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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 9 1 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 31, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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eft and right, forming a three-sided square. The color guard was marched forward from the line, the colors then brought forward, when Gen. Dix addressed the regiment in the most patriotic and impassioned language. Col. Paine replied in the same lofty sentiments and with burning eloquence, which spontaneously drew from his regiment acclamations of eternal fidelity to the emblem of our country's glory-after which the colors took their place in line.--Baltimore American, Sept. 28. A battle was fought near Shanghai, in Benton County, Missouri, between a body of Kansas troops, under Montgomery and Jamison, and the advance guard of Ben. McCulloch's army and some of the State Guard, under Judge Cheneault. The rebels were driven back with considerable loss, and pursued forty miles, when Montgomery fell back on Greenfield. Great alarm was felt by the rebels in Springfield lest Montgomery should attack that place, and the troops there rested on their arms for several nights.--(Doc. 75.)
pursuit. At Stockton I was joined by Major King, Sixth cavalry, Missouri State militia, with three hundred and seventy-five men of the Sixth and Eighth Missouri State militia. The force had entered Humansville from the north, in pursuit of Hunter and Coffee, four hours after I had passed through it toward the west. Major King attacked and drove this force through Humansville, capturing their last cannon. Finding that Shelby had passed through Stockton in advance of me, I marched to Greenfield and Sarcoxie, via Bower's Mill, and on the night of the nineteenth camped at Keitsville, when I learned of scouts of Colonel Phelps, commanding at Cassville, that the enemy had crossed the telegraph road at Cross-Timbers that day about noon. I kept up a rapid pursuit, following the trail of our flying foe via Sugar Creek and Early's Ferry, to Huntsville; our advance party, entering Huntsville with a dash, took quite a number of soldiers of Brooks's rebel command, with their horses and a
ing the flying Rebels. J. M. Schofield, Major-General. Gen. McNeil was at St. Louis when first apprised Oct. 9. of this raid, and at once set out for his post, Lebanon: whence, gathering up what force lie could, he advanced on Bolivar, moving by Humansville and Stockton on Lamar, where he hoped to intercept their flight. But Shelby had already passed through Humansville, hotly pursued, losing there his last gun, when McNeil reached that point; so the latter joined the hunt through Greenfield and Sarcoxie into Arkansas, and on through Huntsville over Buffalo mountain, taking prisoners by the way; continuing the chase to Clarksville, unable to come fairly up with the nimble fugitives, who had now crossed the Arkansas and vanished among the wilds beyond. McNeil here gave over the pursuit, moving deliberately up the river to Fort Smith. During this chase, he had been designated Oct. 20. to command of the Army of the Frontier, vice Gen. Blunt, relieved. Standwatie and Quant
A correspondent of the Missouri Democrat, gives the following account of this fight:-- Rolla, October 14. From gentlemen in from Springfield, we have a confirmation of the Shanghai fight between Montgomery and the forces under McCulloch. All information from this quarter must come through secession channels, and that is consequently quite meagre. It was stated that Montgomery flaxed out the secessionists, and the latter were driven some distance. Montgomery then fell back on Greenfield. The forces at Springfield were kept in a state of constant alarm for several nights, in apprehension of an attack from the Jayhawkers. The baggage train was rushed to the public square and placed under a strong guard, while the troops went out to Owens' farm--one mile and a half from Springfield — and formed in line of battle, resting on their arms over night. One informant states that John Price started northward with five hundred men, but was driven back, having encountered a Sawyer.
int yesterday at eleven o'clock A. M. My advance, under Col. Cloud, skirmished with their rear-guard during the day yesterday, killing and wounding several and taking a number of prisoners. Coffee is talking of forming a junction with Rains at Greenfield, and make a stand, which I hope they may do, as my command is much exhausted by forced marches, and stock badly used up. Since I left Fort Scott, my command has marched over two hundred miles and an average of forty miles per day without tents,s without subsistence, except as we could forage off the country, yet the men have borne their fatigue and privations cheerfully in anticipation of meeting the enemy. I arrived here at two o'clock this morning, and shall march in an hour for Greenfield. James G. Blunt, Brigadier-General Commanding. Official account of the battle. headquarters, Sedalia, Mo., August 24, 1862. Colonel Catherwood: sir: On tile morning of the fifteenth instant, about eight hundred men (our detachment
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Missouri, 1863 (search)
killed, 2 wounded. Total, 14. Aug. 2: Skirmish, StumptownMISSOURI--1st State Militia Cavalry (Co's "F," "G," "H"). Union loss, 1 killed. Aug. 6-9: Scout from Greenfield to Golden Grove and CarthageMISSOURI--8th State Militia Cavalry (Co. "A"). Aug. 6-9: Scout from Lexington to HopewellMISSOURI--1st State Militia Cavalry (Detac15: Skirmish near EnterpriseIOWA--18th Infantry (Detachment). ARKANSAS--1st Cavalry (Detachment); 1st Battery Light Arty. (Detachment). Sept. 15-18: Scout from GreenfieldMISSOURI--7th Enrolled Militia. Sept. 17: Skirmish, Horse CreekMISSOURI--6th State Militia Cavalry. Sept. 20: Skirmish, HornersvilleMISSOURI--6th Cavalry. SepMISSOURI--7th Prov'l Enrolled Militia (Detachment). Oct. 4: Skirmish near Widow Wheeler'sMISSOURI--8th State Militia Cavalry (Co's "L" "M"). Oct. 5: Skirmish, GreenfieldMISSOURI--7th Prov'l Enrolled Militia (Detachment). Oct. 5: Skirmish, Jasper CountyMISSOURI--8th State Militia Cavalry. Oct. 5: Skirmish, StocktonMISSOURI--7th
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Kansas Volunteers. (search)
of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri (1 Section), to February, 1863. District of Southwest Missouri, Dept. Missouri, to June, 1863. District of the Frontier, Dept. Missouri, to January, 1864. Unattached, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, Dept. Arkansas, to May, 1864. 1st Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 7th Corps, to July, 1865. Service. Duty at Fort Scott, Kansas, till June, 1863. (1st Section moved to Greenfield, Mo., September 1-3, 1862. Action at Newtonia September 30. Occupation of Newtonia October 4. Cane Hill November 28. 2nd Section moved from Fort Scott to Pea Ridge, Ark., October 12-19, 1862, returning to Fort Scott December 3-10, 1862.) Scout from Creek Agency to Jasper County, Mo., May 16-19, 1863 (1 Section). Sherwood May 19. (1 Section moved to Baxter Springs May 6, returning to Fort Scott June 24.) Fort Gibson May 22. Near Fort Gibson May 28. Operations abo
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Missouri Volunteers. (search)
Joined Totten's Division, Army of the Frontier. Oxford Bend, near Fayetteville, Ark., October 27-28. Expedition from Greenfield into Jasper and Barton Counties November 24-26. Operations against Marmaduke in Missouri December 31, 1862-January 2eek with skirmishes May 3-18 (Detachment). French Point May 15 (Detachment). Jasper County June 10. Scout from Greenfield to Golden Grove and Carthage August 6-9 (Co. A ). Capture of Fort Smith, Ark., August 31. Devil's Back Bone, Arkuthwest Missouri. Action at Bloomfield, Mo., January 17, 1863. Dade County July 24, 1863 (Co. E ). Scout from Greenfield September 15-18. Operations against Shelby September 22-October 26. Oregon (or Bowers' Mill) October 4. GreenfGreenfield October 5. Stockton October 5 (Detachment). Operations in Northern Arkansas December, 1863, to February, 1864. Duty in Christian, Douglass and Stone Counties till July. Scouts near Neosho and Carthage May 18-23. At Mount Vernon Ma
Harrell's Arkansas cavalry. Rufus A. Watkins, St. Catherine, Mo., surgeon Glenn's Arkansas infantry. The board held its next sitting in Washington, Hempstead county, Ark., September, 1863: John W. Crowdus, Neosho, Mo., surgeon Choctaw and Chickasaw cavalry. John D. Parsons, Kaufman, Tex., assistant surgeon. Junius Terry, Lexington, Mo., surgeon Shelby's First Missouri cavalry. John T. Turner, Armstrong Academy, C. N., surgeon Folsom's Second Choctaw cavalry. William Kennedy, Greenfield, Mo., assistant surgeon Smith's Third Missouri cavalry. January, 1864, at Washington, Ark.: Marshall A. Brown, Miami, Mo., surgeon Clark's Missouri infantry. John M. Welborn, Walnut Hill, Ark., assistant surgeon Camden hospital. Robert Duncan, St. Louis, Mo., Gaither's Arkansas infantry. Johnson J. Whitmore, Centre Point, Ark., assistant surgeon Hill's Arkansas cavalry. John M. Frazier, Missouri, assistant surgeon Burns' Eleventh Missouri infantry. February, 1864: John H. McMurray, In
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
2; 88, 2; 97, 1; 111, 9; 117, 1; 149, D11 Great Bridge, Va. 137, H11 Great Cacapon River, W. Va. 27, 1; 82, 3 Great Falls, Potomac River 7, 1; 27, 1; 100, 1 Great Run, Va. 16, 1; 40, 1; 100, 1 Great Salt Lake, Utah Ter. 120, 1; 171 Greenbrier River, W. Va. 2, 4; 84, 9; 116, 3; 135-A; 137, C1; 140, H12; 141, C14, 141, E11 Greencastle, Pa. 25, 6; 43, 7; 116, 2; 135-A; 136, D6 Greeneville, Tenn. 24, 3; 76, 2; 118, 1; 135-A; 142, D6; 171 Greenfield, Mo. 135-A; 160, B12 Green Hill, Tenn. 24, 3; 30, 2; 118, 1; 150, G6 Green River, Ky. 102, 1; 117, 1; 150, A4, 150, D7; 151, G4; 171 Greensborough, Ark. 135-A Greensburg, Ky. 118, 1; 135-A; 150, C9; 171 Greensburg, La. 135-A; 155, H8; 156, B8 Greenton, Mo. 161, D11 Greenville, Ky. 118, 1; 135-A Greenville, Miss. 117, 1; 135-A; 154, G7 Greenville, Mo. 47, 1; 117, 1; 135-A; 152, G5; 153, B8; 161, B11; 171 Greenville, N. C.
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