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One hundred Dollars reward. --Ranaway from the Piedmont railroad, on the 14th of March, 1863, a negro named Frank about five feet two inches high; complexion brown; aged 16 years, scar on the right fore- finger; purchased of Dr. Greenhow, of King George co, Va. Said negro is supposed to be in Caroline co, Va. The above reward will be paid for his delivery on this work. E D Wilburn, Gen'l Sup't Piedmont R R. ap 1--2w
One hundred dollars reward. --Ranaway from the Piedmont railroad, on the 14th of March, 1863, a negro named Frank, about five feet two inches high, complexion brown; aged 16 years; scar on the right fore finger; purchased of Dr Greenhow, of King George co, Va., Said negro is supposed to be in Caroline co, Va. The above reward will be paid for his delivery on this work. E. D. Wilburn, Gen'l Sup't Piedmont R. R. ap 1--2w
One hundred dollars reward. --Ranaway from the Piedmont railroad on the 14th of March, 1863, a negro named Frank, about five feet two inches high; complexion brown; aged 16 years; scar on the right fore finger; purchased of Dr Greenhow, of King George co, Va. Said negro is supposed to be in Carolina co, Va. The above reward will be paid for his delivery on this work. E D Wilburn, Gen'l Sup't Piedmont R E. ap 1--2w
The Daily Dispatch: April 6, 1863., [Electronic resource], Proposed execution of Brigham Young. (search)
One hundred dollars reward. --Ranaway from the Piedmont railroad on the 14th of March, 1863, a negro named Frank, about five feet two inches high; complexion brown; aged 16 years; scar on the right fore finger; purchased of Dr. Greenhow, of King George co, Va. Said negro is supposed to be in Caroline co, Va. The above reward will be paid for his delivery on this work. E D Wilburn, Gen'l Sup't Piedmont R. R. ap 1--2w
ension and delivery to me in this city, or at some place where I can get them of the following slaves: George, property of P Sutton, of King William county. He is low, very stout, of light brown complexion, and has rather a sullen countenance. When last seen he was passing up Broad street, with a travelling sack. Emma, a woman about twenty eight years old, above medium size, light mulatto, quite stout in person with long hair and rather small features. Thornton, about thirty years old rather small and delicate in person, thin features, very pleasing in his address, black, and has short hair. He is the property of Dr. R. H Stuart, of King George county. Emma is the property of Mrs. A. E. Grymas of the same county. Left their homes on Monday last, and it is supposed will endeavor to reach the enemy in their county. The above reward will be paid for their delivery to me, or Fifty dollars for any one of them. B. A. Cocke. Office No. 4, Law Building. ap 10--2t*
n and delivery to me in this city, or at some place where I can, get them of the following slaves: George, property of P Sutton, of King William county. He is low, very stout, of light brown complexion, and has rather a sultan countenance. When last seen he was passing up Broad street, with a travelling sack. Emma, a woman about twenty eight years old, above medium size, light mulatto, quite stout in person, with long hair and rather small features. Thornton, about thirty years old, rather small and delicate in person, thin features, very pleasing in his address, black, and has short hair. He is the property of Dr. R. H Stuart, of King George county. Emma is the property of Mrs. A. E. Gryman, of the same county. Left their homes on Monday last, and it is supposed will endeavor to reach the enemy in their county. The above reward will be paid for their delivery to me, or Fifty Dollars for any one of them. B. A. Cocke. Office No. 4, Law Building. ap 10--2t*
had been fishing and the boats, and burned five wagons carried off the mules, robbed several houses, and returned. We had only a few cavalrymen in the neighborhood. It is reported that a large force of Yankee infantry have marched through King George county, and their artillery and cavalry are seen in large numbers opposites. Fort Moyal Many citizens of King George county have been arrested, and sent to the prison ship at Aquia Creek. Among others I have the names of Col. E. T. Tayloe, W. Ro Fort Moyal Many citizens of King George county have been arrested, and sent to the prison ship at Aquia Creek. Among others I have the names of Col. E. T. Tayloe, W. Roy Mason, Charles Mason, Dr. Stuart, Dr. Hone, and others. Messrs. Charles Jait and Lawrence Washington of Westmoreland, were arrested previously. No news here. The sun and wind to day have dried the roads very much. We are quiet but expectant, hopeful and confident. My private opinion still is the Yankees are leaving.
approached, and finding him unhurt compelled him to proceed on to Ashlend with the train; but soon after arriving there he effected his escape, and came on to Richmond the same night. Besides the sick and wounded on the ambulance train, there were a number of citizens of Richmond, including Col. S. Bassett French, Aid to Gov. Letcher, and a few ladies. They were treated with comparative kindness by the marauders, who were commanded by one Col. Davis, claiming to be a native of King George county, Va. It is stated that they did not disturb the invalid soldiers, but left the ambulance train unharmed, though they destroyed a wood train and the locomotives "Thomas Sharp" and "Nicholas Mills." We are unadvised as to the extent of the damage to the track; but since the raiders seemed to be in a great hurry to depart, it is presumed to be inconsiderable. From Ashland they proceeded to Hungary Station, nine miles from Richmond, and passed the night in that vicinity. Here they dest
Yankee prisoners. --On yesterday 36 Yankee prisoners were brought from Vicksburg and lodged in Castle Thunder. Included in the number was Captain T. P. Bowell, of the steamboat Minnesota, and crew, captured at Greenville, Miss, May 3d. Some of the Yankee soldiers in the lot were taken at Port Gibson. On Tuesday ten prisoners were brought from Milford Depot. Among the number was A. B. Wells, 1st Lieut. co. F, 8th Penn. regiment, captured in King George county, May 17th. Thirty five privates of the Yankee army, mostly members of the New York Mounted Rifles, were received from Suffolk yesterday, having been captured at Blackwater, May 17th.
The Daily Dispatch: October 2, 1863., [Electronic resource], A remarkable Phenomenon...a Chapter of similar ones. (search)
, for the families of soldiers, was taken up, and after some discussion laid on the table. The bill to compel railroad and canal companies to carry troops without demanding payment in advance, was amended and ordered to its third reading. On motion of Mr. Neeson the bill to declare what contracts shall be payable in the currency of the Confederate States was taken up and one or two amendments offered. In the House, Senate bills to exempt white male citizens of the county of King George, over forty-five years of age, from working on the public roads, and amending the Code in relation to the removal of records and papers of County Courts, were taken up. The first was read the second time and committed, and the other acted upon and agreed to. The Senate bill to increase the salaries of certain officers of the Government was advanced to its third reading. The bill provides that the increase of pay allowed shall commence from the 1st day of April, 1863, and continue fo