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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Marshall and Garfield in eastern Kentucky. (search)
and Cranor made a junction near Paintsville, and all moved up to Marshal's front on the 10th of January. General Marshall had selected a strong position along a high ridge south of Middle Creek, and covering the road to Virginia by way of Beaver Creek. Jeffress's battery was placed in a gorge of the left fork of Middle Creek; the 5th Kentucky and 29th Virginia regiments and part of the Kentucky Battalion of Mounted Riflemen occupied the spurs and heights to the right of the artillery; the doned.-editors. and states his own at not over 1,500. In his official report to the War Department he gives his losses at 11 killed and 15 wounded. General Marshall withdrew his forces next day, taking three days to reach Martin's Mill on Beaver Creek,--sixteen miles from the battle-field. This was the nearest point at which he could get provisions for his men, some of whom had fasted for thirty hours before the action. Colonel Garfield withdrew his forces, February 22d, to the Big San
at a long distance to the east of us, but as the scouts confidently pronounced them buffalo, we were unaware of their true character till next morning, when we became satisfied that what we had seen were Indians, for immediately after crossing Beaver Creek we struck a trail, leading to the northeast, of a war party that evidently came up from the head-waters of the Washita River. The evening of November 21 we arrived at the Camp Supply dep6t, having traveled all day in another snow-storm tha call in his working parties and prepare to move immediately, without waiting for Crawford's regiment, unaccountably absent. Custer was ready to start by the 23d, and he was then instructed to march north to where the trail had been seen near Beaver Creek and follow it on the back track, for, being convinced that the war party had come from the Washita, I felt certain that this plan would lead directly to the villages. The difficulties attending a winter campaign were exhibited now with the
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Morgan's Ohio raid. (search)
cinnati, and at last, after dark on the evening of July 18th, reached the bank of the Ohio, near Buffington Bar and Blennerhassett's Island, where from the first he had planned to escape. Morning found his pursuers closing in from all directions. Morgan, with about half his men, eluded the net. Of these many were drowned, but about three hundred escaped across the river. All the rest were killed or captured. About 120 were killed and wounded, and 700 captured. After nearly reaching the West Virginia shore Morgan himself returned, and with the remnant made for Pennsylvania, hotly pursued, and finally surrendered on the 26th of July, near Beaver Creek, with 364 officers and men. Morgan was confined in the State Penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio, until November 26th, when he made his escape by tunneling. Later on he commanded in south-western Virginia. After another disastrous raid into Kentucky, he was killed at Greenville, Tennessee, on the 4th of September, 1864.--editors.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., From Gettysburg to the coming of Grant. (search)
. The chief events of this chapter in the history of the Army of the Potomac were the pursuit of Lee to Virginia, the affair of the Vermont brigade at Beaver Creek, in Maryland, the cavalry engagements at Hagerstown and Williamsport, the action at Bristoe Station, the taking of the Rappahannock redoubts, the movement to Mine Rund the rest of the corps rejoined the main body of the army in the neighborhood of Emmitsburg, crossed the Catoctin range at Hamburg, and came upon the enemy at Beaver Creek July 10th, 1863. At this point it seemed that Lee intended to make a decided stand. His position was a strong one, and apparently was held by a sufficient nu instances such as this, yet the Vermonters did not seem to think that they had accomplished any-thing out of the usual line of duty. The enemy, moving from Beaver Creek, took position on the 12th in the neighborhood of Funkstown and fortified heavily. His line ran in general to the right from Funkstown, forming the arc of a c
Mechanicsville intrenchments were ours, and, though with heavy loss, at a smaller sacrifice of life than had been feared, and the enemy had fallen back to Ellyson's Mills, further down the Chickahominy. The result upon Ellyson's Mills. The enemy's battery of sixteen guns was to the right, or south-east of the Mechanicsville road, about a mile and a half distant, and was situated on a rise of ground in the vicinity of Ellyson's Mills, defended by epaulements supported by rifle-pits. Beaver Creek, about twelve feet wide and waist-deep, ran along the front and left flank of the enemy's position, while from the creek to the battery was covered with abattis. The position was most formidable. The assault was made by Pender's brigade, of A. P. Hill's division, on the right, and by Ripley's brigade on the right in front. Gen. Pender's brigade had been thrown out in advance, in observation on the enemy's left, when Ripley's brigade coming up, Gen. D. H. Hill ordered two of Gen. Ripl
arrival of General Sullivan, who came at nine o'clock of that night. Gen. Sullivan and the remainder of the troops marched early the morning of the twenty-eighth, and encamped that night at Shady Grove, a pleasant place for a bivouac, about half a day's march from Huntington. Capt. Burbridge of the Eleventh Illinois cavalry force was ordered forward at an early hour on the twenty-ninth--about four o'clock A. M.--to occupy Huntington, and hold a bridge over a small stream beyond called Beaver Creek, and if possible, prevent the enemy from crossing g to the town. This was promptly performed by the corps. They reached the structure just at the moment that Forrest's advance pickets did, but held the position without loss, the confederates quickly falling back when they found themselves forestalled. The infantry were not long in following the horsemen into Huntington. I immediately upon his arrival, General Sullivan ordered regiments into position at the ends of the principal street
In obedience to your order, I left Houston, with other forces under Col. Merrill, on Friday, the ninth instant, at about noon, to march to Springfield, with the object of reenforcing that place. The first night we encamped for a short time at Beaver Creek. At twelve o'clock at night we moved on, and when within a few miles of Hartsville, we were drawn up in line of battle, as information had been received that the rebel Col. Porter had occupied the place the evening before, and might be there hroughout the camps, all wanted to go, but some were ordered to remain, with a part of the officers, to defend the camp in case of an attack; and military orders are explicit, and each company furnished twenty-five to thirty men. We arrived at Beaver Creek, twenty-two miles distant, at eight o'clock in the evening, and about twelve o'clock at midnight left for Hartsville expecting to arrive there by daylight, but in consequence of our scouts giving information that the town was occupied by the r
s, that have to be answered for by the authors of this unholy rebellion! There are two roads leading to Albany, in Clinton County, one turning to the right, as we leave Monticello, and going direct; the other leading out, in the direction of Jamestown, four and a half miles, and then turning sharply to the right, by which the former would be reached about eight miles from this lace; the latter, three miles from Monticello, winds around through a deep, will gorge, at the bottom of which Beaver Creek rushes along over the rough rocks that form its bed. A few men here could hold an army at bay as long as they desired. The enemy, whether from choice or necessity, I do not know, took the Jamestown road — our troops skirmishing with them as they retired. Upon arriving at the pass to which I have alluded, they became more obstinate, but finally gave back, making a poor resistance, compared with their opportunities. Upon reaching the forks of the road at the top of the hill, they seemed
shland, the first Maryland regiment, of my command, was ordered to the front by Brigadier-General Ewell, with directions to drive in the enemy's pickets, when found. In the afternoon, Captain Nicholas, company G, whom I had sent in advance, skirmishing, discovered a cavalry picket at a church at the intersection of the Hundley Corner and Mechanicsville road. He immediately drove them in, and upon receiving reenforcements and making a stand, I took companies A and 1), and drove them over Beaver Creek. Having thus gained a hill commanding the other side of the creek, I was ordered, by Major-General Jackson, to hold it, and take two pieces of artillery under my command, and disperse the enemy, who appeared in some force beyond it. This was done. I bivouacked on the hill in reach of their guns. Once, during the night, they drove in my outposts, to recover a piece of artillery which they had masked near my position, but which I did not discover until next morning. I immediately recove
didge, C. S. A., A. A. A. and Inspector-General: Sir: For the information of Brigadier-General Ruggles, commanding Second division, I beg leave to make the following report of the operations of the detachment under my command, in the battle of Baton Rouge: In obedience to orders, I proceeded, with a section of Semmes' Confederate States artillery, under command of T. K. Fauntleroy, two companies of infantry (company E, Sumter Thirtieth Louisiana regiment, Captain Roger T. Boyle, and Beaver Creek rifles, Captain Amicker), and one company of mounted partisan rangers, Captain Beckham, the whole numbering about one hundred and fifty, rank and file, at about four and a half P. M., the fourth inst., to take position on the Clinton plank road, there to engage the enemy, supposed to be posted, with a battery of artillery, at the junction of that and the Bayou Sara road. After a fatiguing night's march, we reached that desired point just at dawn of day of fifth inst., prepared to execute
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