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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 30, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Brazil (Brazil) or search for Brazil (Brazil) in all documents.
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From Brazil.
--Brazil news is to the 2d instant from Rio Janeiro, by the steamer North America, which arrived yesterday.
There had been no further fighting, but the Brazilian army was suffering much from sickness.
The scheme of emigration from our late rebel States was being pushed forward.
The agents of the affair had selected a site for a town near Araguaia, in the Province of San Paulo, near the Rio Tete, an important affluent of the Parana.
We judge this location to be about four hBrazil news is to the 2d instant from Rio Janeiro, by the steamer North America, which arrived yesterday.
There had been no further fighting, but the Brazilian army was suffering much from sickness.
The scheme of emigration from our late rebel States was being pushed forward.
The agents of the affair had selected a site for a town near Araguaia, in the Province of San Paulo, near the Rio Tete, an important affluent of the Parana.
We judge this location to be about four hundred miles west of Rio Janeiro.
A tract of eight million acres of unoccupied public land had been selected, and the rush of Confederates was expected to begin forthwith.
The location seems to be just under the tropic of Capricorn, corresponding to the latitude of Cuba.
The birthday of the Emperor was fitly celebrated on the day the steamer left, on which occasion the Emperor released a number of prisoners.
The Brazilian fleet was still at Corrientes, on the Parana.