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M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 3, line 84 (search)
himself.' At this Metellus yielded from the path; And as the gates rolled backward, echoed loud Quoted by Dante and applied to the gates of Purgatory. 'Purg.,' ix., 129. The rock Tarpeian, and the temple's depths Gave up the treasure which for centuries No hand had touched: all that the Punic foe And Perses and Philippus conquered gave, And all the gold which Pyrrhus panic-struck Left when he fled: that gold,That is, the gold offered by Pyrrhus, and refused by Fabricius, which, after the final defeat of Pyrrhus, came into the possession of the victors. the price of Rome, Which yet Fabricius sold not, and the hoard Laid up by saving sires; the tribute sent By Asia's richest nations; and the wealth Which conquering Metellus brought from Crete, And Cato See Plutarch, 'Cato,' 34, 39. bore from distant Cyprus home; And last, the riches torn from captive kings And borne before Pompeius when he came In frequent triumph. Thus was robbed the shrine, And Caesar first brought poverty to Rome.
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 3, line 169 (search)
hordes Dipped fresh their darts in poison, whom the stream Of Bactros bounds and vast Hyrcanian woods. Hence springs that rugged nation swift and fierce, Descended from the Twins' great charioteer.A race called Heniochi, said to be descended from the charioteer of Castor and Pollux. Nor failed Sarmatia, nor the tribes that dwell By richest Phasis, and on Halys' banks, Which sealed the doom of Croesus king; nor where From far Rhipaean ranges Tanais flows, On either hand a quarter of the world, Asia and Europe, and in winding course Carves out a continent; nor where the strait In boiling surge pours to the Pontic deep Maeotis' waters, rivalling the pride Of those Herculean pillar-gates that guard The entrance to an ocean. Thence with hair In golden fillets, Arimaspians came, And fierce Massagetae, who quaff the blood Of the brave steed on which they fight and flee. Not when great Cyrus on Memnonian realms His warriors poured; nor when, their weapons piled,Effusis telis. I have so taken t
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 6, line 750 (search)
their fate, and theirs alone, ' This battle shall decide. Nor seek to know ' From me thy fortunes: for the fates in time ' Shall give thee all thy due; and thy great sire,Referring probably to an episode intended to be introduced in a later book, in which the shade of Pompeius was to foretell his fate to Sextus. ' A surer prophet, in Sicilian fields 'Shall speak thy future-doubting even he ' What regions of the world thou shouldst avoid ' And what shouldst seek. O miserable race! ' Europe and Asia and Libya's plains,Cnaeus was killed in Spain after the battle of Munda; Sextus at Miletus; Pompeius himself, of course, in Egypt. ' Which saw your conquests, now shall hold alike ' Your burial-place-nor has the earth for you ' A happier land than this.' His task performed, He stands in mournful guise, with silent look Asking for death again; yet could not die Till mystic herb and magic chant prevailed. For nature's law, once used, had power no more To slay the corpse and set the spirit free.
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 9, line 410 (search)
One-third of all the world,Compare Herodotus, ii., 16: 'For they all say that the earth is divided into three parts, Europe, Asia and Libya.' See Bunbury's 'Ancient Geography,' i., 145, 146. I read par in this passage, preferring it to pars with Francken. if fame we trust, Is Libya; yet by winds and sky she proves Equal to Europ Scythian Tanais are remote From furthest Gades, where with bending coast, Yielding a place to Ocean, Europe parts From Afric shores. Yet falls the larger world To Asia only. From the former two Issues the Western wind; but Asia's right Touches the Southern limits and her left The Northern tempest's home, and of the East She's misAsia's right Touches the Southern limits and her left The Northern tempest's home, and of the East She's mistress to the rising of the Sun. All that is fertile of the Afric lands Lies to the west, but even here abound No wells of water: though the Northern wind, Infrequent, leaving us with skies serene, Falls there in showers. Not gold nor wealth of brass It yields the seeker; pure and unalloyed Down to its lowest depths is Libyan soil.
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 9, line 839 (search)
d the host ' Which knows thy secret seeks the furthest world. ' Perchance some greater wonders on our path ' May still await us; in the waves be plunged ' Heaven's constellations, and the lofty pole 'Stoop from its height. By further space removed ' No land, than Juba's realm; by rumour's voice ' Drear, mournful. Haply for this serpent land ' There may we long, where yet some living thing ' Gives consolation. Not my native land ' Nor European fields I hope for now ' Lit by far other suns, nor Asia's plains. ' But in what land, what region of the sky, ' Where left we Africa? But now with frosts ' Cyrene stiffened: have we changed the laws ' Which rule the seasons, in this little space? ' Cast from the world we know, 'neath other skies ' And stars we tread; behind our backs the home ' Of southern tempests: Rome herself perchance ' Now lies beneath our feet. Yet for our fates ' This solace pray we, that on this our track ' Pursuing Caesar with his host may come.' Thus was their stubborn p
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 9, line 938 (search)
ide, He crossed the sea and reached the Thracian strait For love renowned; where on the mournful shore Rose Hero's tower, and Helle born of cloud Took from the rolling waves their former name. Nowhere with shorter space the sea divides Europe from Asia; though Pontus parts By scant division from Byzantium's hold Chalcedon oyster-rich: and small the strait Through which Propontis pours the Euxine wave. Then marvelling at their ancient fame, he seeks Sigeum's sandy beach and Simois' stream, Rhoete'The Phrygian peoples, here in glad return 'Italia's sons shall build a Pergamus And from these stones shall rise a Roman Troy.' He seeks his fleet, and eager to regain Time spent at Ilium, to the favouring breeze Spreads all his canvas. Past rich Asia borne, Rhodes soon he left while foamed the sparkling main Beneath his keels; nor ceased the wind to stretch His bending sails, till on the seventh night The Pharian beam proclaimed Egyptian shores. But day arose, and veiled the nightly lamp Ere r
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 10, line 1 (search)
of Philip lies, The famed Pellaean robber, Fortune's friend, Snatched off by fate, in vengeance for the world. In sacred sepulchre the hero's limbs, Which should be scattered o'er the earth, repose, Still spared by Fortune to these tyrant days: For in a world to freedom once recalled, All men had mocked the dust of him who set The baneful lesson that so many lands Can serve one master. Macedon he left His home obscure; Athena he despised, The conquest of his sire, and spurred by fate Through Asia rushed with havoc of mankind, Plunging his sword through peoples; red with blood UnknownReading 'ignoto' (Francken). to them Euphrates, Ganges ran. Curse of all earth, fell star of evil fate To every nation! On the outer sea He launched his fleet to sail the ocean wave: Nor flame nor flood nor sterile Libyan sands Stayed back his course, nor Hammon's pathless shoals; Far to the west, where downward slopes the world He would have led his armies, and the poles Had compassed, and had drunk the