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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 4 0 Browse Search
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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The newe Navigation and discoverie of the kingdome of Moscovia, by the Northeast, in the yeere 1553: Enter prised by Sir Hugh Willoughbie knight, and per fourmed by Richard Chancelor Pilot major of the voyage: Written in Latine by Clement Adams. (search)
yeeldes the commodities of Hempe and Flaxe also: although the greatest store of Flaxe is solde at Novogrode. Plesco.THE Towne of Plesco, is frequented of Marchants for the good store of Honie and Waxe that it yeeldeth. Colmagro. THE North parts of Russia yeelde very rare and precious skinnes: and amongst the rest, those principally, which we call Sables, worne about the neckes of our Noble women and Ladies: it hath also Martins skinnes, white, blacke, and red Foxe skinnes, skinnes of Hares, and Ermyns, and others, which they call and terme barbarously, as Bevers, Minxes, and Minivers. The sea adjoyning, breedes a certaine beast, which they call the Mors , which seeketh his foode upon the rockes, climing up with the helpe of his teeth. The Russes use to take them, for the great vertue that is in their teeth, whereof they make as great accompt, as we doe of the Elephants tooth. These commodities they cary upon Deere
Colmagro. THE North parts of Russia yeelde very rare and precious skinnes: and amongst the rest, those principally, which we call Sables, worne about the neckes of our Noble women and Ladies: it hath also Martins skinnes, white, blacke, and red Foxe skinnes, skinnes of Hares, and Ermyns, and others, which they call and terme barbarously, as Bevers, Minxes, and Minivers. The sea adjoyning, breedes a certaine beast, which they call the Mors , which seeketh his foode upon the rockes, climing up with the helpe of his teeth. The Russes use to take them, for the great vertue that is in their teeth, whereof they make as great accompt, as we doe of the Elephants tooth. These commodities they cary upon Deeres backes to the towne of Lampas: and from thence to Colmagro, and there in the winter time, are kept great Faires for the sale of them. This Citie of Colmagro, serves all the Countrey about it with salt, and salt fish. The Russians also of the North part