Browsing named entities in Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Pekin (Illinois, United States) or search for Pekin (Illinois, United States) in all documents.

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Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 11: eighty years 1899-1900; aet. 80-81 (search)
the heat and the burden of years. The Journal is mostly in a minor key.] July 16. took up a poem at which I have been working for some days, on the victims in Pekin; a strange theme, but one on which I feel I have a word to say. Wrote it all over.... July 19. was much worn out with the heat. In afternoon my head gave out a., Mother. August 17.... In the evening I was seized with an attack of verse and at bedtime wrote a rough draft of a Te Deum for the rescue of the ministers in Pekin. August 20.... Got my poem smooth at some expense of force, perhaps. I like the poem. I think that it has been given me. This Te Deum was printed in the Chds of justice, mercy, etc., and that once sent forth, it should not be recalled until the work whereunto it had been pledged was accomplished. This with a view to Pekin. ... September 13.... The Galveston horror A terrible storm and tidal wave which had nearly destroyed the city. was much in my mind yesterday. I could not
y, II, 115. Parthenon, I, 274. Pascarello, Sig., II, 255. Passion Flowers, I, 59, 106, 135, 137, 142, 162, 251; II, 211. Pater, Walter, II, 168. Patti, Adelina, II, 5. Paul, Jean, I, 67. Peabody, A. P., I, 210. Peabody, F. G., II, 127. Peabody, Lucia, II, 260. Peabody, Mary, see Mann. Peace, I, 300-07, 309, 312, 318, 319, 332, 345, 346; II, 8, 77, 326, 327, 359. Pearse, Mrs., II, 250. Peary, R. E., II, 396. Pecci, see Leo XIII. Peekskill, I, 6. Pekin, II, 276, 278, 279. Pelosos, Ernest, I, 124. Pennsylvania Peace Society, I, 319. Perabo, Mr., I, 245, 259; II, 136. Pericles, I, 274. Perkins, Charles, II, 99. Perkins, Mrs. C. C., I, 347; II, 65. Perkins, G. H., II, 292. Perkins Institution for the Blind, I, 73, 74, 102, 103, 105, 109, 111, 112, 128, 167, 249, 273, 283, 354; II, 59, 73, 129, 150, 269, 293, 347, 357. Perry, Bliss, II, 320. Perrysburg, II, 121, 122. Persiani (Fanny Tacchinardi), I, 87. Peru