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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 11.81 (search)
a sense of duty I addressed the following telegram, June 16th, 7:45 A. M., to General Lee: Prisoner captured this A. M. reports that he belongs to Hancock's corps (Second), and that it crossed day before yesterday and last night from Harrison's Landing. Could we not have more reenforcements here? No direct answer was received to the above. But in reply to another dispatch of mine, June 16th, 4 P. M., relative to tugs and transports of the enemy reported to have been seen that day by Major Terrett, General Lee sent this message: The transports you mention have probably returned Butler's troops. Has Grant been seen crossing James River This shows that Lee was still uncertain as to his adversary's movements, and, notwithstanding the information already furnished him, could not realize that the Federals had crossed the James, and that three of their corps were actually assaulting the Petersburg lines. General Hancock, the ranking Federal officer present, had been instructed by Ge
sed the Potomac by the aqueduct and the long bridge, and by steamer at Alexandria, and took possession of Arlington heights, Alexandria and the intermediate front of the Potomac, driving out the Confederates, some 500 men, from Alexandria, at half-past 4, and capturing Ball's company of cavalry. The Confederates fell back to Manassas and the Federals at once began fortifying their front, after advancing their pickets several miles on the roads leading into Virginia. The supposition of Colonel Terrett, who evacuated Alexandria, was that the Federals proposed to advance toward Leesburg. The next day Bonham reported to Lee that he then had at Manassas Junction but 500 infantry, four pieces of artillery and one troop of cavalry. Before the opening of the Manassas campaign there were a number of minor affairs, of which a condensed account may be here given: On May 21st, and again on June 1st, two armed steamers attacked the Confederate battery established at Aquia creek on the Po
Lynchburg has about 800 soldiers already in or ready for service. Hurrah for Lynchburg. It is asserted that over three hundred applications have been made at the State Department for letters of marque and reprisal. Gen. Jackson, of Wood, is not in favor of the disintegration of Virginia. Messrs. Brands & Korner have commenced the manufacture of drums, in Columbus, Ga. Major Terrett has command of the forces at Alexandria. The peach crop in the vicinity of Cincinnati has been entirely cut off. Hon. R. M. T. Hunter is on his way to Montgomery.
Offer of service. --The notorious E. Z. C. Judson (Ned Buntline) had an interview with Secretary Cameron on Monday morning, and tendered to the Government a regiment composed of fifteen hundred practical hunters and sharp-shooters from the western part of New York State. The same fellow strayed over to Alexandria on Monday, and was arrested by the Virginia pickets; but Col. Terrett ordered his release.
The occupation of Alexandria. Passengers from Alexandria yesterday report that on Friday morning. Col. Terrett received information that the Federal troops would occupy the city at six o'clock, and immediate preparations were made for the Virginia troops to leave. Ellsworth's Regiment of Fire Zouaves, in two steamers, touched the wharf about that hour, and disembarked in three minutes, formed into companies, and proceeded into town at double quick time, whooping and shouting in the New York fireman fashion. It appears that Capt. Ball, of the Fairfax cavalry, had told his command that the Federal troops would not be there until 8 o'clock, and a portion of them laid down to sleep. The consequence was that forty of these soldiers were taken prisoners. The Federal troops hurried on the Depot, but the train, with Virginia troops and passengers, moved away just in time to escape. Regarding the shooting of Ellsworth, by Mr. Jackson, two statements are made.--One is t
zation of both Houses, will probably be the election of an United States Senator. The garrisoning of Fort Washington. The Alexandria Sentinel thus notices the garrisoning of Fort Washington, on the Potomac, nearly opposite Mount Vernon: Alexandria has seen a speck of "the war," so far as it has as yet progressed — the movements of troops. On Saturday evening the steamer Philadelphia conveyed a company of United States marines, consisting of forty privates, under command of Major Terrett, Lieutenants Mear and Webb, three sergeants, three corporals, to Fort Washington, about seven miles below our city, on the Maryland shore. For many years Fort Washington has been without any other keeper than an old soldier, who lived as lonely as a hermit, save when his solitude was broken and his solicitude stirred by the visits of Sabbath School excursion parties to play and picnic amid its shade and upon its green slopes. Now, uniforms flash within its walls and upon its rampar
The Norfolk Day Book says that a gentleman of that city has just received a letter from his son at the University of Virginia, asking if he shall pay his board for the next six months; that the young men at the University were rapidly enlisting in the various military organizations of the State, and making every preparation to leave in case the State needed their services. The United States Marines still maintain their position at Fort Washington, without further reinforcements. Maj. Terrett has been relieved from the command of the fortress by Capt. Taylor, of the Marine Corps. Capt. Taylor is a native of Alexandria, Va. There was a mass meeting at Nottoway Court-House, Va., on Tuesday. Although the mud was deep and the weather inclement the attendance was very large. The Rev. Edward Martin, of the Presbyterian Church, and Dr. Campbell, both made eloquent speeches in favor of arming the county, and $5,000 was subsequently raised in the form of county bonds. The Notto
ught it my duty to enlighten you on this subject. In behalf of your military readers, be it stated that we get drilled now in light infantry and skirmish drill, which latter makes a sad havoc in our "garde-robe." This drill having mostly to be performed kneeling and lying, so that, as the most of us look now, we would not be fit to parade through the streets of Richmond or in Capitol Square. Our regiment, with the 11th and 17th, all Virginia volunteers, form the Fourth Brigade, under Col. Terrett. We received an order last week to remove our quarters to within the entrenchments; but as the doctor reported our present place healthier than the one we had to move to, the order was countermanded. Mr. Editor, are not you of my opinion, that when we once come back to Richmond, and intend to settle down, i. e., choose a helpmate, we can cut out all the young men who have volunteered to stay at home to protect the firesides! Besides military accomplishments, we acquire all the arts
Gen. Longstreet. --A correspondent of the Lynchburg Republican writes from Manassas Junction that Brigadier General James Longstreet, a gallant soldier of the Mexican war; has been assigned the command of the 4th Brigade now stationed there, and lately commanded by Col. Terrett. He was the first man to plant the U. S. flag on the wall of Chepultepec, after Major Selden was shot down.
rps of the army at present, embracing gentlemen of distinction in the profession, who had quit lucrative private practice, by their services in the field and succeed heavily, did high honor to their profession. The of the Department were effectively distinguished under the administration of my of artillery and Courages, Goisani C. Jones. At one time, when reports of evil reached Camp Pleasant, with such ability as to give reasonable grounds of anxiety, its commander, Colonel Terrett, the commander of the entrenches batteries, Captain Sterrett, of the Confederate States Navy, and their officers, made the most efficient possible preparations for the desperate defence of that position in extremity; and in this connection, I regret my inability to mention the names of those patriotic gentlemen of Virginia, by the gratuitous labor of whose slaves the entrenched camp a Manassas had been mainly constructed, relieving the troops from that laborious service, and giving oppo