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Plato, Critias, section 108e (search)
Now first of all we must recall the fact that 9000 is the sum of yearsCf. Tim. 23 E. since the war occurred, as is recorded, between the dwellers beyond the pillars of Heracles and all that dwelt within themCf. Tim. 24 E.; which war we have now to relate in detail. It was stated that this city of ours was in command of the one side and fought through the whole of the war, and in command of the other side were the kings of the island of Atlantis, which we said was an island larger than Libya and Asia once upon a time, but now lies sunk by earthquakes and has created a barrier of impassable mud
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Donnelly, Ignatius, 1831- (search)
Donnelly, Ignatius, 1831- Author; born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 3, 1831; removed to Minnesota in 1856; elected lieutenantgovernor of the State in 1859 and 1861; Representative in Congress, 1863-69; president of the State Farmers' Alliance of Minnesota for several years; nominee of the Anti-Fusion People's party for Vice-President of the United States in 1900. He was the author of Atlantis, the Antediluvian world; The Great Cryptogram, in which he undertook to prove by a word cipher that Francis Bacon was the author of Shakespeare's plays; The American people's money, etc. He died in Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 2, 1901.
at indistinct in the original, it appears that the cord is attached to a wrist so as to revolve the wheel. It seems to have been adopted into Christian worship in Bretagne by a woman who renounced the worship of The star, but brought along the paraphernalia of the temple, intending to sanctify an esteemed and musical observance to the worship of a new object. So the jingling has proceeded for many centuries, from almondeyed Cathay and old Zipango to the Bretons and Basques by the ocean of Atlantis. Praying-mill. A little water-wheel to keep a written prayer moving. Abbe Hue ( Travels in Tartary, 1844-46) refers to what he calls a kind of praying-mill, known to the Tartars as a chu-kor or turning-prayer. He says:--- It is common enough to see them fixed in the bed of a running stream, as they are then set in motion by the water, and go on praying night and day, to the special benefit of the person who has placed them there. The Tartars also suspend them over their domestic
ston Courier, of Wednesday, says that, on the day previous, many beautiful damsels appeared in the streets in "war homesoun," and trusts that the example will be followed; and if the ladies knew how much pleasure it afforded to the volunteers and to all good citizens, it would be generally and universally followed. French-loading cannon. The Government has given an order for a small number of the newly-invented breach loading cannon, to be executed at one of the extensive shops at Atlantis, Ga. The Rumored battle at Pa Ky The Nashville Besaw has received information from a young gentleman direct from Paducah, which leaves no doubt in the editors mind that the Federals and Confederates have had an important engagement at and near Paducah, probably resulting in the defeat of the former, and the possession of the city by Gen. Johnson. The informant passed through Paducah on Wednesday, where he learned that the Federals, upon information that there were about the Conf
Gen. successor at Savannah. --Gen. Lawton has called Colonel G. W. Lee, commanding the military post of Atlantis, to Savannah, as the withdrawal of Gen. Mercer leaves Colonel Lee senator officer of the brigade. Colonel E. P Watkins has been pleased in command at Atlantis. Gen. successor at Savannah. --Gen. Lawton has called Colonel G. W. Lee, commanding the military post of Atlantis, to Savannah, as the withdrawal of Gen. Mercer leaves Colonel Lee senator officer of the brigade. Colonel E. P Watkins has been pleased in command at Atlantis.
From Chattanooga. --The Atlantis Confederacy, of Thursday last, has intelligence, from Chattanooga to the effect that the Federal have left for want of food. They were not in sufficient force to take the place, and opus not have previsions transported to them in efficient quantities to supply their wants hence they were forced to the siege and depart. A dispatch from the against of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad says that the enemy has left is "double-quick," and that the trains were about to running to the coal Another telegraphic dispatch, which operation, mentions a report that Starpes has cut off and captured five hundred of the enemy in some one of the gaps in
by running two trains daily, making "close connections;" but thus far the terms of such an arrangement had not been settled. The Postmaster General closes his next report by saying that unless such an arrangement be effected, or the Department invested with power to compel the railroad companies to adopt the necessary schedule, he could suggest no other means of avoiding the delays alluded to. The arrangement alluded to was agreed to by the Presidents of all the roads between Richmond and Atlantis, except the President of the South-Side Railroad. The committee recommended, that the Postmaster General renew his efforts to effect the arrangement spoken of, and in case of failure, that he report the same to Congress, in order that the proper legislative steps may be taken in the promises. The report was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. The unfinished business of yesterday, being the resolution offered by Mr. Orr, of S. C., appointing a committee to investigate
The Daily Dispatch: July 30, 1863., [Electronic resource], Prisoners taking the oath to the U S. (search)
e splendid feats they were going to perform, and how they were going to wreak vengeance on us for the reason that they were made conscript rebels A few hung their heads, not daring to meet the eyes of the prisoners then on their way to City Point, but who a few days before had been their comrades in battle. The rest strutted like peacock in their bran new suit of cavalry uniform. How strange! The dirty, half starved rebels, by some magical power, are in a moment transformed into fat, blue and yellow, troopers of the Federal army! The prisoners at Camp Morten were in constant dread of the malicious designs of these renegades. They would resort to the most wicked schemes to get vengeance on true Southern men. And such are some of the raiders that may soon be hovering around Atlantis. For the sake of justice and the good of our cause let every Georgian, and let General Bragg's army, be on the watch for these deserters. They merit death and eternal infamy. Exchange Prisoner
e low land of Morris Island, and on James Island beyond, are the two batteries which the hands of treason have recently built. A little farther beyond and to the right is Fort Johnson, and to the right of that opens the harbor and city. The yellow walls of Castle Pinckney form a prominent object over the smooth surface of the water. A little to the left of Pinckney is the iron-clad middle ground battery, Fort Ripley, and I imagine it is not more comfortable below than the rebel prize Atlantis, for I see upon the top of it the white tents in which the officers and men probably live. A little beyond and to the left is the city.--The green trees upon the battery look beautiful and inviting, and from under their sheltering foliage many of the fair residents of Charleston looked out upon the fight, praying in their hearts — anxious and palpitating hearts, let us hope — that the contemptible Yankees and their iron ships might never survive the terrible storm of shot and shell whi
The Georgia battle Site. --About four miles east of Dallas, all the roads leading to Marietta or Atlantis would be covered by a line of five miles in length, and there is apparently no chance to flank the position unless the country can be traversed outside the made, which in said to be impracticable. It is possible a fight may occur there. Eighteen miles southeast of this spot, is the Chattahoochee river in its nearest appear on to Atlanta, say seven miles. Two miles west of the Chattahoochee is a favorable ridge fronting a good battle ground, and some say this will be the place.
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