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Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Centreville (Virginia, United States) or search for Centreville (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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y, were held in reserve, in front of and at Centreville, and in its rear, and did not participate ing to the Potomac and did not get nearer to Centreville than about Fairfax, 7 miles eastward. The n for the Federals to reach the vicinity of Centreville and the front of Bull run late in the eveniuly 18th, McDowell's army was massed around Centreville, with the exception of a division which hadat Mitchell's ford, on the direct road from Centreville to Manassas Junction, was but 3 miles from marching southward to Union Mills. From Centreville, in the rear of which McDowell had establisun. A circle with a radius of 3 miles from Centreville will pass through or near ten of these ford follows the three-mile circle drawn around Centreville. A circle with 7 miles of radius, drawn are stone bridge, the Warrenton turnpike from Centreville, and a farm ford a quarter of a mile above t to cross the fords and advance rapidly on Centreville, with vigorous attacks, while he held, with[8 more...]
Chapter 10: Operations along the Potomac from First Manassas to battle of Leesburg. Soon after the retreat of McDowell from Bull run to Washington, Longstreet's brigade, with artillery and Stuart's cavalry, was advanced, first to Centreville, then to Fairfax, and later to Falls Church and Mason's, Munson's and Upton's hills, commanding positions in full view of Washington, but with orders, writes Longstreet, not to attempt to advance even to Alexandria. The Federal authorities soon threw a cordon of well-located, formidable and well-manned fortifications around the front of Washington and Alexandria, and heavy artillery guarded all approaches to the national capital. The Confederate cavalry was constantly at the front, but the infantry and artillery supports were frequently relieved. A single battery was allowed to Longstreet, and as that had to respond to calls in all directions, General Longstreet writes that he supplied the want of located batteries by collecting
ed and 2 missing, from a force of 1,709. Among the killed was the brave Colonel Burt. The Federal losses were returned at 49 killed, 158 wounded, 694 missing. General Evans claimed the capture of 710 prisoners, 1,500 stand of arms, 3 cannon and 1 flag. Evans called on Longstreet for reinforcements when he reported his battle of the 21st, thinking that 20,000 Federals were in his front. Colonel Jenkins, with the Eighteenth South Carolina and cavalry and artillery, was dispatched from Centreville, in the afternoon of the 22d, and marched toward Leesburg, through mud and a driving rain, until midnight, when the infantry went into bivouac; but Capt. C. M. Blackford's cavalry and four guns of the Washington artillery hurried forward all night, and came in sight of Leesburg about daylight of the 23d. That morning, finding his men much exhausted, General Evans ordered three of his regiments to fall back to Carter's mill, a strong position on Goose creek, about 7 miles southwest from
nce of the secretary with his command, Jackson consented to the withdrawal of his letter of resignation. The enemy soon reoccupied the territory Jackson had been ordered to abandon, and he found himself confined to the lower Valley, which he had held previous to the Romney expedition. Loring was ordered to a new command, and the Tennessee, Georgia and Arkansas troops that had been with him were gradually taken away and joined to the other forces constituting Johnston's right wing near Centreville and Manassas, leaving only Virginia troops, those of Garnett's, Burks', and Taliaferro's brigades in the Valley with Jackson. The militia commands, never well organized, were now dwindling away by details and by enlistments in the volunteer regiments. The Federals reoccupied Romney on the 7th of February, and a little later sent an expedition as far south as Moorefield, bringing off captured cattle. The reconstruction of the railroad was also begun, Carson having fallen back to Bloom
Lincoln ordered that an advance of the whole army of the Potomac, except such a force as was necessary to defend Washington, should be made, on or before the 22d of February, to drive back the opposing Confederates and press on to the capture of Richmond. This movement was actually begun. Banks marched from Frederick City, Md., toward Harper's Ferry, to attack and drive back Jackson. McClellan advanced his great army, from the intrenched camps around Washington, to attack Johnston at Centreville and Manassas, but when, after floundering through the spring mud of midland Virginia, he reached his objective, he found that Johnston, his able and wily opponent, had anticipated his coming, and, abandoning his intrenched camps and advanced positions at Leesburg and elsewhere, along and near the Potomac, had put his forces behind the Rappahannock. Jackson, preferring fighting to retreating, skirmished with Banks' advance, offering him battle in front of Winchester, but when that was no
ifications at Winchester, stating that he was arranging to construct a raft bridge over the Shenandoah so that his troops and those at Leesburg could quickly co-operate. At that very time Johnston was sending his stores and baggage to the rear, and on the 7th of March, Whiting withdrew toward Fredericksburg, from his camp on the lower Occoquan, and D. H. Hill, from his at Leesburg, by way of Warrenton, toward the Rappahannock; and on the 9th, the center, under Johnston himself, abandoned Centreville and Manassas. By March 11th all the Confederate infantry and artillery from the Blue ridge to Fredericksburg, were aligned on the south bank of the Rappahannock. These movements left Jackson exposed to both front and flank attacks; but Johnston had confidence in his ability to take care of himself, and instructed him to endeavor to employ the invaders in the valley, but without exposing himself to the danger of defeat, by keeping so near the enemy as to prevent him from making any con
ppahannock and goes on through Warrenton to Centreville. During that day Longstreet, by a vigorousastward, by the highway across Bull run, to Centreville on the great road leading to Washington, anmorning of the 28th, took the big road from Centreville westward, marched across Bull run and took son. The movement of Hill and Ewell toward Centreville, the threatening of Washington by Fitz Lee l after Pope had ordered a concentration at Centreville, so King, on receiving these orders, decide In the early morning of the 29th, Pope, at Centreville, was issuing orders for a fourth concentratcing from Alexandria, and the earthworks at Centreville. This day's advance and retreat cost Pope on, holding the formidable intrenchments at Centreville bristling with artillery. Informed of thised Jackson, who was on his left and nearest Centreville, to cross Bull run and march to the Little the approaches to Fairfax Court House from Centreville and Chantilly, with orders to keep back the[3 more...]
ward without advanced skirmishers. As these approached the station, Warren's men met them, with unexpected volleys, and drove the brigade back in confusion, with a loss of nearly 1,400 men. Lee met Hill with stern rebuke for his imprudence, then sadly directed him to gather his wounded and bury his dead. This disaster, at the head of the column, and the failure of Ewell to close up on Hill, gave check to Lee's advance, which enabled Meade to make good his escape to the fortifications at Centreville, on the northern side of Bull run. Lee followed to the vicinity of Manassas Junction and then retraced his steps to the Rappahannock, subsequently saying, in his report concerning this campaign: Nothing prevented my continuing in his (Meade's) front but the destitute condition of the men, thousands of whom are barefooted, a greater number partially shod, and nearly all without overcoats, blankets or warm clothing. I think the sublimest sight of the war was the cheerfulness and alacr
s given command also of Evans' brigade and various unassigned companies, including cavalry and artillery. The contemplated advance which he was to make against Centreville was abandoned on account of the Federal flank movement, and while Evans, reinforced by Bee and Bartow, opposed the enemy in that quarter, he sustained the atta Manassas three days before the great battle of 1861, he was able on account of his familiarity with the country, to grasp the importance of the blind road from Centreville to Sudley, and he placed there a picket of five mounted men, from whom he received and transmitted to Beauregard the first intelligence of McDowell's flank moverging, with another regiment, he drove the Federals over the bluff and captured their guns and many prisoners. After this his regiment joined the main army at Centreville and was attached to Pickett's brigade, then commanded by Gen. Philip St. George Cocke. In 1862 General Hunton was on sick leave at Lynchburg when Lee was about