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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—eastern Tennessee. (search)
er, so as to completely surround him. On the 7th, Burnside followed him with infantry and artillery by taking as far as Morristown the railway, which the enemy had not destroyed. Thence, by a forced march of forty-three miles in one day and a half, expeditionary corps which he had just despatched toward the north-east. There were troops remaining in the vicinity of Morristown; they were sent to Loudon, the extreme terminus toward the south of the railway line. All the other troops which were hing the destruction of the bridge and resuming the road to the south. Thanks to the railway, he arrived on the 23d at Morristown, where he encountered the head of the column of the Ninth corps coming down from Cumberland Gap. On the 24th he was at with all the available portion of his army, to march at last to the assistance of Rosecrans. In the morning he met at Morristown the heads of columns of the Ninth corps and heard of the battle of Chickamauga. The result of this battle greatly chan
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the siege of Chattanooga. (search)
fight when he perceived Jones behind him. He immediately falls back on the ford, which, according to his first project, Jones should have crossed and occupied. The dilatoriness of the Southerners allows a portion of the Federal column sufficient time to cross the river, but the detachment is soon dispersed, almost without fighting. The Confederates capture four pieces of artillery, together with Garrard's wagons and about seven hundred prisoners: five hundred fugitives carry the alarm to Morristown and Greenville. Willcox's troops, that occupy this last town, evacuate it in haste, fearing lest Jones, who is master of the situation at Rogersville, should get ahead of them at the pass in Bull's Gap. Their retreat, which was rather disorderly, ended only beyond the pass, while Jones, without profiting by his easy advantage, brings the two brigades back to the banks of the Watauga. The issue of the Rogersville combat mitigates the bitterness of the defeat which the Southerners had ex
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the Third winter. (search)
d therefore confines himself to sending out on the 9th reconnoitring-parties that follow Longstreet's rearguard to Mooresburg, and Martin's beyond the Holston. Martin's rearguard, formed by Jones' brigade, awaits the Federals in the village of Morristown, and abandons it to them only after a rather sharp engagement, in which the losses amount to some fifty men on each side. The main part of the cavalry is posted at Bean's Station, while the infantry reaches Blain's Cross-roads, where it comes Jones' two brigades, passing to the northward of Clinch Mountain, will occupy, at the neck of Bean's Station Gap, the Tazewell road, while Martin, who is to the southward of the Holston, will cross the river at Kelley's Ferry on the road from Morristown to Rutledge, to attack Shackelford in the rear if he should stand out against him, and quickly to pursue him if he retires. The troops are to take the road on the 13th, so that the attack be made in the morning of the 14th. After a night-ma