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g of the century it was called a dandy horse ; this was operated by the thrust of the feet on the ground. That of the Baron de Drais, invented at Mannheim, 1817, had but two wheels, and was moved by the thrust of the feet on the ground. Subsequently those driven by a crank movement connected with the wheels and operated by the hands through the medium of cranks or wheels were introduced. Steam-monocycle. The bicycle, patented in England by Johnson, was said to have been invented in Baden. Known in England as a hobby. Subsequently, the bicycle, propelled by treadles operating cranks on the axles of the front wheel, and which created such a furore some six or eight years since, was introduced from France. Propulsion by treadles was applied to a three-wheeled velocipede by McKenzie, as early as 1864; while the French bicycle of Lallemant was patented in this country in 1866. Numerous modifications and improvements followed, forming the subjects of patents, a list of some
that the builder. Ulric Grubenmann, though erecting the bridge directly over this pier, in deference to the timidity of the authorities, apparently using it for a, central support, purposely took care that the bridge should not rest upon it. The bridge was destroyed by the French in 1799. Both Ulric Grubenmann and his brother John displayed great skid and boldness in their bridge constructions. John built a timber-bridge at Kirchenaw, 240 feet in length; and the two, conjointly, one near Baden, 200 feet in length, and another, at Wattenghen, 198 feet long. Wooden bridges. The two leading forms of modern wooden bridges are the lattice, in which the principle of the truss is employed; and the arched, which derives its strength from the actual compression of the wood, the ends, as in other arched structures, resting upon and pressing against abutments. This is the style of bridge which appears to have been principally employed in Europe; while the lattice, or truss, or some c