Found 2,231 total hits in 404 results.
ical effect of fall of, III., 16; Sherman ordered to destroy military stores at, 154; foundries and machine-shops destroyed at, 283; Sherman moves from, 283.
Augur, General C. C., in command of department of Washington, II., 31; required by Grant to send forces to protect Sheridan's rear, III., 83.
Augusta, position of, III., 45; communication cut between Macon and, 288; Bragg's arrival at, 291.
Averill, General W. W., in West Virginia, II., 195; joins Hunter at Staunton, 418; at Hanging Rock, 422; pursuit of McCausland, 493; in army of the Shenandoah, 504; at battle of Fisher's hill, III., 32.
Averysboro, battle of, III., 428, 429.
Ayres, General R. B., at Weldon road, II. 515; at Hatcher's run, III. 124; at White Oak road, 461; at battle of Five Forks, 480-492.
Bailey, Lieutenant-Colonel J., saves Mississippi squadron, II., 78; promoted to brigadier-general 79.
Banks, General N. P., expedition against Port Hudson, i., 160; applies to Grant for reinforcements, 356
t Fort Henry, i., 27-31; Fort Donelson, 35, 41, 42.
Forrest, General N. B., in West Tennessee, i., 138; capture of Holly Springs, 138; chased out of West Tennessee, 141; fights Sturgis at Gun-town, Miss., II. 401; advance against national railroan North Carolina, III., 312; at Wilmington, 317; at Fort Fisher, first expedition, 320; second expedition 334-343.
Holly Springs, Grant at, i., 127; capture of by rebels, 138.
Hood, General J. B., supersedes J. E. Johnston, II., 539; assaults ansferred to Tennessee, III., 154; at Bentonsville, 431.
Murphy, Colonel R. C., abandons Iuka, i., 110; surrenders Holly Springs, 138; cashiered, 139.
Nashville, battle of, III., 249-279.
Nashville, situation at, in December, 184, III., 210 56; at Shiloh, 77; under Halleck before Corinth, 101; at battle of Iuka, 111; at battle of Corinth, 116; movement to Holly Springs, 128; Vicksburg campaign, 161, 232; at battle of Port Gibson, 207; at battle of Champion's hill, 269; assaults on Vic
Lincoln's, i., 406.
Emory General William III., in command of Nineteenth corps at Cedar creek, III., 93 .
Ewell, General R. S., at battle of the Wilderness, II., 95; holds south bank of Cumberland river, III., 242; at fall of Richmond, 538; sets fire to Richmond, 538; withdraws his command, 540 , captured at battle of Sailor's creek, 577.
Farragut, Admiral, expedition of, against Vicksburg, i., 125; runs by Port Hudson and communicates with Grant, 179; passes forts at entrance of Mobile bay, III., 41.
Federal Point, Cape Fear river, situation of, III., 307; geography of, 311.
Ferrero, General E., at Spottsylvania, II. 207.
Fisher, Fort, on Cape Fear river, expedition against, III., 224; position of, 226; Grant's instructions for operations against, 235; first operations against, 307-322; second operations against 325-348.
Fisher's Hill, battle of, III., 31-35.
Fitch, Captain, at Cumberland river, III., 239.
Five Forks, importance of, III., 457, 459; rebel a
vives grade of lieutenant-general for Grant, i., 569.
Congressional committee, report of, on failure oa mine explosion before Petersburg, II., 490.
Corinth, movement towards, i., 101; counterfeit defences of rebels at, 104; Halleck's incapacity at, 106; movements preliminary to battle of, 116; battle of, 116, 117.
Corse, General John M., at battle of Allatoona, III., 58.
Court of inquiry into failure of mine explosion before Petersburg, II., 489.
Cox, General Jacob D., at Columbia, Tenn., III., 208; operations against Wilmington, 381.
Crawford, General S. W., at Wilderness, II., 103, 106; at Spottsylvania, 142; at North Anna, 228, 230, 231; Weldon road, 515; at Hatcher's run III., 119; at battle of White Oak road, 480; at Five Forks, 482, 487, 490, 494.
Crittenden, General T. S., crosses the North Anna, II., 231; at battle of Cold Harbor, 295.
Crocker General M. M., engages rebels at Jackson, i., 44; Grant's opinion of, 246; at Champion's hill, 264-267.
le, 637.
Stoneman, General, George, captured by rebels near Atlanta, II., 543; at Louisville, III., 191; delay of, 411; cuts off Lee's retreat towards Lynchburg, 637.
Stanley, General D. S., in Thomas's army, III., 185; at Pulaski, 186; at Spring hill, 208.
Stuart, General J. E. B., at Spottsylvania, II., 145; opposes Sheridan's movement to James river, 238; death, 239.
Sturgis, General S. D., defeated at Guntown, II., 401.
Sumpter, Fort, attack on, i., 3; fall of, 9.
Tallahatchie river, Grant's movement to, 127-140; expedition to, from Yazoo pass 169-173.
Taylor, General Richard, supersedes Hood, III.; 270; calls for more troops, 287; surrenders all rebel forces east of Mississippi river, 639.
Tennessee, military situation in, November, 1861, i., 23; results in, consequent on capture of Fort Donelson, 55; movements in, after battle of Shiloh, 101-120; occupation and liberation of East, 545; situation in, November, 1864, III., 154-161, 174; Hood's campaign in, 1
ordered to New York to preserve order during election, 171; Fort Fisher affair, 225, 229, 235, 246, 307, 323; relieved from command, 329.
Cairo, Grant arrives at, i., 11; Grant in command of district of, 25.
Campbell's station, fight at, i., 536.
Canby, General E. R. S., supersedes Banks, II., 204; ordered to move against Mobile, 346; ordered to send troops to Pascagoula, III., 41; ordered to act against communications of Hood and Beauregard, 175; ordered to destroy factories at Montgomery and Selma, 367; movements on the Mississippi, 388; ordered into Alabama, 390; slowness and disregard of orders, 408, 409; campaign against Mobile, 637.
Cape Fear river, geography of, III., 307; capture of defences of, 343; Schofield's movements on, 380.
Carolinas, Sherman's campaign in the, III., 421-433.
Cassville taken by Sherman, II., 535.
Cedar creek, battle of, III., 92-100.
Chamberlain's creek, repulse of rebels at, III., 468.
Chambersburg, Pa., burnt by Early's ord
ies, 50; operations against Forrest, 54; relations to Red river campaign, 68, 70-76; his part in the general plan of 1864, 34, 36, 89, 100, 150, 195, 224, 336, 346, 400, 456, 459; encouraged and supported by Grant, 503; Atlanta campaign, 508-553; moves from Chattanooga, 533; captures Resaca, 535; drives Johnston across the Oostenaula and Etowa rivers, 535; captures Cassville and Kingston, 535; battle of New Hope church, 536; assaults Kenesaw mountain 538; enters Marietta, 538; crosses Chattahoochee river, 539; in front of Atlanta, 543; repulse of Hood, 544; besieges Atlanta, 542-546; situation in Georgia, III., 41-43; discussion of new campaign with Grant, 43, 45, 48, 53, 54, 59, 61, 62, 153-162; retrograde movement towards Tennessee, 50-59, 151, 152; relations with Thomas, 153, 155; return to Atlanta, 164-166, 173, 174; march to the sea, 282-300; invests Savannah, 295, 305; carries Fort McAllister, 296; thirty-one days march, 297; public appreciation of, 299-301; Grant's congratulati
ed position of; 535; Longstreet's assault on Knoxville, 535-541; arrival of Sherman, 543; KnoxvilleKnoxville relieved, 543; moves in pursuit of Longstreet, 545; errors of 547; at the Wilderness, II., 105, 12is reluctance and complaint, 532; arrives at Knoxville, 544; operations against Mobile, III., 637. at battle of Chattanooga, 494, 496, 514; in Knoxville campaign, 539; succeeds MePherson in command.
Kingston taken by Sherman, II., 535.
Knoxville, danger of, i., 531; siege of, 534-543.
Lt Burnside in Tennessee, i., 460; attack on Fort Sanders, 539; abandons siege of Knoxville, 543; retKnoxville, 543; retreats towards Virginia, 543; goes into winter quarters, 548; pursued by Schofield, 562; at battle oat battle of Chattanooga, 524; at assault on Knoxville, 541; at battle of the Wilderness, II., 132;ggold, 521; in Chattanooga campaign, 524; at Knoxville, 541; at Spottsylvania, II., 182, 15, 216; ifter battle of Chattanooga, 516; movement to Knoxville of, 533, 543, 547; Meridian expedition, 552-
vers rebel retreat after Chickamauga, i., 518; at Ringgold, 519 523.
Cobb, General Howell, in command in Georgia, III., 286; falling back to Macon, 287; surrender of, 638.
Cold Harbor, battle of, II., 268-310; Sheridan's advance on Old Cold Harbor, 274; Smith's arrival at White House, 278; assault of June 1st, 279; Grant's plan of attack, 287-290; assaults of the various corps, June 3, 291; result, 303-309.
Columbia, S. C., capture of, by Sherman, III., 423; devastated by fire by Wade Hampton, 423.
Congress, revives grade of lieutenant-general for Grant, i., 569.
Congressional committee, report of, on failure oa mine explosion before Petersburg, II., 490.
Corinth, movement towards, i., 101; counterfeit defences of rebels at, 104; Halleck's incapacity at, 106; movements preliminary to battle of, 116; battle of, 116, 117.
Corse, General John M., at battle of Allatoona, III., 58.
Court of inquiry into failure of mine explosion before Petersburg, II., 489.
Cox, G
uates Dalton, 534; retreats across the Oostenaula, 535; battle of New Hope church, 536; at Kenesaw mountain, 537; crosses the Chattahoochee, 538 superseded by Hood, 539; recalled from retirement, IIIurg II., 344; at Ream's station, 404: in Wilson's raid, 404-409; at Darbytown, III., 70.
Kenesaw mountain, Sherman's assault on, II., 536-538.
Kentucky, neutrality of, i., 11; strategical situate of Darbytown, 471; at Cemetery Hill, 483; at Weldon road, 515; at Ream's station, 531; at Kenesaw mountain, 538; in Atlanta campaign, 546, at battle of Winchester, III., 30; at Fisher's hill, 33; ata, II., 182, 15, 216; in Wilderness campaign, 329; on James river, August 14, 1864, 511; at Kenesaw mountain, 538; Sherman's Atlanta campaign, 547; at Winchester, III., 30; at Fisher's hill, 33; at Torivers, 535; captures Cassville and Kingston, 535; battle of New Hope church, 536; assaults Kenesaw mountain 538; enters Marietta, 538; crosses Chattahoochee river, 539; in front of Atlanta, 543; repu