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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Centreville (Virginia, United States) or search for Centreville (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 36 results in 2 document sections:

ille and Manassas: The fortifications at Centreville look, at a distance, formidable, extending s and stunted pines. A few dirt-banks near Centreville, behind which artillery could have been shef dense woods, about a mile and a half from Centreville, would have afforded us protection from whito be angry at the delay. To the left of Centreville was a large number of fine cabins, made of , picked up a cannon-ball, and pushed on to Centreville, reaching here at dark. The rebel army or the War. New-York world account. Centreville, March 11. At a late hour this (Tuesday)ing. All the North by this time knows that Centreville and Manassas are evacuated; furthermore, thirfax, confirming the rumored evacuation of Centreville and Manassas. Gen. Kearney, of Franklin's dstructed on a bee-line from the Junction to Centreville. This route passes across Blackburn's Fordccommodate fifty thousand men. Indeed, from Centreville to Bull Run, the line of encampments was co[21 more...]
the First division of Banks' corps d'armee, Gen. Williams commanding, took its departure for Centreville by way of Berryville, on the morning of the twenty-second, leaving only Shields' division and to that effect. The officers of his staff, however, remained behind, intending to leave for Centreville in the afternoon. Although I began to conclude that Jackson was nowhere in the vicinity, knof Gen. Banks's command, with the exception of my division, evacuated Winchester, en route for Centreville. This movement and the masked position of my division made an impression upon the inhabitantore, left for Washington. His staff-officers were directed to follow the same day, by way of Centreville. Knowing the crafty enemy, however, I had to deal with, I omitted no precaution. My whole fat. The last brigade of the First division of Gen. Banks's corps d'armee left Winchester for Centreville by the way of Berryville, on the morning of the twenty-second, leaving only Shields' division