Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 9, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cedar Keys (Florida, United States) or search for Cedar Keys (Florida, United States) in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: July 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], England and the Southern Confederacy. (search)
Vessels recaptured and prisoners taken. A dispatch from Cedar Keys, Fla., gives the gratifying information that the schooners Fanny Bassedy and Three Brothers, of New Orleans, and the Olive Branch, of Mobile, all recently captured by Lincoln's cruisers, and sent as prizes to Key West, were recaptured off Cedar Keys on the 3dile, all recently captured by Lincoln's cruisers, and sent as prizes to Key West, were recaptured off Cedar Keys on the 3d inst. by the Florida forces. Lieut. Selden, U. S. N., and nineteen seamen, were taken prisoners, and have been sent to Tallahassee. The crews of the schooners are safe at Cedar Keys, and will be sent home. ile, all recently captured by Lincoln's cruisers, and sent as prizes to Key West, were recaptured off Cedar Keys on the 3d inst. by the Florida forces. Lieut. Selden, U. S. N., and nineteen seamen, were taken prisoners, and have been sent to Tallahassee. The crews of the schooners are safe at Cedar Keys, and will be sent home.
Gallant Exploit. Tallahassee, Fla., July 7. --First Lieutenant Pursichal, of the Columbia Rifles, arrived here yesterday, with a guard of six men, in charge of prize crew consisting of 1st Lieutenant G. L. Selden and nineteen sailors, which were captured on the 21 inst. at Cedar, Keys, by a detachment under the command of Maj. W. M. Smith, on board the steamer Madison. Four prizes were taken, among which is the schooner Fanny, with railroad iron, which was recently captured off the mouth of the Mississippi. Lieut. Seldon was the 2d Lieutenant of the United States steamer Massachusetts. The captured vessels are now at Cedar Keys unloading. Fifteen prisoners were found on board the schooner, consisting of the crew, and who were greatly rejoiced at their unexpected release. Seldon is the first Lieutenant officer captured by the Confederate forces. He is a native of Virginia.