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Doc. 20.-the battles of Gettysburgh. Cincinnati Gazette account. special correspondence ofors of more bad news. Mount and spur for Gettysburgh is, of course, the word. Crounse, who is gn solid column, and entering the streets of Gettysburgh. In the town our skirmishers had met pickee of hours or more after our repulse beyond Gettysburgh; the Second and Third during that night, anynolds. Gen. Buford having reported from Gettysburgh the appearance of the enemy on the Cashtownforce, Gen. Reynolds was directed to occupy Gettysburgh. On reaching that place, on the first daon of cavalry, after its arduous service at Gettysburgh, on the first, was, on the second, sent to rdered the line of march to be taken up for Gettysburgh, twenty miles distant in an easterly directce, and the rebel troops took possession of Gettysburgh, when the fighting of the first day ceased. previous to the opening of the railroad to Gettysburgh, and before they could reach the wounded fr[73 more...]
country. Indeed, not until we arrived near Gettysburgh, could any valuable information as to the ed the day before been fighting the enemy at Gettysburgh, and held the hill west of the town until drove the enemy back upon his reserve on the Gettysburgh road. After surveying the position, Generaave been recaptured; finally, when near the Gettysburgh road crossing, a band of straggling rebels icers and privates from the battle-field of Gettysburgh; ambulances containing Ewell's, Early's, an to the Headquarters of the army, then near Gettysburgh. It was known that the enemy's pickets andmmanded by Colonel Devins. the right at Gettysburgh. But little has been said of the part ta enemy would have been out of ammunition at Gettysburgh. Capturing a messenger of Jeff Davis, and w-York, with eighty men, was sent from near Gettysburgh up the Hagerstown pike on an important missbuted largely to the success of our arms at Gettysburgh. In claiming these results for the caval[3 more...]
ghborhood of these shops. Fight at Wrightsville. Columbia, Pa., June 29, 5 A. M. The conflict near Wrightsville, Pa., commenced about half-past 6 o'clock on Sunday evening last. Colonel Frick, with a regiment composed of men from the interior counties of Pennsylvania, principally those of Schuylkill, Lehigh, Berks, and Northampton, with three companies of Colonel Thomas's (Twentieth) regiment, the City Troop of Philadelphia, Captain Bell's independent company of cavalry from Gettysburgh, and several hundred men unattached to any particular command, aided by about two companies of volunteer negroes, held the enemy, supposed to consist of eight thousand men, at bay for at least forty-five minutes, retreating in good order and burning the bridge over the Susquehanna to prevent the crossing of the rebel cavalry. The intrenchments of Colonel Frick were thrown up across the centre of the valley leading from Wrightsville, opposite Columbia, to York. They were simply trenche
heretofore felt none of the effects of the war worth speaking of, and from the number of new houses and barns, it seems they speak the truth. But I must close. A rebel letter. The following letter was picked up on the battle-field of Gettysburgh, by a member of one of the Philadelphia regiments: camp near Greenwood, Pa., June 28, 1863. My own Darling wife: I have written two letters to you since I left the trenches at Fredericksburgh. I received a letter from you, dated the fourtubles you now have to contend with, and I not there to help you. You can see by the date of this, that we are now in Pennsylvania. We crossed the line day before yesterday, and are resting to-day near a little one-horse town on the road to Gettysburgh, which we will reach to-morrow. We are paying back these people for some of the damage they have done us, though we are not doing them half as bad as they done us. We are getting up all the horses, etc., and feeding our army with their beef a
your army at the battle of Gettysburgh. These proofs of the heroic bravery and good conduct through which such brilliant and substantial results have been won to the country, will be carefully preserved as objects of the highest interest. A list is herewith inclosed. I have the honor to be, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant-General. Major-General Geo. G. Meade, U. S. Vols., Commanding Army Potomac. Battle-flags captured at Gettysburgh, July 8, 1863. First Virginia infantry--captured by Eighty-second New-York volunteers. Third Virginia infantry--no statement of capture. Seventh Virginia infantry--captured by Eighty second New-York volunteers. Eighth Virginia infantry--captured by private Piam Haines, Co. E, Sixteenth Vermont volunteers. Ninth Virginia infantry--statement of capture not legible. Fourteenth Virginia infantry--statement of capture not legible. Eighteenth Virginia infantry--no statemen
ry loss, but not. literally defeated, began its retirement from the field of Gettysburgh on Friday night, July third. His left wing, which had fiercely assailed our right on that day, and had, in addition, occupied the village of Gettysburgh, was found to be withdrawn early on Saturday morning, when our forces, under General Hol Tuesday morning. Headquarters remained at a point ten miles south-east of Gettysburgh until that time. In the mean time our cavalry were rapidly developing thereat. Instead of moving toward Chambersburgh, which is almost south-west of Gettysburgh, Lee took a shorter line of retreat, and at once seized the two upper gaps iiddletown. Headquarters, which made a single leap of thirty-five miles from Gettysburgh to Frederick on Tuesday, moved to Middletown on Wednesday. On Thursday, Jfor attack or defence more so by far than when the enemy made this attack at Gettysburgh, for the corps were then twenty miles away. Thursday night, the Sixth corps
F. Blake, company H, Lieutenant H. M. Anderson, company I, and Lieutenant S. L. Gilman, company F. The regiment marched from Monocacy to Point of Rocks, on the twenty-sixth, and from thence through Middleton, Frederick City, Walkersville, Woodborough, and Taneytown, where we arrived on the thirtieth and mustered the regiment for pay. Immediately after taking up the line of march for Emmittsburgh, where a temporary halt was made, when the entire corps were ordered on a forced march to Gettysburgh, Pa., at which place, or in its immediate vicinity, we arrived at ten o'clock on the night of the first instant, and at daylight on the following morning took position in line of battle and momentarily expected to meet the enemy. At nine o'clock A. M., the attack by the enemy on the extreme right of our line was commenced and carried on in a spirited manner, while the left, and in our front, was ominously still. General Sickles ordered a reconnoissance of the position, and chose from the c
g report of the part taken by my command in the engagements near Gettysburgh, July third, 1863. At an early hour on the morning of the thifollow the First brigade on the road leading from Two Taverns to Gettysburgh. Agreeably to the above instructions, my column was formed anommand and place it in position on the pike leading from York to Gettysburgh, which position formed the extreme right of our line of battle oated, I immediately placed my command in position, facing toward Gettysburgh. At the same time I caused reconnoissances to be made on my froregiment to hold my first position and cover the road leading to Gettysburgh. I shifted the remaining portion of my command, forming a new lted by four squadrons of the Sixth Michigan cavalry faced toward Gettysburgh, covering the Gettysburgh pike; the long branch composed of the equal size was sent one mile and a half on the road leading from Gettysburgh to York, both detachments being under the command of the gallant
, had approached the Susquehanna, threatening Harrisburgh, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, fell back, after pitched battles continued for three days at Gettysburgh, and resumed his retreat, with an army even worse shattered than before, to his accustomed position on the Rappahannock. On the eighth of July, the insurgentitia of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New-York flew to arms, and occupied Baltimore, Harrisburgh, and the line of the Susquehanna. The two armies met at Gettysburgh, in Pennsylvania, and after a fierce contest of three days duration, and terrible slaughter on both sides, the insurgents recoiled from the position held by General Meathrown out of the, wagons to make room for the wounded whom Lee carried off from the battlefield. He had buried most of his dead of the first day's conflict at Gettysburgh. The remainder, together with those who fell on the second and third days of the battle, in all four thousand five hundred, were buried by the victorious army.
and, Empire, Keystone, and Jersey, hewing their way right and left. The sunny South, too, in more colors than one, also lent a hand. On the spot their part of the history was jotted down in black and white. The job was a great national one, and let none be banned who bore an honorable part in it. And while those who have cleared the great river may well be proud, even that is not all. It is hard to say that any thing has been more bravely and better done than at Antietam, Murfreesboro, Gettysburgh, and on many fields of lesser note. Nor must Uncle Sam's web-feet be forgotten. At all the waters' margins they have been present, not only on the deep sea, the broad bay, and the rapid river, but also up the narrow, muddy bayou, and wherever the ground was a little damp, they have been and made their tracks. Thanks to all. For the great Republic — for the principles by which it lives and keeps alive for man's vast future — thanks to all. Peace does not appear so distant as it d
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