Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Centreville (Maryland, United States) or search for Centreville (Maryland, United States) in all documents.

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left Fairfax Court House, Va., this morning and took up its line of march in the direction of Centreville. General McDowell, in a despatch to Headquarters at Washington, gives the position of the seville, Va., this afternoon. General Tyler's division encamped last night a few miles east of Centreville, and this morning proceeded toward that point. Centreville was passed in safety, and the troCentreville was passed in safety, and the troops turned from Little River turnpike road to the Manassas road. On the road information was received that a masked battery was on the left of the road ahead, and Colonel Richardson, in command of t, was ordered to reconnoitre, while the remainder of the division remained in the vicinity of Centreville. Col. Richardson proceeded with three companies of the Massachusetts First Regiment, beinglieve Captain Brackett's cavalry, which had done the most effective service. The day was exceedingly hot, and the horses thirsted for water, which could only be obtained at Centreville.--(Doc. 104.)
cked front and rear at the same time, but fought manfully. Their loss was two killed, three wounded, and nine taken prisoners, together with all the horses they had in charge, fifteen of which, however, were afterward recaptured, leaving eighty-five still in the hands of the enemy. The loss of the enemy was one captain and one lieutenant killed, and one lieutenant and three privates wounded. Mosby was himself wounded in two places, side and thigh. Colonel Lowell pursued the enemy from Centreville as far as Snicker's Gap, but they succeeded in making their escape by reason of having constant remounts of fresh horses.--Fitzhugh Lee, with a rebel cavalry force, crossed the Rappahannock River near Corbin's Neck, six miles below Fredericksburgh, but was soon driven back by the brigade of General Custer, with a loss in prisoners of three engineer officers, and a number of privates killed and wounded. The Union loss was slight.--the Richmond Whig of this day contained the following: A S