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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 17: preparations about Fredericksburg. (search)
s division had been put in position near Berryville, covering the Shenandoah, at Snicker's or Castleman's Ferry, where it had an engagement with a body of the enemy that had crossed the ridge as McClellan was moving on. Ewell's division (under my command) was at first posted on A. P. Hill's left, near a church, while Jackson's division was on the Berryville and Charlestown pike in my rear, but as the enemy's covered our front I moved above, first to Millwood, and then to Stone Bridge, near White Post, and Jackson's division moved to the vicinity of the Occoquon between the positions of the other divisions and Winchester. After the enemy had left the vicinity of the Blue Ridge, D. H. Hill's division recrossed the ridge and moved up on the east side of the Shenandoah to the vicinity of Front Royal. While my camp was at Stone Bridge, my division destroyed the Manassas Gap Railroad from Front Royal to Piedmont on the east side of the Blue Ridge, a distance of twenty miles, and D. H. H
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 41: return to Virginia. (search)
exposed to expeditions in the rear from Martinsburg and Harper's Ferry, I determined to concentrate my force near Strasburg, so as to enable me to put the trains in safety and then move out and attack the enemy. This movement was commenced on the night of the 19th; Ramseur's division, with a battery of artillery, being sent to Winchester, to cover that place against Averill, while the stores, and the sick and wounded were being removed, and the other divisions moving through Millwood and White Post to the Valley Pike at Newtown and Middletown. Vaughan's and Jackson's cavalry had been watching Averill, and, on the afternoon of the 20th, it was reported to General Ramseur, by General Vaughan, that Averill was at Stephenson's depot, with an inferior force, which could be captured, and Ramseur moved out from Winchester to attack him; but relying on the accuracy of the information he had received, General Ramseur did not take the proper precautions in advancing, and his division; whil
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 44: retreat to Fisher's Hill. (search)
s and Vaughan's brigades had a severe fight with another body of cavalry at the double toll-gate, at the intersection of the Front Royal road with the road from White Post to Newtown; and it was discovered that there had been a considerable accession to that arm from Grant's army. Just before night, Gordon had very heavy skirmharlestown next day, to occupy the enemy's attention during Anderson's movement. Sheridan, however, had started two divisions of cavalry through Berryville and White Post, on a raid to our rear, and his main force had moved towards Berryville. Anderson encountered Crook's corps at the latter place, and after a sharp engagement dtwo miles nearly north. The crossing of the Opequon on the Berryville road is four or five miles from Winchester. From Berryville there are two good roads via White Post to the Valley Pike at Newtown and Middletown, the last two roads running east of the Opequon. The whole country is very open, being a limestone country which i
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
iger, General D. A., 356 Welbourn, Captain, 212, 460 Wellford's Mill, 106 Wells, Colonel (U. S. A.), 326, 437 Westover, 88 Western Virginia, 75 Wharton, General G. C., 188, 253, 375, 399, 414-15, 423-27, 429-30, 434, 441-443, 445-47, 449, 452, 457-58, 460, 462-64 Wheat's Battalion, 3, 31 Wheeling, 368 White, Captain, Elijah, 134, 255-58, 261, 263-64, 280 White, General (U. S. A.), 136, 137 White House, 361, 465 White Oak Swamp, 77 White Plains, 54, 114 White Post, 167, 397, 406, 411, 414 White's Ford, 43, 134, 137 Whiting, GeneralW. H., 74-76, 78-79, 86, 88, 105 Whittle, Colonel, 67, 72 Whitworth, 198 Wickham, General W. C., 416, 424- 425-26, 429, 433-34-35, 441, 454, 457 Wilcox, General, 58, 60-61, 208-09, 212, 218, 352, 354, 355, 358 Wilderness, 346, 350-51, 359, 363 Wilderness Tavern, 318 Williams, Colonel, 5, 8 Williams, General (U. S. A.), 148 Williamsburg, 65-68, 70, 71, 73 Williamsport, 135, 162, 281-83, 369