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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoranda of the operations of Brigadier-General W. H. F. Lee's command during General Stoneman's raid into Virginia. (search)
off — was pressed very hard; had orders from General Lee to burn the bridge, and fall back to Gordonsville; burnt the bridge, but held my position all day; enemy commenced moving towards night in force on my left; withdrew at night and marched towards Gordonsville. Saturday, 2d--Reached Gordonsville at 11 A. M.; heard on my arrival that a large body of the enemy was at Trevilian's depot and LouGordonsville at 11 A. M.; heard on my arrival that a large body of the enemy was at Trevilian's depot and Louisa Courthouse; sent the Ninth Virginia in that direction; their videttes were driven in by the enemy; they charged and drove them three miles, killing and wounding a number, and took thirty-two prisoses being worried out by four days fighting and marching, left out my pickets and withdrew to Gordonsville. Sunday, 3d--Received information from my scouts that the enemy were leaving Louisa and mojaded, and having only about eigth hundred men, I determined not to pursue; continued back to Gordonsville, having traveled seventy or eighty miles. Tuesday, 5th--Rested, having sent out scouting p
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Chancellorsville--report of General R. E. Lee. (search)
al Anderson, diverging to the left of the plank road, marched by way of the unfinished railroad from Fredericksburg to Gordonsville, and turned the enemy's right. His whole line thereupon retreated rapidly, vigorously pursued by our troops, until th ford, his cavalry, under General Stoneman, also crossed in large force, and proceeded through Culpeper county towards Gordonsville, for the purpose of cutting the railroads to Richmond. General Stuart had nothing to oppose to this movement but two nemy; and after holding the railroad bridge over the Rapidan during the first of May, burned the bridge and retired to Gordonsville at night. The enemy avoided Gordonsville, and reached Louisa courthouse, on the Central railroad, which he proceeded Gordonsville, and reached Louisa courthouse, on the Central railroad, which he proceeded to break up. Dividing his force, a part of it also cut the Richmond and Fredericksburg railroad, and a part proceeded to Columbia, on the James river and Kanawha canal, with the design of destroying the aqueduct at that place. The small command of G
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of the Wilderness. (search)
by want of transportation on railroad. As the troops arrived they were encamped at points between Charlottesville and Gordonsville. On the 22d, in obedience to orders received from the Commanding-General, I marched my command to Mechanicsville, and encamped in the near neighborhood thereof. On the 2d Field's division was moved to the north of Gordonsville, to meet an expected advance of a portion of the enemy by way of Liberty mills. On the 4th was advised by the Commanding-General that ight and Wofford's on the left, Mahone being in the centre. They moved by the flank till the unfinished railroad from Gordonsville to Fredericksburg was reached. Forming on this railroad facing to the north, they advanced in the direction of the Plolonel W. H. Taylor, A. A. G. Operations of Kershaw's division. On the 4th of May, 1864, in camp near Gordonsville, Virginia, I received orders from the Lieutenant-General Commanding to put my division in motion to join the First and Thir
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Jackson's Valley campaign of 1862. (search)
d transferred the mass of his army to the front of Richmond, and had taken command there in person. Ewell's division alone remained on the Rappahannock, to watch the enemy there, and to aid Jackson in case of need. This division was now near Gordonsville, and a good road from that point through Swift Run Gap placed it within easy reach of Jackson. The latter, conscious of his inability with five or six thousand men (his force had nearly doubled since Kernstown by the return of furloughed meshed, baffled, defeated the armies of Beaulieu, Wurmser and Alvinzy in succession. Jackson was now with about 6,000 men at the base of the Blue Ridge, some thirty miles northeast of Staunton. Ewell with an equal force was in the vicinity of Gordonsville, twenty-five miles in his rear, and east of the mountains. Edward Johnson was seven miles west of Staunton with 3,500 men,--such the Confederate position. On the other hand, Banks, with the main body of his force of about 20,000 men, occupi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the campaign of 1864 in Virginia. (search)
The Fifteenth Alabama, under Colonel William C. Oates. The Forty-fourth Alabama, under Lieutenant-Colonel John A. Jones. The Forty-seventh Alabama, under Major J. M. Campbell. The Forty-eighth Alabama, under Major J. W. Wigginton. The brigade numbered not exceeding fifteen hundred men rank and file. Battle of the Wilderness. When General Grant began his advance from Culpeper, two divisions of General Longstreet's corps, Kershaw's and Field's, were in the neighborhood of Gordonsville, having recently arrived from east Tennessee. The march began on the 4th of May, I believe, about 2 o'clock. After dark on the evening of the 5th the troops went into camp nearly ten miles, as the road ran, from the point on the Plank road at which General A. P. Hill's corps had been engaged that evening. About midnight the men were aroused by marching orders, and the corps moved off, Kershaw's division in front. It was probably 2 o'clock A. M. when my brigade left camp. The progres
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The wounding and death of General J. E. B. Stuart-several errors corrected. (search)
May, a telegram was written by Major H. von Borcke, and sent, as he supposed, to Mrs. Stuart, who was at Colonel Edmund Fontaine's, near Beaver Dam station. It was found to be impossible to send it direct, as all communication had been cut off, both by way of what was then the Central railroad and telegraph line and by the Fredericksburg railroad. Some delay was thus occasioned, and the dispatch was not actually on its way until the next morning; then it was sent by way of Lynchburg and Gordonsville, and some difficulty attended its transmission by that line. Colonel Fontaine, with several members of his family, and Mrs. Stuart were that morning (the 12th) at the depot doing all in their power to relieve the many wounded and dying who had been started to Richmond by General Lee, but captured by the Yankees while on their way and left by them at Beaver Dam, two days before. While there, at about twelve o'clock, Colonel Fontaine received the dispatch, which read as follows: General
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Hampton's report of the battle of Trevylian's depot and subsequent operations. (search)
l he took refuge behind strong fortifications and heavy infantry supports at Gordonsville (twelve miles distant from Trevylian's). We knew at the time that there were no fortifications and no infantry at Gordonsville, and that instead of Sheridan's driving Hampton in that direction he was himself driven in just the opposite directsion in addition to my own and follow him. Supposing that he would strike at Gordonsville and Charlottesville, I moved rapidly with my division so as to interpose my s left and my right flank; to drive the enemy back, if he attempted to reach Gordonsville by passing to my left, and to conceal my real design, which was to strike hi's left with Wickham's brigade, whilst he took Lomax's brigade across to the Gordonsville road so as to strike the enemy on his right flank. This movement was succes orders which have been captured, show that Sheridan's object was to destroy Gordonsville and Charlottesville, with the railroad near those places; to unite with Hunt
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official diary of First corps, A. N. V., while commanded by Lt.-General R. H. Anderson, from June 1st to October 18, 1864. (search)
ille and camp two miles east of the latter. September 19 Move at sunrise and arrive at Culpeper in time to meet a Yankee raiding party, Sixteenth New York cavalry, which is found to have passed down to Rapidan bridge and burnt it. We intercept the party on its return by Bryan's brigade near Poney mountain. September 20 Move at 12 M. for Rapidan station. September 21, 22 At Rapidan station awaiting the completion of the bridge. September 23 Bridge finished. Move to Gordonsville. September 24 Kershaw moves at sunrise to join Early, via Swift Run gap. September 25, 26 We take up the march (headquarters) for Richmond, where we arrive on the 26th. September 27 Move from Richmond to Swift run. September 28 General Anderson receives orders to move to north side and assume command. September 29 Move to north side early and find the enemy holding Fort Harrison, which he had taken by a coup de main. One battalion of reserve, one hundred and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Lane's North Carolina brigade. (search)
body of North Carolina troops was then called Branch's brigade until the battle of Sharpsburg, where the heroic Branch was killed. I was soon afterwards promoted to fill the vacancy caused by the death of General Branch, and from that time to the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse this command was known in the Army of Northern Virginia as Lane's brigade. Ordered to Virginia. Early in May, 1862, this command was ordered to Virginia, and, on reaching Richmond, it was at once sent to Gordonsville. It remained there and at Rapidan station, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, only a short time, when it was ordered to the Valley to join General Ewell, but, on reaching the base of the Blue Ridge, the order was countermanded and it was taken to Hanover Courthouse. From that point it was moved, on the 26th of May, to Slash church, near Peake's turnout on the Virginia Central railroad. Battle at Slash church and Hanover Courthouse. Early next morning General Branch sent the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 12.89 (search)
umn was to move round through Culpeper and Louisa, to operate on the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad on General Lee's line of communication. This column was under Stoneman and Buford. Another column was to threaten Culpeper and Gordonsville, then to follow and join Stoneman. Stoneman marched to Thompson's cross-roads, and calling his regimental commanders together, tells them that I have dropped in this region like a shell, and that I intended to burst it, expecting each piece oleeing before us. All day May the 1st, W. H. F. Lee, with his two regiments and one piece of artillery, gallantly disputed his advance, and in compliance with the orders from General Lee, burnt the bridge over the Rapidan and withdrew towards Gordonsville. He reached that place at 11 A. M. on the 2d. At 6.30 A. M. on the same day, Averell, who never advanced closer than three miles of Orange Courthouse, countermarched and went back to the army. He arrived at 10.30 P. M. on the night of the 2