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The Creole population of the South. The word Creolesignifies, we believe, native. In Louisiana and Mississippi every person born in the State is called a Louisiana or Mississippi Creole. NothiCreolesignifies, we believe, native. In Louisiana and Mississippi every person born in the State is called a Louisiana or Mississippi Creole. Nothing is more common in the former of these States than to hear of "Creole Frenchmen," as distinguished from Frenchmen from France. In the same way they speak of Creole horses, Creole cattle, Creole sheCreole horses, Creole cattle, Creole sheep, &c. Out of Louisiana and Mississippi, however, the term seems to have a more limited significance, and a Creole is understood to be a person that has mixed African and European blood in his veins Creole cattle, Creole sheep, &c. Out of Louisiana and Mississippi, however, the term seems to have a more limited significance, and a Creole is understood to be a person that has mixed African and European blood in his veins — precisely the same description of person, Indeed, with what is called a quadroon in New Orleans. In this sense it seems to be taken by Mr. Dargan, of Alabama, in the very important bill which he haCreole sheep, &c. Out of Louisiana and Mississippi, however, the term seems to have a more limited significance, and a Creole is understood to be a person that has mixed African and European blood in his veins — precisely the same description of person, Indeed, with what is called a quadroon in New Orleans. In this sense it seems to be taken by Mr. Dargan, of Alabama, in the very important bill which he has introduced into the House of Representatives, and which is now before the Committee on Military Affairs. The object of the bill is to receive into the Confederate service all that portion of the po