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sual avocations without fear. The strong arm of the Government is here to protect its friends and punish its enemies. Whenever it is manifest that you are able to defend yourselves and maintain the authority of the Government and protect the rights of loyal citizens, I shall withdraw the forces under my command. N. S. Grant, Brig.-Gen. Commanding. --(Doc. 31.) Several families of Tennessee exiles arrived at Cincinnati, Ohio, in farm wagons today. They were driven from Jefferson County, Tennessee, on account of their Union sentiments, some weeks since.--Louisville Journal, Sept. 9. Captain strong, of the Second regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, had a narrow escape from the rebels to-day. He was out on picket duty, three miles in front of the National lines, on the Virginia side of the river, opposite the Chain Bridge above Washington. Being mounted, and in advance of his men, he was suddenly surrounded and taken prisoner by six secessionists, four infantry and two c
blished at the metropolis of shoe-and-leathered, say: "There is very little change in affairs since our last issue." And there will be still less change every issue you make, until the end of the Abolition Administration. At the session of the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., in Wheeling, Va., last week, a beautiful jewel was presented to E. H. Fitzhugh, Esq., of that city, by the members of the fraternity. Among the Sabbath amusements at St. Louis, on the 7th, was a fight at Arsenal Park, between a Brazilian tiger and two bull dogs. John Morrissey, the pugilist, is said to have conquered the "diphtheria," and is getting well. The Government, it appears, had considerable difficulty in getting its $5,000,000 Treasury notes taken on Thursday. The New England Methodist Conference have passed anti-slavery resolutions, in the most offensive terms. Major L. D, Franklin, one of the most wealthy and influential farmers of Jefferson county, Tenn, died suddenly last week.
creek enters the Tennessee a short distance below Eastport. Our impression is that it is a sluggish, muddy stream. There is a pretty field for strategy in the region between Bear creek, Tennessee river, and the two intersecting railroads, and the streams of that region may yet become as interesting in military history as the Rhine, the Sambre, and the Mouse. The Lincolnites in East Tennessee. A correspondent of the Knoxville Register narrates an incident which occurred in Jefferson county, Tenn., on the night of the 22d of March, as follows: Thos. Green, a respectable and well known Southern-rights citizen, noted for his devotion to the South and for his constancy as an humble Christian, was awakened about one o'clock in the morning by some one calling him at the yard fence. Supposing them to be some of his neighbors' boys, he paid no attention to their calls. But this availed him nothing. They continued their calls until he left his room and started to the fence
ours the saltpetre had formed into beautiful crystals. I poured water three times through each hopper, and then boiled it down. The result is just one hundred pounds of beautiful saltpetre, according to my husband's weighing. It was very little trouble to me. "Now, sir, I see you are the agent of the Government. I want to hand it over to you to be made into powder and sent to our army. to be used in defending our country." The Knoxville Register adds that a citizen of Jefferson county, Tenn., made from the dust beneath a single old house two hundred and eight pounds of saltpetre which, with the nitre and sulphur added, was converted into two hundred and fifty pounds of powder. Every body can do something to help on the cause. The enemy at Huntsville. Alluding to the occupation of Huntsville, Alt., by a body of Federal cavalry, the Petersburg Express says: We have no information as to the number, except a report which was circulated in Lynchburg, Friday,
The Daily Dispatch: August 17, 1863., [Electronic resource], Negro troops turned over to State authorities. (search)
From Tennessee. --Rev. M. S. Boyce, formerly Rector of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Franklin, and since the war began a Captain of cavalry in the Confederate service, is now a prisoner at Nashville, under trial on a charge of murder. The Yankees claim that he ordered the killing of a citizen without trial or examination. Three negro regiments were reviewed at Nashville a few days ago. Election returns come in slowly. Not enough have been received to decide positively what names on the Convention ticket are beaten. At a precinct in Jefferson Co., Tenn., 80 votes were east, for H. G. Brownlow for Governor.