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ant was confirmed absolutely, March 7, 1643-4, Ibid., II. 62. The description in this grant is somewhat different from the former: Shawshin is granted to Cambridg, without any condition of makeing a village there; and the land between them and Concord is granted them, all save what is formerly granted to the military company or others, provided the church and present elders continue at Cambridge. and included the present town of Billerica, parts of Bedford and Carlisle, and a part of Tewksbury, or of Chelmsford, or of both. The terms of the grant—all the land lying between Concord and Merrimac rivers—would seem to include Lowell; yet an Indian village then occupied that territory, and such villages were generally protected. The township had now attained its full size. In shape somewhat like an hour-glass, about thirty-five miles in length, and wide at each extremity, it was not much more than one mile in width in the central part, where the original settlement was made, and
uld not subsist myself, nor the plantation, nor posterity. But I do acknowledge that since my letter there have been sundry places newly found out, as Neweberry, Concord, and others (and that within this patent), which will afford good means of subsistence for men and beasts, in which and other such like new plantations, if the td here. Christopher Cane. Remained here. Mrs. Chester. Removed to Hartford. Nicholas Clark. Removed to Hartford. Dolor Davis. Removed to Concord. Robert Day. Removed to Hartford. Joseph Easton. Removed to Hartford. Nathaniel Ely. Removed to Hartford. James Ensign. Removed to Harcer. Removed to Lynn. Timothy Stanley. Removed to Hartford. George Stocking. Removed to Hartford. Timothy Tomlins. Removed to Lynn. Humphrey Vincent. Removed to Ipswich. Samuel Wakeman. Removed to Hartford. Samuel Whitehead. Removed to Hartford. Simon Willard. Removed to Concord.
Ipswich. Edmund Angier. Remained here. James Bennett. Removed to Concord. Thomas Besbeech. Removed to Scituate or Duxbury; afterwards to Sudbury. Richard Betts. Removed to Ipswich. Peter Bulkeley. Removed to Concord. Benjamin Burr. Removed to Hartford. John Champney. Remained hereed here. William Patten. Remained here. Richard Rice. Removed to Concord. Nicholas Roberts. Names soon disappeared. John Santley. Names sand meadow, at the place called Vine Brook, in the midway between Newtowne and Concord, upon condition he sendeth over his man, or ordereth that some other may buildidge, 350 acres; severally about the outside of the bounds between Watertowne, Concord, and Charlestowne. During this period, the General Court passed several ord. Dudley, Esquire, lieftenant colonel: Charlestowne, Newetowne, Watertowne, Concord, and Deddam, to be another regiment, whereof John Haynes, Esqr. shall be colon
says, a synod This Synod met at Cambridge, Aug. 30, 1637, and began with prayer made by Mr. Shepard. Mr. Bulkeley of Concord, and Mr. Hooker, of Hartford, were the Moderators. Having condemned about eighty opinions, some blasphemous, others err1643-4: Shawshin is granted to Cambridge, without any condition of making a village there; and the land between them and Concord is granted them, all save what is formerly granted to the military company or others, provided the church and present ele first lot to begin upon a line continued over Shawshine River, the same that is between Woburn and us, running towards Concord until it meet with Mr. Wintrop's farm: and so the said first lot to butt south upon that line, and on Shawshine River, aumbly desiring a tract of land lying near the line of the farms of John and Robert Blood, and so along by the side of Concord River, &c., the Court grants their request in that respect, so as it hinder no former grants, and grant the name of the pla
rom the inhabitants of Cambridge, which was subscribed by very many hands, in which they testified and declared their good content and satisfaction they took and had in the present government in church and commonwealth, with their resolution to be assisting to and encouraging the same, and humbly desiring all means might be used for the continuance and preservation thereof: and at the same time and the next day several petitions of like nature from Wooborne, Dorchester, Redding, Chelmsford, Concord, Billirrikey, Boston, Dedham, and Meadfield, and also one from several inhabitants of Roxbury, all which are on file. Mass. Col. Rec., IV. (ii.) 136, 137. The Cambridge petition, for some reason, has been removed from the Massachusetts Archives to the Judicial Court Files for Suffolk County, in the Court House, Boston. The Cambridge petition is here inserted, partly on account of its patriotic spirit, and partly to preserve the list of names appended to it:— To the honoured Genera
ort towns be; but what they do must be in a way of husbandry, although upon never so hard terms, they having no other way for a supply. 4. By the same reason that the petitioners plead immunity and freedom, our neighbors that live far nearer to Concord than to us may plead the like, and with far greater reason; and should they have a township granted them also, there would be nothing left for Cambridge, no, not so much commonage as to feed a small flock of sheep. That our town is thus situa71. A committee was appointed to make a covenant with Phillip Jones, or any other able person, to make a sufficient fence of stone of four foot high,—between Watertowne bounds and ours, as far as to Rocky Meadow; with gates to the highways from Concord to Watertown and from Cambridge to Watertown. Feb. 14, 1675-6. William Maning, and Nathaniell Hancocke, and John Jackson, and John Gove, are appointed by the Selectmen, to have inspection into families, that there be no bye drinking, or any m
arlakenden of six hundred acres of upland and meadow, at the place called Vine Brook, in the midway between Newtowne and Concord, on certain conditions, Jan. 2, 1636-7. This tract of land was in the central portion of the present town of Lexington.perty to his son Edward Pelham, who conveyed by deeds, Oct. 28, 1693, to Benjamin Muzzey 206 acres in Cambridge, towards Concord, being a part of Mr. Pelham's farm, and to John Poulter 212 acres of the same farm. Precisely when the first houses were same it was when they first settled themselves and families there; and they have there other conveniences with it, and Concord is not far from them, which in bad weather they may go unto. If we should have this arm cut off too, we shall be much dhe petition of the Farmers and inhabitants of the Farms within the precincts and bounds of the town of Cambridge towards Concord, therein setting forth their distance (the nearest of them living above five miles) from Cambridge meeting house, the pl
roublesome times, which is the apology Mr. Brattle makes for troubling the General with this letter. Capt. Minot of Concord, a very worthy man, this minute informed Mr. Brattle that there had been repeatedly made pressing applications to him, tver, on the 5th of October, and two days afterwards, having resolved themselves into a Provincial Congress, adjourned to Concord, where sessions were held during the next two months. A firm resolution to maintain their position at all hazards, and t of Groton, Pepperell, Shirley, Townsend, and Ashby, and requesting our concurrence in a County Convention to be held at Concord on the 23d of August next, in order to consult upon matters of public grievances, and find out means of redress, havingought best to notify all the towns in this county to meet by their committees, at the house of Capt. Brown, innholder in Concord, on the 23d day of August next, to consult upon matters of public grievances and embarrassments that the people of this
l to the demand. In addition to the efforts of individuals to increase the market value of their own lands, by means of dikes and streets, other improvements of a more public character were projected for the general advantage of the community. Expensive avenues into the country were constructed to attract travel and business. The Cambridge and Concord Turnpike Corporation was established March 8, 1803, with authority to make a turnpike-road from the westerly side of Cambridge Common to Concord; The Cambridge portion of this turnpike is now called Concord Avenue. and two years afterwards, March 8, 1805, the corporation was authorized to extend the turnpike to the Causeway near West Boston Bridge. This extension is now known as Broadway. The Middlesex Turnpike Corporation was established June 15, 1805, with authority to make a turnpike-road from Tyngsborough through Chelmsford, Billerica, and Bedford, to Cambridge, uniting with the Cambridge and Concord Turnpike near West Bo
four courts kept every quarter; 1. at Ipswich, to which Neweberry shall belong; 2. at Salem, to which Saugus shall belong; 3. at Newe Towne, to which Charlton, Concord, Meadford, and Waterton shall belong; 4th, at Boston, to which Rocksbury, Dorchester, Weymothe, and Hingham shall belong. Every of these Courts shall be kept by ts were continued for many years, and a court house and jail were erected in that town. At a later date, courts were established and similar buildings erected in Concord, and also, at a comparatively recent day, at Lowell. All these places were regarded as half-shires ; but the County Records were never removed from Cambridge, as meal times, or upon lawful business, what time their occasions shall require. —Mass. Col. Rec., II. 100. yet so necessary were they considered, that the town of Concord was presented by the grand jury, June 19, 1660, for not having a common house of entertainment, and was enjoined to present a meet person to be allowed at the nex