Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died.. You can also browse the collection for Cedar Mountain (Virginia, United States) or search for Cedar Mountain (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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ehall, N. C., Dec. 19, 1862. Butters, Thomas S., Corp.,2d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863.Gettysburg, Pa., July 30, 1863. Buttrick, Francis,32d Mass. Inf.,– –Gettysburg, Pa., July 28, 1863. Buxton, George W., Corp.,2d Mass. Inf,Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862.Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Byrnes, Richard, Col.,28th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864.Washington, D. C., June 12, 1864. Byron, Zepheron A.,1st Mass. H. A.,Spotsylvania, Va.,Spotsylvania, Va., May 30, 1864.all, N. C., Dec. 19, 1862. Butters, Thomas S., Corp.,2d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863.Gettysburg, Pa., July 30, 1863. Buttrick, Francis,32d Mass. Inf.,– –Gettysburg, Pa., July 28, 1863. Buxton, George W., Corp.,2d Mass. Inf,Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862.Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Byrnes, Richard, Col.,28th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864.Washington, D. C., June 12, 1864. Byron, Zepheron A.,1st Mass. H. A.,Spotsylvania, Va.,Spotsylvania, Va., May 30,
Cadagan, Michael Name and rank.Command.When and Where Wounded.Date and Place of Death. Cadagan, Michael,57th Mass. Inf.,– –Washington, D. C., Aug. 6, 1864. Cahill, James,28th Mass. Inf.,Bull Run (2d), Va., Aug. 30, 1862.Near Chantilly, Va., Sept. 2, 1862. Cahill, Robert C., Corp.,2d Mass. Inf.,– –Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Cahoon, Simeon,58th Mass. Inf.,– –Washington, D. C., July 25, 1864. Caldwell, Charles,16th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864.Petersburg, Va., June 22, 1864. Caldwell, Lewis P., 1st Lieut.,1st Mass. H. A.,Petersburg, Va., June 16, 1864.Before Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864. Calvin, Frederick,2d Mass. Inf.,– –Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Came, William W., Corp.,26th Mass. Inf.,– –Winchester, Va., Nov. 3, 1864. Cameron, Robert, Corp.,2d Mass. Inf.,Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863.Washington, D. C., May 8, 1863. Campbell, William M.,16th Mass. Inf.,– –At camp near Falmouth, Va., Dec. 15, 1862. Canary, John,28th M
un (2d), Va., Aug. 30, 1862.New York, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1862. Daley, William, Capt.,25th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,Washington, D. C., June 23, 1864. Daly, Martin W.,56th Mass. Inf.,Near Petersburg, Va.,June 1, 1864. Dam, Charles E.,35th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.Chelsea, Mass., Dec. 27, 1862. Dame, Joseph T.,32d Mass. Inf.,– –Bethesda Church, Va., June 3, 1864. Danforth, Jeremiah,19th Mass. Inf.,– –Spring House Hosp., Dec. 8, 1862. Daniels, William A.,2d Mass. Inf.,Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 10, 1862.Washington, D. C., Sept. 7, 1862. Davidson, Robert C., Corp.,35th Mass. Inf.,Crater Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864.City Point, Va., Aug. 19, 1864. Davis, Albert A., Capt.,1st Mass. H. A.,Ny River, Va.,June 21, 1864. Davis, George, Corp.,22d Mass. Inf.,Shepherdstown, Va., Sept. 20, 1862.Fredericksburg, Va., Sept. 20, 1862. Davis, George L.,22d Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864.Washington, D. C., July 25, 1864. Davis, George W.,21st Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,
h Mass. Inf.,Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862.Boston, Mass., June 5, 1862. Devlin, Alexander,20th Mass. Inf.,– –June 2, 1862. De Weale, Alfred,2d Mass. Inf.,Cedar Mountain, Va.,Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Dickinson, Charles E., Sergt.,24th Mass. Inf.,– –Beverly, N. J., Oct. 10, 1864. Dickinson, David L.,1st Mass. H. A.,SpoCedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Dickinson, Charles E., Sergt.,24th Mass. Inf.,– –Beverly, N. J., Oct. 10, 1864. Dickinson, David L.,1st Mass. H. A.,Spotsylvania, Va., May 19, 1864.Spotsylvania, Va., May 20, 1864. Dickinson, Elmer F., Corp.,23d Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864.New York, N. Y., June 18, 1864. Dickinson, Nathan S.,25th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864.Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 18, 1864. Dickson, John E., Corp.,34th Mass. Inf.,May 15, 1864,June 15, 1864. Dillingham, Charles,2d Mass. Inf.,Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862.Sept. 10, 1862. Dillingham, John G.,32d Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va., May 12, 1864.Philadelphia, Pa., June 15, 1864. Dillon, James,56th Mass. Inf.,July 30, 1864,Washington, D. C., Aug. 6, 1864. Dillon, John,16th Mass. Inf.,– –Washington, D. C.
16, 1864. Gill, Patrick J.,38th Mass. Inf.,Bisland, La.,Louisiana, April 13, 1863. Gillespie, John,2d Mass. Cav.,– –Washington, D. C., July 26, 1864. Gillett, Curtis C.,27th Mass. Inf.,Rocky Hoc Creek, N. C., March 24, 1863.New Berne, N. C., May 12, 1863. Gilman, George C.,30th Mass. Inf.,Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5, 1862.Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 10, 1862. Gilman, Martin,54th Mass. Inf.,Fort Wagner, S. C., July 18, 1863.Beaufort, S. C., July 27, 1863. Gilman, Newhall G.,2d Mass. Inf.,Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862.Alexandria, Va., Sept. 14, 1862. Gilman, William L., Corp.,32d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 30, 1863. Glaspey, Wallace L.,55th Mass. Inf.,Nov. 30, 1864,Beaufort, S. C., Dec. 16, 1864. Glass, Seth,38th Mass. Inf.,Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863.Hospital transport, June 15, 1863. Gleason, Buel,37th Mass. Inf.,May 6, 1864,Fredericksburg, Va., May 7, 1864. Gleason, George A.,28th Mass. Inf.,May 5, 1864,July 1, 1864. Glidden, George W., Corp.,40th Mass. Inf.,– –Hamp
a., June 3, 1864.June 4, 1864. Hamilton, Henry,54th Mass. Inf.,– –Charleston, S. C., Aug. 4, 1865. Hamilton, John A.,4th Mass. Cav.,– –Hampton, Va., May 24, 1864. Hamilton, Robert, Capt.,32d Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va., May 12, 1864.July 19, 1864. Hamilton, Thomas I., Corp.,1st Mass. Cav.,– –Aldie, Va., June 17, 1863. Hammel, Peter,28th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va., May 18, 1864.– – Hammond, Charles W.,11th Mass. Inf.,Aug. 29, 1862,Sept. 29, 1862. Hanbolt, William,2d Mass. Inf.,Cedar Mountain, Va.,Near Winchester, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Hanley, Daniel,28th Mass. Inf.,Bull Run (2d), Va., Aug. 30, 1862.Washington, D. C.. Oct. 10, 1862. Harding, Thomas N.,3d Batt. Mass. L. A.,– –May 11, 1864. Hardy, Elmer J.,57th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864.Wilderness, Va., May 7, 1864. Harmon, Major T., Corp.,33d Mass. Inf.,– –Chattanooga, Tenn., May 31, 1864. Harney, Richard, Sergt.,29th Mass. Inf.,Bethesda Church, Va.,June 27, 1864. Harrington, Charles A.,25th Mas
A.,39th Mass. Inf.,– –Near Bethesda Church, Va., June 2, 1864. Mitchell, William J.,56th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864.Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864. Moffatt, Michael H.,10th Mass. Inf.,– –Chancellorsville, Va., May 8, 1864. Monahan, John,22d Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864.Washington, D. C., Sept. 26, 1864. Moody, Edwin A., Corp.,24th Mass. Inf,– –Hampton, Va., May 28, 1864. Moore, Edward E.,1st Mass. H. A.,– –Aug. 27, 1864. Moore, Ephraim W.,2d Mass. Inf.,Cedar Mountain, Va.,Alexandria, Va., Aug. 20, 1862. Moore, John F.,22d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863.July, 1863. Moran, Albert,56th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va., May 12, 1864.– – Mores, Robert R., Should read Moses, Robert R.15th Mass. Inf.,Sept. 17, 1862,Oct. 5, 1862. Morgan, William H.,2d Mass. Cav.,– –Woodstock, Va., Sept. 22, 1864. Moriarty, Thomas,22d Mass. Inf.,July 2, 1863,York, Pa., Aug. 12, 1863. Morley, Edward M.,37th Mass. Inf.,Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6, 1
Mass. Inf.,– –Near Falmouth, Va., Dec. 20, 1862. Perry, Charles,15th Mass. Inf.,– –Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Perry, Henry H.,57th Mass. Inf.,Fort Stedman, Va.,April 9, 1865. Perry, James N.,37th Mass. Inf.,May., 1864,Washington, D. C., July 25, 1864. Perry, William H.,1st Mass. H. A.,– –U. S. Hospital, May 30, 1865. Phelps, John,39th Mass. Inf.,– –April 28, 1864. Phelps, Leroy,1st Mass. H. A.,– –Philadelphia, Pa.,April 7, 1865. Phillips, Alton E., 1st Lieut.,1st Mass. Cav.,Cedar Mountain, Va.,Rapidan Station, Va., May 4, 1863. Phillips, Alvah C., Sergt.,10th Mass. Inf.,– –Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 3, 1863. Pierce, Edwin W.,34th Mass. Inf.,Oct. 13, 1864,Winchester, Va., Dec. 26, 1864. Pierce, John, Corp.,1st Mass. Cav.,– –Aldie, Va., June 17, 1863. Pierce, John D., Corp.,56th Mass. Inf.,Aug. 1, 1864,– – Pierson, Hiram J.,2d Mass. Inf.,Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864.Evansville, Ind., June 11, 1864. Pierson, Joseph H.,19th Mass. Inf.,– –Antietam, Md.
1862.Hanover Court House, Va., May 27, 1862. Reidman, Godfred,15th Mass. Inf.,Sept. 17, 1862,Antietam, Md., Sept. 30, 1862. Reiter, John F., Should read Rattler, John F.28th Mass. Inf.,– –May 12, 1864. Remick, Prescott,2d Mass. Inf.,Cedar Mountain, Va.,Cedar Mountain, Va., Oct. 27, 1862. Renner, Charles R., Sergt.,21st Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864.Petersburg, Va., Aug. 22, 1864. Revere, Paul J.,Bvt. Brig. Gen.,U. S. Vols.,Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863.Westminster, Md., JulCedar Mountain, Va., Oct. 27, 1862. Renner, Charles R., Sergt.,21st Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864.Petersburg, Va., Aug. 22, 1864. Revere, Paul J.,Bvt. Brig. Gen.,U. S. Vols.,Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863.Westminster, Md., July 4, 1863. Reynolds, Patrick,16th Mass. Inf.,June 18, 1862,Davids' Island, N. Y., July 22, 1862. Rhodes, Charles,2d Mass. Cav.,– –Frederick, Md., Oct. 29, 1864. Rice, Henry H., Corp.,36th Mass. Inf.,North Anna, Va., May 24, 1864.Washington, D. C., June 1, 1864. Rice, John S.,11th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa., July July 2, 1863.Gettysburg, Pa., July 15, 1863. Richards, Charles D.,59th Mass. Inf.,– –Dec. 4, 1864. Richards, Charles L.,18th Mass. Inf.,– –Wilderness, Va., May 7, 1864.
20, 1863. Rindge, Edwin E.,15th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.Antietam, Md., Oct. 21, 1862. Ripley, Frank,10th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864.Fredericksburg, Va., May 13, 1864. Ripley, John, Capt.,12th Mass. Inf.,Cedar Mountain, Va.,Cedar Mountain, Va., Dec. 20, 1862. Ripley, Joseph,38th Mass. Inf.,Sept. 19, 1864,Winchester, Va., Oct. 9, 1864. Roach, John,28th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, V a., Dec.. 13, 1862.Falmouth, Va., Jan. 1, 1863. Roach, William,25th Mass. InfCedar Mountain, Va., Dec. 20, 1862. Ripley, Joseph,38th Mass. Inf.,Sept. 19, 1864,Winchester, Va., Oct. 9, 1864. Roach, John,28th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, V a., Dec.. 13, 1862.Falmouth, Va., Jan. 1, 1863. Roach, William,25th Mass. Inf.,June 18, 1864,Hampton, Va., July 7, 1864. Robbins, Charles H.,35th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Antietam, Md., Sept. 27, 1862. Robbins, Eliot H., Corp.,15th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864.Before Petersburg, Va., July 15, 1864. Robeson, Thomas R., Capt.,2d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,Gettysburg, Pa., July 7, 1863. Robinson, Clark,36th Mass. Inf.,Near Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864.Washington, D. C., July 30, 1864. Robinson, George K.,45th Mass. Inf.,– –Kinston, N. C., Dec. 18, 1862.