Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Amelia Court House (Virginia, United States) or search for Amelia Court House (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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ry in and about Richmond. The troops will all be directed to Amelia court-house. The three dispatches given in the text were the only repot and Bushrod Johnson were heading their scattered troops for Amelia court-house, crossing the river wherever they could find a bridge or a fo, crossing at Goode or Bevil's bridge, he meant to strike for Amelia court-house on the Danville road, eighteen miles north of Burksville. At Amelia he expected to obtain supplies. Grant, of course, would divine his route and endeavor to follow or intercept his march; but Lee was her from Burksville than the national army, and decidedly nearer to Amelia; The rebel writers, with their habitual inaccuracy of military shorse, bridle in hand, at the junction of the roads to Richmond and Amelia. The rebel troops filed silently in the darkness past their chief x roads. It is understood that the enemy will make a stand at Amelia court-house, with the expectation of holding the road between Danville an
r, as they could, to meet their chief at Amelia court-house, which he had appointed for a rendezvoustood that the enemy will make a stand at Amelia court-house. . . . The first object of present movemre than forty thousand soldiers in and around Amelia. If he had promptly attacked and driven back s a story that Lee had ordered rations sent to Amelia, and that they went on by mistake to Richmond ficer to his mother, and in these words: Amelia court-house, April 5th. Dear Mamma,--Our army is ruht the army of the Potomac moved towards Amelia court-house, the Fifth corps along the Danville raildiscovered that Lee had already withdrawn from Amelia. As Grant and Sheridan had anticipated, the rartisan war. But Lynchburg is sixty miles from Amelia, and at Farmville the Appomattox must be recrole road. As soon as the retreat of Lee from Amelia became a matter of certainty, the direction ofthis programme. The enemy, he said, evacuated Amelia last night or this morning, and are now appare[13 more...]
or to battle of Five Forks, 471; relations to battle of Five Forks, 487, 495; final defence of Petersburg, 507-530; last dispatch from Petersburg, 530; evacuation of Petersburg, 532; desertion of Richmond, 538; flight from Petersburg, 544-597; at Amelia, 549; intercepted by Grant, 565; pursuit of, by national army, 578; correspondence relative to surrender of, 589, 590, 594, 595, 599; surrender of, 602-609; second interview with Grant at Appomattox, 611; parole of, 613; draws destitute ration in3-386; moves to support Wilson, 404; at defences of Washington, 444; at mouth of Valley of Virginia, 448-452; at Cedar creek, III., 90; before Petersburg, 441, 452; military spirit of; 504; final assault on Petersburg 506, 508, 513, 516; at Amelia court-house, 550; in battle of Sailor's creek, 574-576; pursuit to Appomattox, 591, 592. Wolcott, General, unsuccessfully attacked by rebels at Macon, III., 289. Yazoo pass expedition, II., 16-173. Yazoo river, Sherman's expedition to, i., 133