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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Index, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 46 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 16 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 27, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Contents of Thie first volume. (search)
ficial Report,76 65.Maryland--Gov. Hicks' Proclamation. Baltimore--Mayor Brown's Proclamation,76 66.N. Y. Chamber of Commeal Scott's General Orders78 69.The Baltimore Riot,78 70.Baltimore--Mayor Brown to Gov. Andrew, and Reply,80 71.N. Y. 7th Rof,119 78.Gen. Scott's Letter to Secretary Floyd,121 79.Baltimore--Mayor Brown's Statement,123 80.Rhode Island Regiment; Ge Conflict,132 84.Secretary Seward to Gov. Hicks,133 85.Baltimore--Attack on Massachusetts Troops,133 86.Baltimore, An EmbBaltimore, An Embargo at,134 87.A. H. Stephens' Speech at Richmond, April 22,134 88.New York Bar, Meeting of,135 89.John Bell and E. H. Ewinvention,237 160.Major Morris's Letter to Judge Giles at Baltimore,239 161.Senator Bayard on Secession,240 162.Gen. Harneyesolutions, May 14,243 165.Gen. Butler's Proclamation at Baltimore, May 14,243 166.Gov. Hicks' Proclamation, May 14,245 16,33 48.The Two Eras, L. H. Sigourney,34 49.The Sixth at Baltimore, B. P. Shillaber,34 50.Col. Corcoran's Brigade, Enul, 34
D. 59 Brown, George William, Mayor of Baltimore, D. 37; proclamation of April 18, Doc. 77; cc. 108 L Ladd, Luther C., killed at Baltimore, D. 53 Lafayette, Ind., first troops lD. 61 Mississippi, commissioner of, at Baltimore, D. 3; commissioners of, at Raleigh, D. 3; dttery passes through Philadelphia, D. 42; at Baltimore, D. 61 Shepley, —, Chief Justice, of Mand the Substance, P. 128 The Sixth at Baltimore, P. 34 The Soldier's Hymn, P. 140 c history, Int. 13 Trimble, —, Gen., of Baltimore, his clearance papers, P. 80 Trimble, ---, Corporal, incident of his experience at Baltimore, P. 109 John, notice of, D. 4 president of titary commission of, D. 96; troops encamp in Baltimore, D. 68 apportionment of, D. 68; Doc. 237 ent., P. 118 Whitney, Addison O., killed at Baltimore, D. 53 Whitney, Eli, Int. 30 Whitti Young Men's Christian Associations of Baltimore, D. 38; of New York, labors in behalf of the[13 more...]<
aptured, and 268,000, beside artillery ammunition, destroyed. U. S. Grant, Major Gen'l Com'g. Miscellaneous. The Yankee authorities of Baltimore have just made a clean sweep of the employees at Barnum's Hotel, on the charge of disloyalty. Those arrested are Jno. W. McDermott, bookkeeper; Jos. Dorsay, chief clerk; Jos. Young and John W. Mills, assistant bookkeepers; Michael Henry, barkeeper; Jno. Kelly, chief barkeeper, and Wm. Leach, the cigar vender. On Saturday, in Baltimore, Col. Baker's detectives arrested a large number of Col. Fish's detectives upon the charge of receiving bribes from rebel sympathizers. They were placed in the old Capitol at Washington. Gen. Sickles, accompanied by several members of his staff, left Washington on Wednesday last in a special car for New York city. He was thought sufficiently vigorous to bear the fatigues of the journey. The Vicksburg correspondent of the New York Times says that "for six weeks very little will be