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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
and the citizens of Savannah believed that designs against that city and Fort Pulaski were abandoned. Yet the Confederates multiplied the obstructions in the river in the form of piles, sunken vessels, and regular chevaux-de-frise; and upon the oozy islands and the main land on the right bank of the river they built heavy earthworks, and greatly enlarged and strengthened Fort Jackson, about four miles below the city. Among the most formidable of the Chevaux-De-frise. new earthworks was Fort Lee, built under the direction of Robert E. Lee, after his recall from Western Virginia, in the autumn of 1861. Soon after the heavy reconnaissance of Rogers and Wright, the Nationals made a lodgment on Jones's Island, and proceeded, under the immediate direction of General Viele, to erect an earthwork on Venus Point, which was named Battery Vulcan. This was completed on the 11th of February, after very great labor, A causeway was built across the island, chiefly by the Forty-eighth New
ve feet. In the North Branch, the divers who contracted, effected a similar opening in less time, as the water was little more than half the depth of the South Branch. First. The first battery from above that commanded these obstructions was Fort Lee, a strong earthwork, at one thousand five hundred yards; it had ten guns, of which two were ten-inch, and three were eight-inch columbiads. Second. Fort Jackson, at two thousand yards, has five guns, of which two are eight-inch columbiads. ourth. Water-battery, at two thousand yards, six guns, of which two were ten-inch columbiads, and one an eight-inch columbiad. About one thousand five hundred yards above these obstructions was another row of similar crib-work, extending from Fort Lee to Battery Lawton, on island directly across the channel — the channel being under the fire of these works, at ranges varying from two hundred to six hundred yards. Piles were also driven and obstructions sunken at different parts of the chan
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cow Chace, the (search)
Cow Chace, the In the summer of 1780 Washington sent General Wayne, with a considerable force, to storm a British block-house at Bull's Ferry, on the Hudson, near Fort Lee, and to drive into the American camp a large number of cattle on Bergen Neck exposed to British foragers, who might go out from Paulus's Hook (now Jersey City). Wayne was repulsed at the block-house, with a loss of sixty-four men, but returned to camp with a large number of cattle driven by his dragoons. This event inspired Major Andre, Sir Henry Clinton's adjutant-general, to write a satirical poem, which he called The Cow Chace, in which Wayne and his fellow-rebels were severely ridiculed. It was written in the style of the English ballad of Chevy Chace, in three cantos. The following is a copy of the poem; we also give fac-similes of its title from Andre‘s autograph, and of the concluding verse of the original: Elizabethtown, Aug. 1, 1780. Canto I. To drive the kine one summer's morn, The tanner took
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lee, Fort (search)
Lee, Fort A Revolutionary War defensive post on the west bank of the Hudson River, opposite New York City. Early on the morning of Nov. 20, 1776, Cornwallis crossed the Hudson from Dobh's Ferry to Closter's Landing, 5 miles above Fort Lee, and with a force about 6,000 strong, including artillery, climbed a steep, rocky pathwaFort Lee, and with a force about 6,000 strong, including artillery, climbed a steep, rocky pathway up a gorge in the Palisades, unobserved by Greene. A farmer awoke that officer from slumber in the morning twilight, in time for him to escape from imminent peril. He fled in haste from Fort Lee, with the garrison of 2,000 men, leaving cannon, tents, stores, and camp equipage behind. He barely escaped capture. Washington, ape morning twilight, in time for him to escape from imminent peril. He fled in haste from Fort Lee, with the garrison of 2,000 men, leaving cannon, tents, stores, and camp equipage behind. He barely escaped capture. Washington, apprised of the danger, so well covered his retreat that less than 100 stragglers were made prisoners.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Revolutionary War, (search)
anklin; appointed colonel of engineers by Congress Oct. 18, 1776 Battle of White Plains, N. Y.; British victory Oct. 28, 1776 Franklin sails for France in the Reprisal, of sixteen guns, one of the new Continental frigates, the first national vessel to appear in the Eastern Hemisphere Oct., 1776 Congress authorizes the raising of $5,000,000 by lottery for expenses of the next campaign Nov. 1, 1776 Fort Washington on the Hudson captured by the British Nov. 16, 1776 Americans evacuate Fort Lee, Nov. 18, and retreat across New Jersey to Pennsylvania Nov., 1776 Eight thousand British troops land and take possession of Rhode IslandNov. 28, 1776 Washington with his forces crosses the Delaware into PennsylvaniaDec. 8, 1776 Sir Peter Parker takes possession of Rhode Island, and blockades the American fleet at ProvidenceDec. 8, 1776 Maj.-Gen. Charles Lee captured by British at Baskingridge, N. J.Dec. 12 1776 Battle of Trenton, N. J. Dec. 26, 1776 Congress resolves to send commissi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Talbot, Silas 1751-1813 (search)
with fire-rafts against the British shipping there, received from Congress the commission of major. In the summer of Silas Talbot. 1776 he accepted the command of a firebrig on the Hudson. By orders of Washington, after gaining Harlem Heights (Sept. 15), Talbot attempted the destruction of the British vessels of war lying off the present 124th Street, New York City. At 2 A. M. on the 16th, when it was dark and cloudy, Talbot left his hidingplace under the Palisades, 3 or 4 miles above Fort Lee, ran down the river with a fair wind, and, grappling the Romney, set his brig on fire. The crew of the brig escaped in a boat, and the Romney soon freed herself without injury. The other war-vessels fled out of the harbor in alarm. Talbot received a severe wound in the defence of Fort Mifflin, and gave material aid to General Sullivan on Rhode Island in 1778. A few weeks later he captured a British floating battery anchored in one of the channels commanding Newport, and for this exploi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Jersey, (search)
vy war against and within the State, or be adherent to the King of Great Britain......July 18, 1776 Abraham Clark, John Hart, Francis Hopkins, Richard Stockton, and John Witherspoon, delegates from New Jersey, sign the Declaration of Independence......Aug. 2, 1776 Legislature chooses William Livingston governor of the State......Aug. 31, 1776 Washington retreats through New Jersey.......November, 1776 Fort Washington being captured by the British, General Greene abandons Fort Lee, Bergen county......Nov. 19, 1776 Washington crosses the Delaware into Pennsylvania......Dec. 8, 1776 Battle of Trenton......Dec. 26, 1776 Battle of Princeton......Jan. 3, 1777 Army under Washington winters at Morristown......1777 General Maxwell captures Elizabethtown together with 100 British troops......Jan. 23, 1777 Five vessels, part of a fleet bringing supplies for the British at New Brunswick, are sunk near Amboy......Feb. 26, 1777 General Howe evacuates New Jersey fo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
executed as a spy at New York by command of General Howe......Sept. 22, 1776 Fleet on Lake Champlain under Benedict Arnold meets a vastly superior British armament under Captain Pringle, and is defeated with a loss of about ninety men......Oct. 11-13, 1776 Battle of White Plains; Americans driven back......Oct. 28, 1776 Washington crosses the Hudson......Nov. 12, 1776 Fort Washington on the Hudson captured by the British, with 2,000 prisoners and artillery......Nov. 16, 1776 Fort Lee, opposite Fort Washington on the Hudson, evacuated by the Americans under General Greene......Nov. 18, 1776 New York convention adopts a constitution......March 6–May 13, 1777 General Burgoyne with 7,173 British and German troops, besides several thousand Canadians and Indians, appears before Ticonderoga......July 1, 1777 George Clinton elected governor......July 3, 1777 John Jay appointed chief-justice and Robert R. Livingston chancellor......1777 Garrison under General St.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pennsylvania, (search)
d on the inclined planes of the Alleghany and Portage Railroad by John A. Roebling......1842 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad completed......1842 Riots between the native Americans and Irish in Philadelphia suppressed by the military......April-May, 1844 Petroleum is obtained while boring for salt on the Alleghany, a few miles above Pittsburg......1845 Pittsburg nearly destroyed by fire; loss, $10,000,000......April 10, 1845 Telegraphic communication between Philadelphia and Fort Lee, opposite New York, completed......Jan. 20, 1846 Philadelphia and Pittsburg connected by telegraph......Dec. 26, 1846 State forbids the use of jails to hold fugitive slaves......May 3, 1848 Resurvey of Mason and Dixon's line completed......Nov. 19, 1849 Judiciary made elective......1850 Manufacture of galvanized iron begun In Philadelphia......1852 Railroad track torn up at Harbor Creek, near Erie, by the opposition to the railroad......Dec. 9, 1853 Pennsylvania State A
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Washington, Fort, capture of (search)
ttan Island. When Washington heard of the peril that menaced it, he advised General Greene, in whose charge both it and Fort Lee, on the top of the palisades on the west side of the Hudson River, had been left, to withdraw the garrison and stores, bse of a refusal. Magaw had protested against the savage menace, and refused compliance. Washington went immediately to Fort Lee. Greene had crossed over to the island. Starting across the river in a small boat, Washington met Greene and Putnam returning; and being informed that the garrison were in fine spirits, and could defend themselves, he went back to Fort Lee. Early on the morning of the 16th Howe opened a severe cannonade from the heights on the Westchester shore. Under its cover ed about 2,500, of whom more than 2,000 were disciplined regulars. Washington, standing on the brow of the palisades at Fort Lee, saw the surrender. The name of the fortification was changed to Fort Knyphausen. Its garrison soon filled the prisons
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