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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 25, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Pekin (Illinois, United States) or search for Pekin (Illinois, United States) in all documents.
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The peculiarities of Pekin.
--The news of the capture of Pekin by the Allies imparts additional interest to the peculiarities of that cPekin by the Allies imparts additional interest to the peculiarities of that city.
A letter from the seat of war in the Monsieur de L' Armee states that Pekin is built in the form of a polygon, its northern portion offPekin is built in the form of a polygon, its northern portion offering a parallelogram, and its southern portion a square.
It is surrounded by a turreted wall, with towers at short intervals; outside of th ircle of suburbs, as densely peopled, as busy, and as compact as is Pekin itself.
The capital of China consists, in fact, of two cities, the , it is said, takes a month to go once over.
The population of Pekin and its suburbs exceeds two millions. Sixteen gates communicate bet the narrow pavements.
The Chinese are fond of raree-shows, and Pekin contains many exhibitions of puppets, learned animals, dancers and ls," and drawn by oxen harnessed in the roughest possible fashion.
Pekin contains nothing analogous to the handsome public buildings which a