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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 6 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 4 0 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 2 0 Browse Search
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 2 0 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 7, April, 1908 - January, 1909 1 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Acadia, or Acadie, (search)
ecause of the horrible forays of the French and Indians on their frontiers, had to be appeased, and vengeance was inflicted upon these innocent people. It was resolved to banish the French Neutrals from their country. Governor Shirley had proposed it years before, in order to supply their place with Protestants; and the British government had promoted emigration thither, that a strong admixture of Protestants might neutralize the efforts of the priests to make the Acadians disloyal. Now Shirley's scheme was adopted, and General Winslow, who commanded the invaders, was made the executor of it. It was believed by the English that if the Acadians were permitted to go to Canada or Cape Breton, they would thus strengthen the enemies of the English; to distribute them would destroy their strength and prevent attempts to return. To accomplish this, a disgraceful artifice was employed. The English authorities issued a proclamation, ordering both old and young men, as well as all the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Niagara, Fort (search)
expedition against Forts Niagara and Frontenac, to be led in person by General Shirley. With his own and Pepperell's regiments, lately enlisted in New England, and some irregulars and Indians drawn from New York, Shirley marched from Albany to Oswego, on the southern shore of Lake Ontario, where he intended to embark for Niagara. It was a tedious march, and he did not reach Oswego until Aug. 21. The troops were then disabled by sickness and discouraged by the news of Braddock's defeat. Shirley's force was 2,500 in number on Sept. 1. He began the erection of two strong forts at Oswego, one on each side of the river. The prevalence of storms, sickness in his camp, and the desertion of a greater part of his Indian allies, caused him to relinquish the design against Niagara; so, leaving a sufficient number of men at Oswego to complete and garrison the forts, he marched the remainder back to Albany, where he arrived Oct. 24. In 1759, accompanied by Sir William Johnson as his seco
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Thomas, John 1725-1776 (search)
Thomas, John 1725-1776 Military officer; born in Marshfield, Mass., in 1725; was a practising physician, and was surgeon in the provincial army sent to Nova Scotia in 1746. In 1747 he was on Shirley's medical staff, and in 1759 he became colonel of a provincial regiment. He commanded a regiment under Amherst and Haviland in 1760 in the capture of Montreal Colonel Thomas was one of the most active Sons of Liberty in Massachusetts; was appointed brigadier-general by Congress ill 1775; commanded a brigade during the siege of Boston, and after the evacuation was sent to take command of the American troops in Canada. He joined the army before Quebec May 1, 1776, and died in Chambly, June 2, 1776.
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 10: Middlesex County. (search)
d by the town on account of the war, exclusive of State aid, was twenty thousand five hundred and ten dollars ($20,510.00). The amount of money raised and expended by the town during the war for State aid to soldiers' families, and repaid by the Commonwealth, was as follows: In 1861, $118.34; in 1862, $1,021.24; in 1863, $1,515.70; in 1864, $1,336.94; in 1865, $800.00. Total amount, $4,792.22. The ladies of Sherborn were very active in their labors for the comfort of the soldiers. Shirley Incorporated Jan. 5, 1753. Population in 1860, 1,468; in 1865, 1,217. Valuation in 1860, $662,067; in 1865, $676,275. The selectmen in 1861 were James P. Longley, Samuel Farnsworth, Charles A. Edgarton; in 1862, 1863, and 1864, Stillman D. Benjamin, Nathaniel Hartwell, Alfred Page; in 1865, David Porter, George Davis, Edwin L. White. The town-clerk during all these years was Zenas Brown. The town-treasurer in 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864 was Thomas Whitney; in 1865, James P. Longl
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 23: (search)
been let in behind the barriers to see the show. When one waltz was over we left it all, and reached home just before midnight, having been there, of course, nearly six hours, and yet not being very near the end of the whole matter. It was an elegant entertainment in all its parts,. .. . and the company had an air of quiet gentility and good taste about it which, I am sure, is rarely to be found anywhere. January 11.—Count Baudissin came this morning and brought with him a volume of Shirley's Plays, where there were one or two passages he found it difficult to interpret. I found it hardly less so, but that did not prevent us from having a very agreeable literary conversation of an hour or two. He is the person, I find, who has completed, with Tieck, the translation of Shakespeare which was begun by Schlegel, and his portion is thought equally good with that of his predecessor. The evening I divided between literary talk at Tieck's, which was more than commonly interesting
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing), chapter 2 (search)
hem not as they actually were, but as they really were. This accounts for her high estimate of her friends,—too high, too flattering, indeed, but justified to her mind by her knowledge of their interior capabilities. The following extract illustrates her power, even at the age of nineteen, of comprehending the relations of two things lying far apart from each other, and of rising to a point of view which could overlook both:— I have had,—while staying a day or two in Boston,—some of Shirley's, Ford's, and Heywood's plays from the Athenaeum. There are some noble strains of proud rage, and intellectual, but most poetical, allabsorbing, passion. One of the finest fictions I recollect in those specimens of the Italian novelists,— which you, I think, read when I did,—noble, where it illustrated the Italian national spirit, is ruined by the English novelist, who has transplanted it to an uncongenial soil; yet he has given it beauties which an Italian eye could not see, by inv
12, 15. Sanborn, Adaline L., 39, 40, 41. Sanborn, David A., 37, 40. Sanborn, Hannah Adams (Stone), 40. Sargent, Aaron, 73, 82, 85. Sawyer, Charles W., 21, 22. Sawyer, Edward K., 23. School Holidays, List of, 53. Second Baptist Church of Cam-bridge, 39. Shaw, Henry, 19. Shaw, John B., 19. Shed, Samuel, 42. Shepard, Isaac F., 74. Sheridan, Major-General, 10. Sherman, Mr., 31. Sherman, John N., 32, 33, 35. Sherman, General T. W., 57, 59, 60. Shirley, Governor, 62. Shirley, Mass., 29. Shirley, W., 63, 65. Simsport, 58. Six Mile House, 2. Skehan, John, 19. Skelton, Samuel, 83, 84. Sleeper, Jacob, 73, 74, 75. Smith, Addison, 19. Society, The, 78. Society of Cincinnati, 23. Soley Lodge, 72. Soley, John, 78. Soldiers' Retreat, 5. Somerville Avenue, 25. Somerville Cemetery, 42, Somerville Historical Society, 21, 22, 72. Somerville Improvement Society, 42. Somerville, Mass., 4, 9. South Berwick, 31. South Carolina, 31. South Side Ra
boundary of Nova Scotia, represented to George the Second, that the inhabitants near the isthmus, being French and Catholic, should be removed into some other of his Majesty's colonies, and that Protestant settlers should occupy their lands. Shirley's Memoirs of the Last War, 77, 75. From this atrocious proposal, Newcastle, who was cruel only from frivolity, did not withhold his approbation; but Bedford, his more humane successor, restricting his plans of colonization to the undisputed Britute towards their common security could not be thought laying a burden; and he cited the Acts of Trade and the duty laid on foreign sugars imported into the northern colonies, as precedents that established the reasonableness of his proposal. Shirley's associates in New York were equally persevering. The seventh day of May, 1749, brought to them the agreeable news, that all went flowingly on J. Ayscough, Clinton's private secretary, to Colden, 9 May, 1749. Catherwood sends us the agreeab