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Historic leaves, volume 2, April, 1903 - January, 1904 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 2 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 2 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4 2 0 Browse Search
Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union 2 0 Browse Search
Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 2 0 Browse Search
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 27, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Confederate States Navy and a brief history of what became of it. [from the Richmond, Va. Times December 30, 1900.] (search)
guns, formerley the Isaac Smith. Captured from the Federals in Stono river, January 30th, 1863, and burned by the Confederates at the evacuation of Charleston in 1865. Spray—Tug-boat, two guns. Sunk by the Confederates on St. Mary's river. Shenandoah—Cruiser, formerly the merchant steamer Sea King, six guns. Delivered to English authorities at Liverpool after the close of the war, November 6th, 1865. Stonewall—Sea-going iron-clad ram, three guns, formerly the Sphinx. Purchased in Denmark in 1865 and name changed to Stonewall. She was acquired too late to be of service and was turned over to the Spanish authorities at Havana after the war ended. Sumter—Cruiser, formerly the merchant steamer Habana. Bought at New Orleans in 1861 and mounted with five guns. Her machinery gave out and she was sold at Charleston in 1862 by the Confederate authorities. Tacony—Merchant bark, captured by the Clarence June 12, 1863. Burned June 24th and crew transferred to the Archer.
nual, The15 Craigie, Andrew53, 56 ‘Cranberry Pickers, The’6 Cromwell's Falls50 Cross Street, Somerville44, 45 Cross Street Universalist Church26, 27 Cutler, John, Jr.35 Cutler, Nathaniel60 Cutler, Timothy40 Cutter, Edward43 Cutter, Fitch44 ‘Dame Schools,’ Charlestown60 Danforth, Samuel34 Dartmouth Street, Somerville44 D. A. R., National Society of7 D. R., Prospect Hill Chapter76 Dauphiny, France11, 12 Dawson, H. B., Historian97 De Mallet, Antoine10 De Molay Commandery101 Denmark10 Dorchester, Mass.82 Downer, Mrs. Roswell C.100, 101 Dows, Captain Jonathan63 Dows, Nathaniel38, 41, 61 Drake, Colonel S. A.87, 89 Dudley, Governor12 Duxbury, Mass.16, 62 Edwards, Thomas62 Elector of Saxony10 Elliot, Charles D.74 Ellis, Rev. George E., D. D.97 Emerson, Rev. John, Schoolmaster, 169139, 40 Emerson Genealogy, The40 Emerson, Nathaniel (Thomas)40 Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England 20 English and Classical School, Walpole, Mass.103 Everett Ave., Somerville
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 1. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Notes. (search)
tful, was, happily for the Friends at least, declined. Invited to Herford in Westphalia by Elizabeth, daughter of the Elector Palatine, De Labadie and his followers preached incessantly, and succeeded in arousing a wild enthusiasm among the people, who neglected their business and gave way to excitements and strange practices. Men and women, it was said, at the Communion drank and danced together, and private marriages, or spiritual unions, were formed. Labadie died in 1674 at Altona, in Denmark, maintaining his testimonies to the last. Nothing remains for me, he said, except to go to my God. Death is merely ascending from a lowerand narrower chamber to one higher and holier. In 1679, Peter Sluyter and Jasper Dankers were sent to America by the community at the Castle of Wieward. Their journal, translated from the Dutch and edited by Henry C. Murphy, has been recently published by the Long Island Historical Society. They made some converts,and among them was the eldest son o
troversy; and a reconciliation of the two parties was prepared by concessions Ibid., edition of 1642, p. 160, 161, 162, 163. We will joyne with you to be suitors for the reformation and abolishing of all offensive ceremonies. Prince, 287, 288. to the Puritans. For the circumstances of their abode on the continent were well adapted to strengthen the influence of the stricter sect. While the companions of their exile Chap. VIII.} had, with the most bitter intolerance, been rejected by Denmark and Northern Germany, Planck's Geschichte des Protestantischen Lehrbegriffs, b. v. t. II. p. 35—45, and 69. the English emigrants received in Switzerland the kindest welcome; their love for the rigorous austerity of a spiritual worship was confirmed by the stern simplicity of the republic; and some of them had enjoyed in Geneva the instructions and the friendship of Calvin. On the death of Mary, the Puritans returned to 1558. England, with still stronger antipathies to the forms of w
Patents were issued last week to J. W. Barnes, of Murfreesboro', N. C., for improvement in attaching horses to two-wheeled vehicles; Wm. A. Dudley, of Petersburg, Va., for improvement in apparatus for removing calculi; Murdock Murchison, of Denmark, Tenn., for improvement in cotton presses; N. A. Patterson, of Kingston, Tenn., for improvement in cotton gins; Michael E. Ruderal, of Shelby, N. C., for improvement in machines for cutting stalks; N. B. Webster and Robert W. Young, of Portsmouth, Va., for improvement in the prevention of the incrustation of steam boilers, and Richard B. Wright, of Norfolk, Va., for improved ventilator for railroad cars.
Arrival of the Etna.withdrawal of the French fleet from Gaeta. New York, Jan. 28. --The steamship Etna, from Liverpool on the 16th inst., is off Sandy Hook. The Paris Moniteur says the French fleet is withdrawn from Gaeta. The Russian government protests against the reported warlike preparations in Germany and Prussia against Denmark. Count Montemolin and his wife are dead. It is reported that there will be a Congress at Paris to settle the Italian question. It is announced that the Bank of France contemplates suspension of specie payment. The Queen's Bench had issued a habeas corpus in the cause of Anderson, the Kentucky fugitive slave at Toronto, Canada. The ships Grace Gordon and Marmion, from Liverpool, had been abandoned at sea. The crews were saved. [Second Dispatch.] The habeas corpus in the Anderson case is issued by Chief Justice Cockburn. He regards Anderson as a British subject. It is stated that several rifle
Arago. New York, March 22. --The Arago, from Southampton on the 6th inst., has arrived. There was a renewed activity in cotton and considerable advance in the price. The Europa had left Liverpool for Queenstown, to take the cargo of the Australasian to New York. It was rumored that Russia had decided upon Lent as the time for the voluntary emancipation of the serfs. The Ministry of Holland had resigned. Austria, England, France, and Prussia, had demanded of Denmark a delay in its action on the budget before the Holstein Chambers. Count Cavour had brought to the notice of the Italian Legislature the necessity of settling the Roman question. The demand for discount in the London market had increased. The London Times says the new Tariff bill of the U. States establishes protective duties on the most extravagant scale, and the result will be an almost absolute prohibition on imports from Europe, more detrimental to America than to Europe.
the steamer Spray was about leaving the Spanish Hole the other day, says a Tallahassee paper, a boat was seen leaving the blockading vessel, when Col. J. J. Williams, Capt. Gamble, of the Leon Artillery; Capt. Maxwell, of the Cross Infantry; Lieut. Villepigue, of the Leon Artillery, and private Dunham, of the Leon Artillery, took a boat, and intercepted the one from the Mohawk outside the bar, when the officer aboard handed Col.Williams a communication, asking the transmission of a letter to a young lady at St. Marks. Col. Williams was asked to read the letter, which was unsealed. The letter was from the commander of the Mohawk, stating that a relative of the lady's in Connecticut had sent by him a letter containing money, which he was to deliver in person, and as he could not go ashore, asked her to meet him over the bar at her convenience, when he would take her aboard the Mohawk. This may all be very correct, but it looks to us that there must be "something rotten in Denmark."
een appointed one of Gen. McClellan's staff. [He can run well.] Lieut Colonel Ripley has been appointed Brigadier General. Gen. Butler has been detailed by the Government to command the volunteers at Fort Potter. The committee of Congress, appointed to sake an investigation into the disposition of Government officials, reported twelve disloyally many disaffected in the War Department; twenty disloyal and seven suspected in the interior Department [There is something often in Denmark] The correspondent of the New York Tribune says the Provost Marshal has flatly refused a pass to Russell, of the London Times to cross the Potomac ! [Second Dispatch.] Washington, Aug. 24 --Andy Johnson is expected to head an army on his return to Tennessee. Lincoln will do his utmost to sustain the Union cause in that State. The rumor that Gen. Banks had reached Winchester is false. He is not in Virginia. The Postmaster General directs that the papers presente
ery. It is a good appointment by the Federal Government, for he will be au fait as a courier from the field of battle, as Manassas will testify. We are seemingly quiet in this quarter, but wide awake. I see from the Examiner that the Northern prints profess to give detailed accounts of the movements of the Southern army — their officers, locations, and munitions. Now, it is certain, not withstanding the errors of the Northern papers on the subject, that there is "something rotten in Denmark," In other words, that there are spies not only in the capital, but there are traitors in the secrets of some of the Departments. I say, find them out and convict them if possible, and hang them as high as Haman, even on the Capitol Square, in sight of all men. Have you read Miss Susan Archer Talley's "Battle of Manassas," in the Enquirer of the 234 inst. It is worthy of a lasting place beside Macanlay's "Lays of Ancient Rome," the "Henry of Navarre," or Tennyson's or Hope's "Charge o
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