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Pardon of an American. --George Colton, an American, who had been captured and sentenced to death for conspiracy and revolution in Chili, in 1859, and whose sentence was afterwards commuted to imprisonment for ten years in the penitentiary in the capital, has lately received a full pardon.
Ohio, died on Friday last, at Zanesville, where he had resided since the year1806. He was born in Pennsylvania, in 1776; was educated in Philadelphia, and emigrated to Ohio about the time it became one of the States of the Union. While at Philadelphia pursuing his studies, he became acquainted with General Washington and Thomas Jefferson — Philadelphia being at that time the seat of the United States Government, of which the former was President and the latter Secretary of State. Mr. Jefferson's ideas of Government were so firmly impressed upon his mind, that he had both his sons educated at the University of Virginia, to insure them being instructed in the true political faith. His first vote was cast for Mr. Jefferson for President. Dr. Van Hamn was Surgeon under General Harrison, and served through the whole campaign of the War of1812, with Great Britain. General Jackson appointed him Minister to Chili, and he held under the State of Ohio numerous responsible civil positions.
The Daily Dispatch: may 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], Terrible earthquake in South America. (search)
f one hundred inmates, ninety-two perished. The remaining eight, who were already hardened villains, formed themselves into a band of free looters, and had gone, it was supposed, to the mountain passed, to intercept and rob the parties sent from Chile for the relief of the sufferers. One woman was found robbed and murdered by the roadside. She was recognized as one who was on her way to Mendoza to see her family. They, too, had all perished on the 20th. In the Jesuit Church there was p completion of the work, on the 30th a party of physicians and others left for the scene of the disaster, bearing medicines, food and clothing, and accompanied by a small body of troops. The gloom and terror spread throughout the republic of Chile by this awful calamity may be imagined. Situated upon an eminently volcanic region, we have constant evidence of the insecurity of our tenure of existence.--Separated but by a chain of mountains from the scene of destruction, and taught by sad e
The Daily Dispatch: May 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], Clarksville, Mecklenburg Co, Va., May 20th, 1861. (search)
and appeared to be on most cordial terms of friendship with him. Mr. Asta Buruagua, the new Charge d' Affaires from Chili, was, by appointment, received by the Secretary of State to-day. He presented his credentials and delivered a speech, assuring this Government of the sincerest sympathy and respect on the part of the Government of Chili, and saying that any harm which could befall the United States would be equally disastrous to Chili. The forms of Government of the two nations are Chili. The forms of Government of the two nations are the same, and they have a common interest and a common cause. The Secretary of State replied, reciprocating these kind expressions. He said the United States was the friend of all nations, and just to all nation, but they were essentially and forean and American. It will be recollected that the late Administration was not on favorable terms with the Republic of Chili. The Navy Department will, in the course of this week, invite proposals for building the steam machinery of a number
f war belonging to the Government had deserted from Aspinwall, and it was rumored that vessels of war were fitting out by the Revolutionists at Carthagena, to carry one thousand troops to Aspinwall to take possession of the State of Panama. The final success of the Revolutionists is regarded as certain. It is reported that the British Admiral has declared his intention not to respect the paper blockades of the New Granadian ports, but to open them to British commerce. Advices from Chili report Commercial matters as not improved, and failures are occurring among the wealthiest citizens of the country. The Government party triumphed in the elections The Champion brought $354,000 in specie. New York,May 24.--The United States steamship Keystone State, Capt. French, arrived yesterday afternoon at the Navy- Yard, in this city, having left Norfolk harbor on Wednesday morning. The following vessels were at Fortress Monroe: Frigates Minnesota and Cumberland, brig Perry,
Burlingame. --A Washington telegram says that in view of Austria's refusal to receive him, Burlingame is appointed Minister to Chili.
Sir Alexander Forester Cochrane, who, in 1814, took Washington City, the Capital of the United States, and burned the public buildings. In February, 1814, Lord Cochrane, the subject of this article, then a member of Parliament, was accused of having spread a false report of the death of Napoleon for the purpose of affecting the price of stocks, and was condemned to a year's imprisonment and a fine of £ 1,000. He was also excluded from Parliament and the order of the Bath. The fine was paid by his friends; his innocence was afterwards established. In 1818 Lord Cochrane took the command of the naval force of Chile, which he conducted with great credit, and afterwards that of Brazil. In 1823, the Emperor Don Pedro created him Marquis of Maranham. After the peace between Portugal and Brazil he returned to England. In 1826 he intended to enter the Greek service, and finally did enter it in 1827. He continued in that service until the following year, and then returned to England.
It had been besieged by the rebels for eleven days preceding that date, and considerable damage was done by the bombardment. General Jones, United States Minister to New Granada, was detained there, being unable to proceed to Bogota. All the States except those in Mosquera's interest, had voted for President. So far, Arboleda has a majority over General Herran. From the South Pacific we learn that President Castilla of Peru had a narrow escape from assassination in Lima on November 23d. There is nothing new about the United States claims. Efforts are to be made to raise the frigate Callao, which was sunk off the port of that name some time last fall. The new revised constitution has been promulgated. Bolivia has not yet declared war against Peru, though the Bolivian Minister of the Interior recommends that it should be done immediately. Chile is quiet. It is thought the Araucanian Indian rebellion will be easily suppressed. The extra session of Congress had adjourned.
m the western coast of New Granada, arrived at Panama on the 21st. Among her passengers she brought Hon. J. C. Smith, late United States Minister to Bolivia. Chili. From Chili we learn that Congress has assembled at Santiago. The President, in his address, alludes to the treaty of limits with Bolivia, which is to be placedChili we learn that Congress has assembled at Santiago. The President, in his address, alludes to the treaty of limits with Bolivia, which is to be placed before Congress immediately. The President is to decide as arbitrator the limits between Ecuador and New Granada. The Government is occupied with a new postal convention with Great Britain, based on the free transportation of mail matter through one country which has been prepaid in the other. The territory of Llanquihue is to y on the work on the entire line. It is talked of extending the line of steamers via the Straits of Magellan from Valparaiso to Montevideo under a subvention from Chili. Bolivia. Bolivia has made overtures to Peru to renew friendly relations, to which end the National Assembly have addressed a letter to the Peruvian Govern
In the North Carolina Legislature, on Thursday last, two unsuccessful ballots were had in both houses for a Confederate States Senator from that State. They had ice of their own making in Valparaiso, last July. A queer summer crop that, but not inappropriate, perhaps, to Chili.
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