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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 23: the War in Missouri.-doings of the Confederate Congress. --Affairs in Baltimore.--Piracies. (search)
e Texas Ranger, See page 267. who had crossed the border from Arkansas with about eight hundred men, and was marching, with rapidly increasing numbers, on Springfield. On the following day, June 13. Lyon left St. Louis in two river steamers (Iatan and J. C. Swan), with about two thousand men well supplied for a long march, their immediate destination being the capital of the Commonwealth, on the Missouri River, and their first business to drive Jackson and Price, with their Leonidas Polkefferson City. Lyon followed them the next day, June 16. leaving Colonel Boernstein, with three companies of his regiment, to hold the capital. Contrary to the expectation of the insurgents, Lyon went by water, in three steamers (A. McDonnell, Iatan, and City of Louisiana), and the destruction of bridges availed the insurgents nothing. At Rocheport, at dawn on the 17th, Lyon ascertained that the insurgents were encamped a few miles below Booneville. Pressing into his service a ferry-boat
Twenty-sixth regiment Indiana Volunteers, under command of Colonel Wheatly. We arrived at Booneville at three o'clock the morning of the 16th instant, at which place we transferred to the Iatan the troops of the Eighteenth regiment Indiana Volunteers, and took aboard the remainder of the Twenty-second Indiana. The Iatan also received the balance of the Eighteenth Indiana. Every thing being in readiness, the expedition again started up the river. The troops on board the War Eagle and Iatan (Twenty-second and Eighteenth Indiana) were under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Hendricks, of the Twenty-second; those on the White Cloud and Desmoines (Twenty-sixth regiment Indiana) being under command of Colonel Wheatly. Colonel Hendricks' command was destined to Glasgow and Cambridge, and to reconnoitre about the neighborhood of those places. Colonel Wheatley's was bound for Lexington. Every thing went on smoothly; we passed the towns of Arrow Rock and Saline without any trouble
D., Doc. 328 Hubbard, —, artist, N. Y., D. 56 Hudson, H. N., Rev., D. 43 Hudson, N. Y., meeting at, D. 35 Hughes, John, Archbishop of Now York, letter to the Union meeting, New York, April 20, Doc. 89 Hull, Solomon L., Doc. 108 Hunt, Washington, speech at the Union meeting, Doc. 90 Hunt, Wilson G., D. 91 Hunter, —, Senator of Va., D. 49 Huntington, —, artist, N. Y., D. 56 Hyde, P. W. D. 45 Hymn for a Flag Raising, P. 140 I Iatan, Mo., secession flug at, D. 91 If any one attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot, Doc. 27 Ike Sumter, a poem by, P. <*>5 Illinois, troops of, seize arms in the St. Louis Arsenal, D. 44; war enthusiasm of the people, D. 45 Independence, Mo., action near, D. 107 Indiana, alacrity of the troops of, D. 58 6th Regt. left Cincinnati, O., D. 86; troops at Philippi, D. 91 Indiana Zouaves, notice of, D. 95; leave Cumberland, Md., D. 100 In<
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
e, Jan. 28; approved......Jan. 29, 1861 Governor Robinson assumes office......Feb. 9, 1861 Meeting of the first State legislature at Topeka......March 26, 1861 James H. Lane and Samuel C. Pomeroy elected United States Senators......April 4, 1861 Steamboat New Sam Gaty arrives at Leavenworth from St. Louis, under Confederate flag. The captain is compelled by the people to substitute the stars and stripes......April 18, 1861 First Confederate flag captured by Kansas troops at Iatan, Mo., brought into Leavenworth......June 3, 1861 Organization of the 1st Kansas at Fort Leavenworth......June 4, 1861 First daily overland mail coach arrives at St. Joseph, Mo., seventeen days from Sacramento......July 18, 1861 Battle of Wilson's Creek, which saved Missouri to the Union; Gen. Nathaniel Lyon, of Kansas, killed......Aug. 10, 1861 Battle with Confederates at Dry Wood......Sept. 2, 1861 Platte River Bridge massacre, Barclay Coppoe and other Iowa soldiers killed......
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Kansas Volunteers. (search)
tered in at Kansas City June 20, 1861. Moved to Clinton, Mo., to join Lyon. Attached to Deitzler's Brigade, Lyon's Army of the West. Advance on Springfield, Mo., June 29-July 5. Expedition from Springfield to Forsyth July 20-25. Action at Forsyth July 22. Dug Springs August 2. Battle of Wilson's Creek August 10. March to Rolla, thence to St. Louis August 11-22. Operations in Northeast Missouri August 30-September 7. Paris September 2. Shelbina September 4. Iatan September 4. Capture of St. Jo September 13. Moved to Wyandotte, Kan., to resist Price's invasion. Mustered out October 31, 1861. Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 12 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 3 Enlisted men by disease. Total 17. 2nd Kansas Regiment Colored Infantry. Organized at Fort Scott and Fort Leavenworth August 11 to October 17, 1863. Attached to District of the Frontier, Dept. Missouri, to January, 1864. Unattached, D