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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Confederate dead in Stonewall Cemetery, Winchester, Va. Memorial services, June 6, 1894. (search)
ie Fuller, Kate Lewis; third row, Misses Lucy and Minnie Jones; fourth row, Misses Gettie and Laura McGuire; fifth row, Mrs. John McCoy and daughters; sixth row, Misses Nannie Krebs, Mary and Louisa Clark and Carrie Brent; seventh and eighth rows, Misses Nannie and Lilly Boyd, Mrs. Worthington, Miss L. D. Williams; ninth row, Misses Mary Tidball and Annie Conrad. Georgia, Mrs. Peter Kurtz, Mrs. V. W. Striker, Misses Vie Smith, Katie Trier, Mary and Lizzie Striker; Unknown Monument, Miss Belle Hollis and sisters, the Misses Simms; Texas, Mrs. Wm. Byrd and daughters; Arkansas, the Misses Mesmer and Mrs. Thomas Mesmer; Kentucky, Miss Mary and Miss Julia Kurtz, and little Mary Faulkner; Maryland, Misses Nellie, Kate and Mary Cover; Louisiana, Mrs. Geo. Grim and daughters, Mrs. Geo. Taylor and daughters, Misses Evie Haymaker, Lula Haymaker, Emma Wigginton and May Legg. The arch in Louisiana lot was beautiful and extravagantly admired. [From the Richmond. Va., Dispatch, August 19, 1894.]