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berties. And advising all the Colonies to prepare for war, they implored the Ruler above the skies, that he would make bare his arm in defence of his church and people, and let Israel go. As we are in a remote wilderness corner of the earth, we know but little, said the farmers of Lenox; but they were certain that neither nature nor the God of nature required them to crouch Issachar-like, between the two burdens of poverty and slavery. We prize our liberties so highly, thus the men of Leicester with the districts of Spencer and Paxton spoke modestly and sincerely, that we think it our duty to risk our lives and fortunes in defence thereof. For that spirit of virtue which induced your town, at so critical a day to take the lead in so good a cause, wrote the Town of Petersham, our admiration is heightened, when we consider your being exposed to the first efforts of power. The time may come, when you may be driven from your goodly heritage; if that should be the case, we invite yo
her Country, had lost the tenderness of a parent, and become their great oppressor. Journal of C. C. 501. —We trust in God, wrote the men of Lexington, that should the state of our affairs require it, we shall be ready to sacrifice our estates and every thing dear in life, yea, and life itself, in support of the common cause. Original Papers, 495.—Whole towns in Worcester County were on tiptoe to come down. J. Adams: Works, IX. 835. Go on, as you have begun, wrote the Committee of Leicester on the fourteenth; and do not suffer any of the teas already come or coming to be landed, or pay one farthing of duty. You may depend on our aid and assistance when needed. Journal of C. C. VII. 603. The line of policy adopted was, if possible, to get the tea carried back to London uninjured in the vessel in which it came. A Meeting of the people on Tuesday afternoon directed and as it were compelled Rotch, the owner of the Dartmouth, to apply for a clearance. He did so, accompan