Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Henrico (Virginia, United States) or search for Henrico (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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ney General of Virginia.-- Dear Sir. We take great pleasure in informing you that at a meeting, this day held, of the friends of those gentlemen who have been most prominently presented to represent the State's-Rights party of the county of Henrico in the Virginia Convention, to assemble on the 12th February proximo, your name was unanimously agreed upon as the candidate. Pledging ourselves to an earnest and hearty support of you, and with the expression of a warm interest in your sucno. W. Atkinson, and Jno. A. Hutcheson: Gentlemen: Your letter informing me "that at a meeting, this day held, of the friends of those gentlemen who have been most prominently presented to represent the State's-Rights party of the county of Henrico in the Virginia Convention, my name was unanimously agreed upon as the candidate, it has this moment been received. In reply, I have only to say, that with unaffected diffidence in my qualifications for the post which you have assigned me, I sh
Trustee's sale of Dining-Room Servant. --Under a deed of trust from John Q. Winn, bearing date on the 25th day of June, 1860, and recorded in the Clerk's. Office of the County Court of Henrico, and Hustings Court of the city of Richmond, at the request of the beneficiary in said deed, will be sold, at my auction house, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the 4th day of February, at 10 o'clock, one likely Negro man, who is said to be a first-rate Dining-Room Servant. By order of the Trustee. Hector Davis, Auct'r. fe 1--3t
$20 reward. --I will give $20 reward for the return of my Negro man, "Washington," who left my house, in the lower part of Henrico county, on the morning of the 17th inst., without leave or provocation Washington is about five feet 8 or 9 Inches high, very black, about twenty years old, and has very white teeth, and smiles very pleasantly when spoken to. He will probably have a forged pass in his possession, as he can read and write. I will give the above reward for his return to me at my house, or if he is secured in jail so that I can get him. [ja 2d--1w] L. S. Courtney
Weare requested to announce that Dr. Jno. R. Garnett will be voted for by the State's-rights party of the county of Henrico, for a seat in the Virginia Convention. ja 31--tde
James Lyons, Esq., A candidate for the Convention for Henrico county.-- Be pleased to announce that James Lyons, Esq., will be voted for to represent Henrico in the Convention soon to assemble in Virginia. Mr Lyons' exalted character and commanding abilities so eminently fit him for the position, that nothing further need be said to ensure him a large vote. ja 2--10t James Lyons, Esq., A candidate for the Convention for Henrico county.-- Be pleased to announce that James Lyons, Esq., will be voted for to represent Henrico in the Convention soon to assemble in Virginia. Mr Lyons' exalted character and commanding abilities so eminently fit him for the position, that nothing further need be said to ensure him a large vote. ja 2--10t
Henrico county. --Wms. C. Wickham is a candidate to represent Henrico county in the Convention. ja 29--6t Henrico county. --Wms. C. Wickham is a candidate to represent Henrico county in the Convention. ja 29--6t