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Arrived. --Some six hundred Georgia troops arrived yesterday morning, via Petersburg Railroad, and proceeded to Howard's Grove; Later in the day the Danville road brought a regiment from somewhere "down South."--They went into camp near the Central Fair Grounds. We only wish that the Balloonist Lowe could take Old Abe and drop him in the vicinity of some of our camps.
The right sort. --A company of Texas Rangers, numbering one hundred, are encamped at Howard's Grove. They are thoroughly armed and among the most perfect horsemen in the world.
Texas Rangers. --In the list of officers of the Texas Rangers, published on the first page of this paper, the names of Surgeons Williams and Hartstein were accidentally omitted.--These gentlemen are said to be eminent in their profession. A Lieutenant of the corps visited us yesterday. He is a man of powerful stature, a fearless rider, and apparently able to cope with a platoon of the enemy. His bowie-knife would strike terror to the soul of every Lincolnite. The Rangers are now encamped at Howard's Grove, but will probably leave soon for the Northwest. They ask no quarter, and will give none.
Ten dollars reward. --I will pay the above reward for the apprehension of Jesse, who left my farm, in Chester-field, about three weeks since. He is of rather low stature, though stout, light, ginger bread color, and about 27 years of age. His acquaintance about Richmond is extensive, and I think he is lurking about there, as he has been seen at Howard's Grove, cooking for the soldiers. je 25--6t* H. Carrington Watkins.
Three robbers attacked a market man near Howard's Grove, on the Mechanicville Turnpike, at an early hour last Monday night, but his cries for help brought several soldiers to his aid, and caused the thieves to leave before they accomplished their object Market men ought to go well armed, and travel together. There are gangs of thieves in the city who know them well, and who would not hesitate to murder any of them for a small portion of their produce.