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rked the struggle by which that dependence was at length terminated. Let me refer for an instant to some of the local memories which linger all around us. On the angle of Connecticut, which juts into the State of New York close by this town of Newcastle, stands the boundary rock still bearing the initials G. R., brief memento of King George III., whose sovereignty over our fathers, loyal subjects though they were, and backed as was the crown by the armies of Great Britain, faded before the steont, the banks of the stream being fortified in convenient places. I need not remind you of the battle of White Plains on the 28th October, 1776, where Alexander Hamilton distinguished himself as a captain of artillery, nor of the heights of Newcastle to which Washington repaired after the battle. At Bedford, where we hold our farms under Indian titles, bearing the mark of Katonah, sagamore, that were confirmed by patent of Queen Anne, some houses were burned in ‘79 by Lieut.-Colonel Tarlet
Doc. 262.-Duke of Newcastle's order in reference to privateers. Downing street, 1st June, 1861. Sir: You are already aware that the Queen is desirous of observing the strictest neutrality in the contest which appears to be imminent between the United States and the so-styled Confederate States of North America. I have now to inform you that, in order to give full effect to this principle, Her Majesty has been pleased to interdict the armed ships, and also the privateers of both party them into the ports, harbors, roadsteads, or waters of the United Kingdom, or of any of Her Majesty's colonies or possessions abroad. It is Her Majesty's desire that this prohibition should be forthwith notified to all proper authorities within her dominions, and I am to desire that you take measures to secure its effectual observance within the limits of your Government. I have, &c., Newcastle. Governor — The Right Honorable Sir E. W. Head, Bart, &c. --Boston Transcript, June 20.