killed, 13 wounded, one missing. 18th Regiment. One rank and file killed, four wounded, and one missing. 23d Regiment. Lieut. Col. Bery Bernard wounded. Four rank and file killed, 26 wounded, six missing. 38th Regiment. Lieut. William Sutherland wounded. One serjeant wounded. Four rank and file killed, 11 wounded. 43d Regiment. Lieut. Hall wounded and prisoner. Four rank and file killed, five wounded, two missing. 47th Regiment. Lieut. Donald McCloud, Ensign Henry Baldwght-infantry were ordered away to the right, and ascended the height in one line, on which the Yankees quitted it without firing, which they did for one or two heights more successively.—Four officers of eight at the Bridge were wounded (Lts. William Sutherland of 38th, Waldron Kelly of 10th—wounded again at Bunker Hill-Edward Gould of King's Own, and Edward Hall of 43d), three men killed, one sergeant and several men wounded. Before the whole had quitted the town they were fired on from hou
65, 281, 303 Steel, 196 Stephens, 303, 348 Sterling, 223 Stetson, 118, 119, 226, 276, 303 Stevens, 217,233,265, 303 Stewart, 68, 348 Stiles, 333 St. Lawrence, 303, 326 Stoddard, 272 Stone, 68, 104, 107, 108, 169, 187, 188,199, 213, 225, 262, 269, 303, 304, 310, 314, 315, 317, 339 Storer, 24, 25, 33 Story, 135 Stoughton, 116, 230, 231, 304 Stowe, 170, 228 Stuart, 95, 304 Sullivan, 112, 304, 342, 347, 348 Sumner, 161, 162, 164, 224, 304 Sutherland, 53, 55 Sutton, 348 Swaim, 172, 175, 176 Swain, 306,348 Swallow, 235 Swan, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 37, 48, 83, 93, 94, 97, 105, 106, 111, 112, 114, 115, 121, 131, 138,139, 154, 167-69, 172, 173, 187, 198, 205, 215, 231, 236, 249, 258, 260-63, 267, 275, 278, 280, 283, 289, 292,296, 301,304-07, 308-10, 313, 314, 322, 323 Sweetser, 307 Swett, 228 Switcher, 277, 307 Symmes, 37, 38, 94, 140, 171, 172, 176, 178, 266, 268, 280, 289, 307,312, 330, 335 Tapley, 307, 311
Arrests. --Charles P. Bachler and Ella Johnson were arrested on Saturday night for improper conduct in the streets, and unlawfully taking possession of a hack belonging to Wm. Sutherland. John Griffiths and Wm. Gentry were taken into custody for breaking a window while under the influence of liquor; and Wm. Jones D. M. Allen for making a disturbance in Metropolitan Hall. A few street loggers were aroused and locked up, and the several cases will be disposed of by the Mayor this morning.