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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., New Orleans before the capture. (search)
s of women! And all the juvenile rag-tag. The lower steamboat landing, well covered with sugar, rice, and molasses, was being rifled. The men smashed; the women scooped up the smashings. The river was overflowing the top of the levee. A rain-storm began to threaten. Are the Yankee ships in sight? I asked of an idler. He pointed out the tops of their naked masts as they showed up across the huge bend of the river. They were engaging the batteries at Camp Chalmette — the old field of Jackson's renown. Presently that was over. Ah, me! I see them now as they come slowly round Slaughterhouse Point into full view, silent, grim, and terrible; black with men, heavy with deadly portent; the long-banished Stars and Stripes flying against the frowning sky. Oh, for the Mississippi! the Mississippi! Just then she came down upon them. But how? Drifting helplessly, a mass of flames. The crowds on the levee howled and screamed with rage. The swarming decks answered never a word; but
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opening of the lower Mississippi. (search)
the 26th instant I ordered the schooners to get under way, proceed to Pilot Town, and fill up with ammunition. Six of them were ordered to cross the bar and proceed to the rear of Fort Jackson, and be ready to open fire when signaled. In the meantime we kept an eye upon the Louisiana and the Confederate gun-boats. On the 27th instant five mortar-vessels appeared in the rear of Fort Jackson, and the U. S. steamer Miami commenced landing troops close to Fort St. Philip. The garrison of Jackson was still mutinous, refusing to do duty, and General Duncan at midnight of the 28th sent an officer on board the Harriet Lane to inform me of his readiness to capitulate. On the following day I proceeded with nine gun-boats up to Fort Jackson, under a flag of truce, and upon arrival sent a boat for the commanding officer of the river defenses, and such others as he might think proper to bring with him. I received these officers at the gangway, and treated them as brave men who had defen
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The water-battery at Fort Jackson. (search)
8 guns, viz., 2 rifled 32-pounders (old smooth-bores rifled), 1 10-inch Columbiad, 1 9-inch Columbiad, 3 smooth-bore 32-pounders, and C 10-inch sea-coast mortar. Captain Robertson's enumeration of guns in the water-battery differs from that given on page 75. The latter, which was made up before the receipt of Captain Robertson's account, was based on the following facts: Admiral Porter, in his report of April 30th, 1862, written after a visit to the fort, states that the water-battery at Jackson contained 6 guns. The plan [see p. 34] made by Messrs. Harris and Gerdes of the coast survey gives 6 pieces, viz., 5 guns and 1 mortar. Lieutenant (now General) John C. Palfrey, being ordered by Lieutenant Weitzel to make a list of the ordnance in the fort, gives the armament of the outer battery as follows: Two 32-pounders rifled, one 10-inch Columbiad, two 8-inch Columbiads, and one 10-inch sea-mortar,--total, 6.--Editors. In the battery there were two magazines which had been hurriedly
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Peninsular campaign. (search)
emy was still in the immediate vicinity of Richmond, ready to defend it, and that the object of Jackson's movement was probably to prevent reenforcements being sent to me. On the 26th General Stonemasufficient attention would be paid to the simplest principle of war to push McDowell rapidly on Jackson's heels, when he made his inevitable return march to join the main Confederate Army and attack enemy opposite our left and center, and with the design of attacking old Tavern on the 26th, if Jackson's advance was so much delayed that Porter's Corps would not be endangered. late in the afternoon of the 25th, Jackson's advance was confirmed, and it was rendered probable that he would attack next day. All hope of the advance of McDowell's Corps in season to be of any service had disappear Mechanicsville, and the enemy repulsed with heavy losses on their part. It was now clear that Jackson's Corps had taken little or no part in this attack, and that his blow would fall farther to the
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Manassas to Seven Pines. (search)
General Lawton stated in writing that he brought about 6000 men from Georgia to the Valley; but as they had never marched before, they were incapable of moving at Jackson's rate, and he estimated that 2500 had been unable to keep their places when they arrived at Gaines's Mill, where, as he states, he had 3500. But the laggards rejoined him in two or three days. I estimated Jackson's and Ewell's forces at 16,000, because Ewell told me that his was 8000, and Jackson's had been usually about twenty-five per cent. larger. Mr. Davis puts the joint force at 8000. His authority has stated it also at 12,000 (see Personal reminiscences of General Lee, p. 6), aJackson's had been usually about twenty-five per cent. larger. Mr. Davis puts the joint force at 8000. His authority has stated it also at 12,000 (see Personal reminiscences of General Lee, p. 6), and this is far below the fact. My object in this is to show that I consulted respectable authorities. Mr. Davis proves that his forces were not well employed.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 6.33 (search)
eton route. The brigades numbered about two thousand men each. Wagons were so few that tents were discarded, and the men bivouacked without shelter. On the 7th of May my advanced guard occupied Giles Court House (Parisburg) and the Narrows of New River, and on the 16th the rest of the two brigades on this line were at the East liver, Crook's brigade occupying Lewisburg. We were thus prepared to join Fremont's column when it should approach Christiansburg. Instead of this we got news of Jackson's movements and of Schenck's and Milroy's retreat, and Fremont was obliged to telegraph that his plans were suspended, and that I must look out for myself. The enemy had made strong efforts to concentrate a sufficient force to protect the railway, and the brigades of Generals Humphrey Marshall, Heth, and Williams were assigned to this duty, under the command of Marshall as senior. My own orders required me to converge toward Crook's line of movement as I advanced, and from Flat-top Moun
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah. (search)
nfederates had only a weak body of militia at Jackson's disposal, until reenforcements came from thn D. Imboden, C. S. A. From a photograph. Jackson's little army in the Valley had been greatly ge at the hamlet of Kernstown, four Map of Jackson's campaign in the Shenandoah Valley. The cin capture. Its only salvation depended upon Jackson's ability to hold back Fremont, Banks, and Mchus gaining for his infantry the sobriquet of Jackson's foot cavalry. Very early in the afternoon to Harrisonburg. It shows how close had been Jackson's calculation of chances, to state that as hit gun, to prevent a cavalry flank movement on Jackson's trains at Port Republic. About 10 o'clock el what room was occupied by Sandy Pendleton, Jackson's adjutant-general. Upstairs, first room on d about his being a fool. From the date of Jackson's arrival at Staunton till the battle of Portital to Jackson's supposed movement on it. Jackson's military operations were always unexpected [8 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 6.38 (search)
n the Valley of Virginia, 1861-62, p. 78) estimates it at about 6000. Forces in the operations of May 20th-June 10th, 1862. Major-General Thomas J. Jackson. Jackson's division. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Charles S. Winder: 2d Va., Col. J. W. Alien; 4th Va., Col. Charles A. Ronald; 5th Va., Col. W. S. H. Baylor, Lieut.-Col. J.. T. V. Williams, Col. Samuel V. Fulkerson. Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 2; w, 34==36. Port Republic, w, 3. Artillery, Col. S. Crutchfield (chief of artillery of Jackson's entire command): Va. Battery, Capt. Joseph Carpenter; Va. Battery, Capt. William H. Caskie; Va. Battery (joined at Port Republic), Capt. James McD. Carrington;ly as can be ascertained from the Official Records, the loss in the campaign was 230 killed, 1373 wounded, and 232 captured or missing == 1878. The strength of Jackson's command is nowhere authoritatively stated. Colonel William Allan says in his Jackson's Valley campaign, p. 146: Jackson had moved against Banks, on May 19th, w
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Confederate Army. (search)
n the Valley of Virginia, 1861-62, p. 78) estimates it at about 6000. Forces in the operations of May 20th-June 10th, 1862. Major-General Thomas J. Jackson. Jackson's division. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Charles S. Winder: 2d Va., Col. J. W. Alien; 4th Va., Col. Charles A. Ronald; 5th Va., Col. W. S. H. Baylor, Lieut.-Col. J.. T. V. Williams, Col. Samuel V. Fulkerson. Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 2; w, 34==36. Port Republic, w, 3. Artillery, Col. S. Crutchfield (chief of artillery of Jackson's entire command): Va. Battery, Capt. Joseph Carpenter; Va. Battery, Capt. William H. Caskie; Va. Battery (joined at Port Republic), Capt. James McD. Carrington;ly as can be ascertained from the Official Records, the loss in the campaign was 230 killed, 1373 wounded, and 232 captured or missing == 1878. The strength of Jackson's command is nowhere authoritatively stated. Colonel William Allan says in his Jackson's Valley campaign, p. 146: Jackson had moved against Banks, on May 19th, w
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Fighting Jackson at Kernstown. (search)
ainst Stonewall Jackson. For an account of Jackson's early operations in the valley, see Vol. I thrice advanced to the attack, gave way, and Jackson's army was badly beaten — his shattered brigaactive in demonstrations. On the 1st of May, Jackson's army made movements threatening our right athe valley of Virginia in our possession, and Jackson's army held in cheek beyond the Shenandoah bytions. The latter was warned by this dash of Jackson's purposes. He says in his report: The ent had passed over the mountains and attacked Jackson's forces at Fisher's Hill. General Shields, ahe Shenandoah and Massanutten mountain, while Jackson's army, pursued by Fremont, was moving up thee was 6 miles north of Luray. Fremont's and Jackson's guns were distinctly heard beyond the riverng him back, secured the bridge. That night, Jackson's entire force fled from Fremont, crossed thehe retreat of our small but gallant command. Jackson's own old Stonewall Brigade was first repulse