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Your search returned 169 results in 94 document sections:
One hundred Dollars reward.
--Ranaway from the Piedmont railroad, on the 14th of March, 1863, a negro named Frank about five feet two inches high; complexion brown; aged 16 years, scar on the right fore- finger; purchased of Dr. Greenhow, of King George co, Va. Said negro is supposed to be in Caroline co, Va. The above reward will be paid for his delivery on this work. E D Wilburn, Gen'l Sup't Piedmont R R. ap 1--2w
The Daily Dispatch: April 2, 1863., [Electronic resource], Fatal Accident. (search)
One hundred dollars reward.
--Ranaway from the Piedmont railroad, on the 14th of March, 1863, a negro named Frank, about five feet two inches high, complexion brown; aged 16 years; scar on the right fore finger; purchased of Dr Greenhow, of King George co, Va., Said negro is supposed to be in Caroline co, Va. The above reward will be paid for his delivery on this work. E. D. Wilburn, Gen'l Sup't Piedmont R. R. ap 1--2w
One hundred dollars reward.
--Ranaway from the Piedmont railroad on the 14th of March, 1863, a negro named Frank, about five feet two inches high; complexion brown; aged 16 years; scar on the right fore finger; purchased of Dr Greenhow, of King George co, Va. Said negro is supposed to be in Carolina co, Va. The above reward will be paid for his delivery on this work. E D Wilburn, Gen'l Sup't Piedmont R E. ap 1--2w
The Daily Dispatch: April 6, 1863., [Electronic resource], Proposed execution of Brigham Young . (search)
One hundred dollars reward.
--Ranaway from the Piedmont railroad on the 14th of March, 1863, a negro named Frank, about five feet two inches high; complexion brown; aged 16 years; scar on the right fore finger; purchased of Dr. Greenhow, of King George co, Va. Said negro is supposed to be in Caroline co, Va. The above reward will be paid for his delivery on this work. E D Wilburn, Gen'l Sup't Piedmont R. R. ap 1--2w
The Daily Dispatch: April 10, 1863., [Electronic resource], Congressional summary. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: May 5, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Yankee cavalry raid. (search)
Yankee prisoners.
--On yesterday 36 Yankee prisoners were brought from Vicksburg and lodged in Castle Thunder.
Included in the number was Captain T. P. Bowell, of the steamboat Minnesota, and crew, captured at Greenville, Miss, May 3d. Some of the Yankee soldiers in the lot were taken at Port Gibson.
On Tuesday ten prisoners were brought from Milford Depot.
Among the number was A. B. Wells, 1st Lieut. co. F, 8th Penn. regiment, captured in King George county, May 17th. Thirty five privates of the Yankee army, mostly members of the New York Mounted Rifles, were received from Suffolk yesterday, having been captured at Blackwater, May 17th.
The Daily Dispatch: October 2, 1863., [Electronic resource], A remarkable Phenomenon...a Chapter of similar ones. (search)