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y Mr. Ashbury to send a boat on board, the stranger put his helm up with the intention of running the Fox down, and came down upon the starboard quarter, carrying away the boat-davits, but doing little damage, as the Fox was immediately kept away. While his vessel was passing off, Mr. Ashbury directed a rifle-shot to be fired for the purpose of intimidation; but a heavy sea was running at the time, and the bullet took effect upon the captain of the strange vessel, who was at the wheel, passing through his leg, but without touching an artery. The vessel was then boarded and found to be the British schooner Edwin from Havana, bound to the Suwanee River, with a cargo of lead and salt, and was accordingly seized as a prize. In addition to these achievements, I would remind the department that the Fox was one of the three tenders that assisted the Honduras in the capture of the British steamer Mail. Respectfully, Theodorus Bailey, Acting Rear-Admiral Commanding E. G. B. Squadron.
a., Feb. 14, 1864. For some months past an English steamer has been lying in Havana waiting for a favorable opportunity to run the blockade. Her name is the Cumbeumberland, and information of her doings was from time to time transmitted from Havana to Rear-Admiral Bailey, commanding the East-Gulf squadron at this station, and lf ago, the portentous news reached this place: The Cumberland has escaped from Havana. But while this unpalatable morsel was being digested by some, and others werengenuity manifested in leaving the coast clear for the Cumberland to run out of Havana, and then falling in with her at the right time and in the right spot to make hifty thousand pounds, and that ten thousand pounds more were expended on her in Havana. The cargo has not yet been disturbed, and it is therefore impossible to tell course, keep dark on the subject; although, as the captain was engaged only in Havana, and most of the passengers are from that place, it is just possible that they