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New Bern (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
A. Snow, with six of the same as Battery A. Colonel Kenly was promoted brigadier-general on the 22d of August, 1862, for gallant conduct at the battle of Front Royal. On September 8th he was assigned to command a brigade to consist of the First, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth regiments of Maryland volunteers with Alexander's battery of light artillery. The First regiment, as we have seen, served with distinction in the valley under Banks in 1862. The Second was with Burnside at New Bern, N. C. There they received the following decoration from their commanding general: Headquarters Department of North Carolina. New Bern, May 22, 1862. Lieut.-Col. Eugene Duryea, Commanding Second regiment Maryland Volunteers: Sir:—The commanding general desires me to express his gratification at the skillful and soldierly manner in which your movement on Pollocksville was executed on the 14th and 17th instant, and high appreciation of the fortitude and perseverance with which the
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
term of service and the ridiculous terms proposed for enlistment, the government refused to accept the home guards, guaranteed never to leave the State except in case of invasion. On the 2d of May President Lincoln had called for forty-two thousand and thirty-four regulars to serve for three years, and a large number of men who had volunteered under the first call enlisted under the second. James Cooper, Esq., who was a native of Carroll county, Maryland, but had lived all his life in Pennsylvania and had served that State in the Senate of the United States with honor to himself and distinction to his State, was commissioned brigadier-general by the Federal authority, and assigned to the duty of raising and organizing the militia of the State of Maryland for Federal service. The governor and State authority were thus superseded by the Federal government, as the legislature was shortly afterward dispersed, imprisoned and disbanded, the judges ignored and the courts trampled under f
Sharpsburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ith Burnside to Virginia, where it joined Pope and did good service at Second Manassas. Maryland is not entitled to merit for this gallant command. Its colonel, Duryea, was not connected by blood or in any way with the State, and most of the enlisted men were foreigners. The Third regiment, under Colonel DeWitt, was hotly engaged at Cedar Run, and lost heavily. Major Kennedy and over one hundred men were killed and wounded. They also lost over thirty-three per cent of the command at Sharpsburg, killed and wounded. The First regiment of cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel Miller and Maj. James M. Deems, served under Generals Buford and Sigel in the army of the Potomac, in 1862. The Potomac home brigade, Col. William P. Maulsby, and the Purnell Legion, were enlisted and organized as home guards for home service and never to leave the State. Colonel Maulsby, of the First regiment, and commanding the Potomac home brigade, was as high spirited and as chivalric a knight as ever set lan
Pollock (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
lina. New Bern, May 22, 1862. Lieut.-Col. Eugene Duryea, Commanding Second regiment Maryland Volunteers: Sir:—The commanding general desires me to express his gratification at the skillful and soldierly manner in which your movement on Pollocksville was executed on the 14th and 17th instant, and high appreciation of the fortitude and perseverance with which the obstacles presented by the elements were borne and overcome by yourself and your command. I have the honor to be, colonel, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Lewis Richmond, A. A. G. The move on Pollocksville consisted of a march of sixty miles in seventy-two hours in the face of an active enemy, through deep mud and in a drenching rain, maintaining their position for two days against heavy odds, repelling repeated assaults and performing their work effectually, and then safely returning to the army notwithstanding a vigorous pursuit! The Second Maryland returned with Burnside to Virginia, where it
Easton (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
eyes and Casey; in and around Washington, General Stone at Poolesville, and Banks at Darnestown, up to Williamsport, General Kelly at Cumberland, where he was relieved early in January by General Lander. It had elected Augustus W. Bradford governor, and a subservient legislature in November, 1861. The judiciary was deposed and dragged from the bench. Judge Robert B. Carmichael, illustrious for a long life of private virtue and public service, was seized on the bench in his court house at Easton in Talbot county, knocked senseless with a revolver on the very seat of justice, incarcerated in the negro jail in Baltimore, and thence sent to Fort Lafayette and there held. Hon. James L. Bartol, of the court of appeals, was imprisoned in Fort McHenry. As General Lee said in his proclamation to the people of Maryland: Words have been declared offenses, by an arbitrary decree of the Federal executive, and citizens ordered to be tried by a military commission for what they may dare to spea
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
aising and organizing the militia of the State of Maryland for Federal service. The governor and Shension among Union citizens in many parts of Maryland, of an attempt at interference with their rigd to have gone far to establish the fact that Maryland is retained in the Union only by military forovision for the families of those citizens of Maryland who were killed by the soldiers. Loyalty counteers to suppress the rebellion, he required Maryland to furnish four regiments of four hundred ande the first of June, 1861, the First regiment Maryland volunteers was mustered into the service of t These first forces raised for the Union in Maryland were, with the exception of the First regimen The First Maryland under Kenly was the only Maryland regiment on the Union side. The Confederate family of Maryland but was represented in the Maryland Line. Five grandsons of John Eager Howard, o head and heart heats all the members. The Maryland artillery battalion, under Maj. Edward R. Pet[13 more...]
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
written agreements have no force. It was freely asserted by the great legal authorities, by learned lawyers and great judges, supporting the Union side, that constitutions are not made for war times! Patterson's army, after retiring from Virginia, on the expiration of the time of its ninety-day men, was camped at Williamsport, where during the summer it was reinforced by new recruits. Maj.-Gen. N. P. Banks was assigned to command this army and picketed the Potomac from Georgetown to Harper's Ferry. Maj.-Gen. Joseph Hooker with a division was posted in southern Maryland, and picketed the Potomac from Washington to its mouth. Forty thousand men were thus occupied in guarding Maryland along the line of the Potomac alone. Another division was posted in Baltimore with garrisons at every county town in the State. The November election of 1861 was considered of great consequence to the Union side in that State. Governor Hicks, in his zeal not to raise his arm against a sister South
Urbana (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
61, to Capt. R. Morris Copeland, assistant adjutant-general on Banks' staff: Previous to the election a number of enemies to the Union in this State preliminated schemes for disturbing the peace of the various precincts. I had several of the most prominent actors in this, among whom was a candidate for senator, arrested before election and held until to-day. I had detailments from various companies of my regiment, with proper officers, stationed in Sandy Hook, Petersville, Jefferson, Urbana, New Market, Buckeyetown, Frederick City and other places where the polls were held. Owing to the presence of the troops everything progressed quietly and I am happy to report a Union victory in every place in my jurisdiction. These arbitrary arrests caused Lord Lyons, the English minister at Washington, to remonstrate with Mr. Lincoln. On November 4th he wrote Earl Russell that he had told Mr. Seward that while the English people did not enter far into abstract questions of national d
Front Royal (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
Schley, one company of artillery and two troops of cavalry; the First Maryland artillery, Captain Alexander, and the Fourth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth regiments of infantry. There was also a battalion of artillery, Maj. E. R. Petherbridge, Battery A, Capt. I. W. Wolcott, with eight three-inch rifle 10-pounders, and Battery B, Capt. A. Snow, with six of the same as Battery A. Colonel Kenly was promoted brigadier-general on the 22d of August, 1862, for gallant conduct at the battle of Front Royal. On September 8th he was assigned to command a brigade to consist of the First, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth regiments of Maryland volunteers with Alexander's battery of light artillery. The First regiment, as we have seen, served with distinction in the valley under Banks in 1862. The Second was with Burnside at New Bern, N. C. There they received the following decoration from their commanding general: Headquarters Department of North Carolina. New Bern, May 22, 1862.
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 8
Chapter 8: Maryland under Federal military power. Governor Hicks did not respond to the first call of the President of the United States for troops until he had delivered the State over to the Federal authorities, securely tied, handcuffed and gagged, and when habeas corpus was defied, freedom of speech made a crime, liberty sued a proclamation calling for four-regiments of volunteers to serve for three months, within the limits of Maryland, or for the defense of the capital of the United States, and not to serve beyond the limits aforesaid. In consequence of the delay, the short term of service and the ridiculous terms proposed for enlistment, the goes were raised in different parts of the State, and before the first of June, 1861, the First regiment Maryland volunteers was mustered into the service of the United States, and John R. Kenly commissioned colonel, and Nathan T. Dushane lieutenant-colonel. The Second regiment was mustered in about the middle of September under Co
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