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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Centreville (Virginia, United States) or search for Centreville (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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0th ultimo my command was mostly at or near Centreville. The enemy was at or near Manassas, distanand successfully, until the battery reached Centreville. Before ordering Colonel Jameson to cover ear guard covering the retreat. Arrived at Centreville I halted the two Ohio regiments on the hillwo succeeding days. Leaving my camp near Centreville at 2 o'clock A. M., I took my place in the ely good order, commenced its march towards Centreville, where a greater portion of it arrived aboutahel, on the left of the road leading from Centreville to Fairfax Court House; the 29th regiment, st of that division remaining in reserve at Centreville. Second--Tyler's division to move from iqual number of the enemy. On retiring to Centreville my opinion was asked as to maintaining our ons were directed to immediately proceed to Centreville, and I had made the best arrangements in myular from Department Headquarters, dated at Centreville, July 20, 1861, commanders of divisions wer[103 more...]
ses and the ground around were filled with wounded. Pursuit was continued along several routes towards Leesburg and Centreville, until darkness covered the fugitives. We have captured several field-batteries, stands of arms, and Union and State l had well reached the point aimed at, a whole regiment of the enemy appeared in sight, going at double-quick down the Centreville road. Major Walton immediately ordered another shot to help them along, as he said, and two were sent without delay rf the pursuit, already the particulars are known. Suffice it to say, we followed them on the Leesburg road and on the Centreville road as far as Centreville and Fairfax. The poor wretches dropped their guns, their knapsacks, their blankets, and evCentreville and Fairfax. The poor wretches dropped their guns, their knapsacks, their blankets, and every thing they had — they fell on their knees and prayed for mercy. They received it — Southerners have no animosity against a defeated enemy. We have captured 900 prisoners, and they will be treated with kindness. We have also captured 67 pieces
, perhaps, which was none of my fault — for Centreville, distant about 25 miles south-west of Washthe conviction that it led to any place but Centreville. Our driver, however, wished to try if then and there discontinued. On approaching Centreville, a body of German infantry of the reserve cocking up the way, with their front towards Centreville. A musket was levelled at my head as I pusding from a point a couple of miles east of Centreville, to another point east of Fairfax Court Hou it was 4 o'clock. The retreat commenced in Centreville at half-past 4. During this half hour he wes and many others camped in the vicinity of Centreville, having regained our quarters, were lightinsly handled. A detour by a cross road from Centreville to the Germantown road would have placed thhe case that the latter burnt a hospital at Centreville with all the wounded, and that they cut theecamp to the General, had just come in from Centreville from the Confederates, to whom he had gone [27 more...]
om their regular retreat should be cut off. Col. Miles' division remained at Centreville in reserve, and had no part in the action. Long before dawn, the three divisions which sustained the battle moved from Centreville to the attack. The march was slow, and, to a certain degree, irregular. Even at that hour, there seemed ad joy. Stretching far across the road, long before the hoped — for refuge of Centreville was reached, was a firm, unswerving line of men, to whom the sight of the thedible that our whole army should melt away in a night, and so I remained at Centreville, trusting that by the morning a sort of reorganization should have taken plaes who followed the tracks of those who had gone before. While returning to Centreville a group of rebel cavalry passed, who looked inquiringly, but did not questiounded. They may have returned for aught that I know. The road leading from Centreville to Germantown was filled with marks of the ruinous retreat. At the outskirt
he different roads leading thitherward from Centreville. One--the most direct — is that passing thwas found to open at a fork halfway between Centreville and the Bull Run ravine. This road could bial knowledge. Behind Richardson, and near Centreville, Col. Miles was to take up his position in sition, to prevent the enemy from moving on Centreville past our left, but not to make any attack. f, as I have explained, about a mile beyond Centreville. So, leaving camp a mile below the village It blanched the cheeks of the villagers at Centreville, to the main street of which place some of all efforts made to check the panic before Centreville was reached, were confined to civilians. I ll the last moment, and were serviceable at Centreville in assisting the halt there ultimately madenk not. It did not slack in the least until Centreville was reached. There the sight of the reservof Miles's reserve drawn up on the hills at Centreville, supporting a full battery of field-pieces,
d camp-ground of the enemy, when the march was again taken up, under a scorching sun, till within a mile and a half of Centreville, where we bivouacked once more, the men making pleasant huts of the boughs of trees. During the night the regiment s was done, and the regiment marched with the brigade Sunday morning at 2 A. M., for the battle-field, passing through Centreville just before sunrise. After proceeding a mile and a half beyond Centreville we were ordered to halt and cap our piecCentreville we were ordered to halt and cap our pieces. We then crossed a bridge, mounted a hill in the vicinity, and to the right of Gen. McDowell's Headquarters, and then turned to the right into a field, at a double-quick, which was kept tip about a quarter of an hour, passing through a wood and ey asked where we came from, and where were our arms. These questions we evaded, and asked them to show us the way to Centreville, which they did. We took an opposite direction, and at 4 P. M. halted at an. other house, where an old man came out an
ced to have slept so sweetly to the west of Centreville, and sweeping on down to the south. It is As they retreated on the Braddock road to Centreville a charge was made upon them by a portion of an attacking force directly on the road to Centreville, by Mitchell's Ford, where Gen. Bonham, witk, and about three miles from either. From Centreville, as one may see from looking at the map, alith the utmost rapidity in the direction of Centreville. It was too late for pursuit — too late to feint at Mitchell's Ford, on the road from Centreville to Warrenton. This, however, was only trueetour round by Sudley's Ford; both made for Centreville; and as they went along the turnpike back, tions. They followed on to within sight of Centreville. The enemy had preceded them, and had encaa customer that was skulking on the road to Centreville upon the evening of the battle, and whom heey will remember, on the turnpike road from Centreville to Warrenton, just after it crosses Bull Ru[5 more...]
in our possession. The advance was made by four different routes leading towards Fairfax Court House and directly to Centreville. The right wing, composed of the First division, four brigades, under the command of General Tyler, of Connecticut, pision of General Tyler was halted. It was the purpose and desire of General McDowell to push forward without delay to Centreville in pursuit of the retreating rebels, and the men, who were disappointed at having come so far to thrash their enemies by the First division, in the woods adjoining Germantown. The division will move on this afternoon to the vicinity of Centreville, where the enemy is said to be in strong force. half-past 1, P. M. General McDowell and staff have just arrived, alage and its immediate neighborhood, though Col. Tyler's Division holds position about half way between Germantown and Centreville. Col. Heintzelman had not been heard from at three o'clock, and Gen. McDowell took an escort and proceeded to the poi
ton:-- we have occupied Fairfax Court House, and driven the enemy towards Centreville and Manassas. We have an officer and three men slightly wounded. The enemyching tools, hospital furniture, and baggage. I endeavored to pursue beyond Centreville, but the men were too much exhausted to do so. Most respectfully yours, Ihe column will move on as soon as the others come up, and probably encamp at Centreville to-night, within eight miles of Manassas Junction, at which point the rebelsompted the gift. We are told here that the rebels intend to make a stand at Centreville, seven miles further on. This I do not believe. They have unquestionably fa chances are that they will. Gen. McDowell intends, I believe, to stop at Centreville to-night, and push on to Manassas in the morning. The whole army will be wiy so quickly that we do not catch their names. They will all concentrate at Centreville. All are in fine spirits, and only fear that the seceshers will run too fas
M. At 9 A. M. Richardson's brigade reached Centreville, and found that the enemy had retreated thee--first at Germantown, and subsequently at Centreville, whence he withdrew by my direction, after r regiments. Two and a half miles east of Centreville I heard firing in the advance, and, on reacdisrespectful word even had been uttered in Centreville, by a single Federal soldier, nor had any ot a later hour than I intended, and reached Centreville at about 11 o'clock. The rebels here had thour entire force was ordered to withdraw on Centreville. This is the whole of it,--and I have noad of our division left the encampment near Centreville on Thursday morning, it was supposed that t. Under this impression, we passed through Centreville, (where, by the way, we learned that five oalong the line as our column retired toward Centreville, crying bitterly. I didn't want to have th delight with which he met his companion at Centreville as uninjured as himself, and filled with an[15 more...]
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