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John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 11: Kentucky. (search)
in the Confederate service. On September 5th he began moving his forces northward, violating the neutrality of Kentucky by occupying the town of Hickman, on the Mississippi, within that State. The movement did not pass unobserved; the Union commander at Cairo had, with equal vigilance, been studying the possibilities of the river system in his neighborhood. On the following day, Brigadier-General Grant proceeded, with two gunboats and an infantry force, to take possession of the town of Paducah, at the confluence of the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers with the Ohio — a movement which bore important fruit a few months later. General Polk, on his part still marching northward, reached and occupied Columbus, on the Mississippi, on September 7th. Having hastily procured the endorsement of this step from Jefferson Davis, General Polk, on the 9th, formally notified Governor Magoffin of his presence in Kentucky. By this time also, the Unionists of the State had completed and compa
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
by secessionists, 16; S. Carolina Commissioners treat for delivery of, 27 Nelson, Lieut., William, U. S. N., 131 et seq. New York City, proposition for secession of, 71; war meeting in, 92 New York Seventh Regiment, 103 Norfolk Navy Yard, 83; destroyed, 96 North Carolina, attitude of, with regard to secession, 1, 80 North, its misapprehension of Southern opinion, 71 et seq. O. Ohio levies, 128 Ohio, Military Department of the, 140 Ohio River, 127 P. Paducah, 134 Palmetto flag, 32 Parkersburg, 142 Patterson, General, Robert, 155; map of his campaign, 159; indecision of, 161; Scott's orders to, 163 et seq. Pawnee, the, 110 Pegram, Colonel, 147 Peirpont, F. H., Governor, 145 Pensacola, 38, 79 Pennsylvania, Military Department of, 155 Philippi, 143 et seq.; battle of, 144, 146 et seq. Phillips, Wendell, 76 Pickens, Fort, at Pensacola, 16, 38, 51, 53 Pickens, Franois W., Governor of South Carolina, 5, 32; dem