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ad to break away from all this and get back to Urbana, there to rest my weary limbs on the soft carp it was evident that we should be stationed at Urbana for some days, General Stuart, in order to estampton's remained in the immediate vicinity of Urbana. The following morning we were waited upon by York, a relation of the family, on a visit to Urbana, whom General Stuart, from her warm outspoken the ball were sent out to all the families in Urbana and its neighbourhood, and to the officers ofproaching the Academy, as the only building at Urbana that was at all suited to the purposes of an hof inactivity for us was now soon to be over. Urbana was not to be our Capua, and the second day afth which we got in readiness to move away from Urbana. About 11 A. M. Fitz Lee's brigade passed thr As the enemy did not advance that day beyond Urbana, the greater part of our cavalry encamped betwadvancing in strong force on the turnpike from Urbana, and we received orders to retreat through Fre[1 more...]
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 20: review of the Maryland campaign. (search)
motion on the 10th. Close upon the heels of the march followed the Army of the Potomac, only twenty-five miles behind the rear of the Confederate army, with the cavalry of the armies in contact. The march of the former was as cautious as that of the latter was venturesome. On the 10th the Union commander was informed of the march of J. G. Walker's brigades up the river from Cheek's Ford. On the 11th his signal service reported the camp across the river at Point of Rocks. On the 12th, at Urbana, he was informed of the combination against Harper's Ferry, and the march towards the Cumberland Valley, and ordered pressing pursuit to force the Confederates to a stand. Under that order General Pleasonton, the Federal cavalry leader, hurried his troops and cleared the way to South Mountain on the 13th. From day to day the Confederates marched their dispersing columns, from day to day the Union columns converged in easy, cautious marches. At noon of the 13th, General Lee's order distrib
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
mmendation of words. Pursuit was feeble, for the bulk of Early's cavalry, under Johnson, was then marching on Baltimore by the Liberty road, and the remainder, under McCausland, were too badly cut up in the fight, for any vigorous action after it. Wallace warmly commended the gallantry of Colonel Clendennin, who, he said, was as true a cavalry soldier as ever mounted a horse. He was cut off from the main body at the time of Ricketts's retreat. Throwing his followers into the village of Urbana, he there repeatedly repulsed the pursuing cavalry, and in one bold charge, saber in hand, he captured the battle-flag of the Seventeenth Virginia. The fugitive army was joined by Ricketts's three absent regiments at New-market, and covered the retreat of the wearied troops; and at the distance of twelve miles from the field of strife, the whole army bivouacked. Battle of the Monocacy. So ended the battle of the Monocacy, in the ultimate defeat of the few National troops there engage
tsville, while the centre and right moved upon the main or Turner's Pass, in front of Middletown. During these movements I had not imposed long marches on the columns. The absolute necessity of refitting and giving some little rest to troops worn down by previous long-continued marching and severe fighting, together with the uncertainty as to the actual position, strength and intentions of the enemy, rendered it incumbent upon me to move slowly and cautiously until the headquarters reached Urbana, where I first obtained reliable information that the enemy's object was to move upon Harper's Ferry and the Cumberland Valley, and not upon Baltimore, Washington or Gettysburgh. In the absence of the full reports of corps commanders, a simple outline of the brilliant operations, which resulted in the carrying of the two passes through the South-Mountains, is all that can, at this time, with justice to the troops and commanders engaged, be furnished. The South-Mountain range, near Turner
rps via Damascus and New Market. The 2d and 12th corps, forming the centre, under the command of Gen. Sumner, moved on Frederick; the former via Clarksburg and Urbana, the 12th corps on a lateral road between Urbana and New Market, thus maintaining the communication with the right wing and covering the direct road from FredericUrbana and New Market, thus maintaining the communication with the right wing and covering the direct road from Frederick to Washington. The 6th corps, under the command of Gen. Franklin, moved to Buckeystown via Darnestown, Dawsonville, and Barnesville, covering the road from the mouth of the Monocacy to Rockville, and being in a position to connect with and support the centre, should it have been necessary (as was supposed) to force the line of his troops constantly ready to meet the enemy in force. A corresponding movement of all the troops in the centre and on the left was ordered in the direction of Urbana and Poolesville. On the 12th a portion of the right wing entered Frederick, after a brisk skirmish at the outskirts of the city and in the streets. On the 13t
large force near Leesburg, so McC. has a difficult game to play, but will do his best and try to do his duty. Sept. 11, camp near Rockville. . . . I have just time before starting to say good-by. . . I am quite tired this morning, as I did not get back from a ride to Burnside's until three A. M.; the night before I was at the telegraph office sending and receiving despatches until the same hour, and how it will be to-night is more than I can tell . . . . Sept. 12, 3 P. M., camp near Urbana. As our wagons are not yet up, and won't be for a couple of hours, I avail myself of the advantages of the situation to scrawl a few lines to you. . . . We are travelling now through one of the most lovely regions I have ever seen, quite broken with lovely valleys in all directions, and some fine mountains in the distance. From all I can gather secesh is skedaddling, and I don't think I can catch him unless he is really moving into Pennsylvania; in that case I shall catch him before he h
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Maryland, 1864 (search)
9: Battle of MonocacyILLINOIS--8th Cavalry. MARYLAND--Baltimore Battery Light Arty.; 1st and 3d Potomac Home Brigade and 11th Infantry. NEW JERSEY--14th Infantry. NEW YORK--9th Heavy Arty.; 106th and 151st Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--87th and 138th Infantry. OHIO--110th, 122d, 126th, 144th, 149th and 159th Infantry. VERMONT--10th Infantry. VIRGINIA--Loudoun Indpt. Rangers; Detachment of mixed Cavalry. Union loss, 123 killed, 603 wounded, 568 captured and missing. Total, 1,294. July 9: Skirmish, UrbanaILLINOIS--8th Cavalry, Union loss, 1 killed, 5 wounded. Total, 6. July 9: Skirmish, RockvilleFry's Provisional Cavalry Regiment. July 10: Skirmish near MonocacyILLINOIS--8th Cavalry. July 11: Skirmish, FrederickMARYLAND--1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry. NEW YORK--21st Cavalry. July 12: Action, PoolesvilleOHIO--6th Cavalry. July 13: Skirmish, RockvilleILLINOIS--8th Cavalry. MASSACHUSETTS--2d Cavalry. Fry's Provisional Cavalry Regiment. July 14: Skirmish, PoolesvilleILLINOIS--8th Cavalry
el Catlin telegraphed me that a heavy force of rebel infantry was moving toward Urbana by the Buckeystown road. This threatened my lines of retreat and the position t New Market the rebels had only to move their cavalry round my right by way of Urbana and Monrovia; suspecting such was his plan, I used the utmost expedition to pas main body at the time the retreat began. Throwing himself into the village of Urbana, he repeatedly repulsed the pursuing rebels, and, in one bold charge, sabre in ry. During this time I had scouts and patrols on the Georgetown pike as far as Urbana, and fifty men of Major Wells' command at the latter place, patroling toward Bunfantry charged upon our left, and our forces had fallen back, I retired toward Urbana, skirmishing with the enemy's cavalry. They pressed me closely and made several charges. At Urbana the Seventeenth Virginia cavalry charged me with desperation, but were repulsed with the loss of their colors, their major, color-bearer, and se
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 17: to South Mountain and Antietam. (search)
ntietam. The weather was warm, the regiment had no tents and the rations were not good, still they were on Maryland soil. When the regiment reached Rockville, Sept. 8, they spent one night there and many of the officers visited the Massachusetts regiments of Pope's Army. It was a revelation to hear their brothers of Pope's Army talk politics at such a time. The march was resumed in the morning and continued slowly forward. Millbury was reached on Sept. 9, Clarksburg on the 10th and Urbana on the 12th. Fences suffered somewhat during the march, being used for cooking purposes only, the weather being so warm that no other fires were needed. Sometimes on picket, sometimes on the march, the column gradually neared Frederick City. Here and there traces of the rebels were found and, on the whole, they did not seem to have left a very good impression on the soil or in the hearts of the Marylanders. Once in a while a fellow in a grey coat was discovered, worn, sick and dispirit
Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.1, Maryland (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 8: Maryland under Federal military power. (search)
61, to Capt. R. Morris Copeland, assistant adjutant-general on Banks' staff: Previous to the election a number of enemies to the Union in this State preliminated schemes for disturbing the peace of the various precincts. I had several of the most prominent actors in this, among whom was a candidate for senator, arrested before election and held until to-day. I had detailments from various companies of my regiment, with proper officers, stationed in Sandy Hook, Petersville, Jefferson, Urbana, New Market, Buckeyetown, Frederick City and other places where the polls were held. Owing to the presence of the troops everything progressed quietly and I am happy to report a Union victory in every place in my jurisdiction. These arbitrary arrests caused Lord Lyons, the English minister at Washington, to remonstrate with Mr. Lincoln. On November 4th he wrote Earl Russell that he had told Mr. Seward that while the English people did not enter far into abstract questions of national d
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