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dependence is achieved it makes my heart ache to dwell upon. August 4, 1862. The girls just returned from a visit to Mrs. A. of several days, which they enjoyed greatly. Every thing there very bright and cheerful, except the hearts of the parents — they yearn for their sons on the field of danger! A battle is now expected between Jackson and Pope. August 5, 1862. The papers of last night brought us no news, except that our troops are firing upon the enemy's gun-boats near Coggin's Point. The result not known. A battle between Jackson and Pope still imminent. Major Bailey made a brilliant cavalry raid a few days since upon the enemy in Nicholas County, in which he took the command of a lieutenant-colonel prisoners, burnt their stores, and brought off many horses, mules, and arms. Morgan continues his successful raids in the West. The enemy has abandoned the siege of Vicksburg for the time. August 9th, 1862. We hear of a little cavalry fight at Orange Court-Hou
6. Madison Court-House, Va., was occupied by the First cavalry of Connecticut, a portion of General Sigel's advance, after a slight skirmish with the rebel cavalry under Robertson, who were driven out of the town.--Prominent citizens of Hayward County, Tenn., were captured by the rebel guerrillas for selling cotton.--The Union transport schooner Louisa Reeves, of New York, laden with forage for the army of the Potomac, was this day captured and burned by a party of rebel troops, at Coggins's Point, James River, Va. A skirmish took place near Patten, Missouri, between a company of the Tenth battalion of State militia, under Major Chevreaux, and two hundred guerrillas, in which the latter were defeated and put to flight, with a loss of twenty-five killed and wounded. The National loss was three wounded.--St. Louis News, July 29. Yesterday the towns of Van Buren, Lysander and Marcellus, N. Y., subscribed four thousand five hundred dollars to aid in raising a regiment under
August 1. At about one o'clock this morning the rebels opened fire from their batteries stationed at Coggin's Point, opposite Harrison's Landing, Va., upon the Union army under Gen. McClellan and the gunboat fleet on the James River. After a brisk fire from the fleet, and land batteries, of nearly two hours duration, the rebel batteries were completely silenced. The rebels lost one killed and nine wounded.--Doc. 165. James D. Fessenden, Colonel Commanding the First regiment of South-Carolina volunteers, at Drayton's, S. C., issued the following regimental order: The Colonel Commanding takes pleasure in announcing that free papers will soon be issued to those faithful soldiers who have steadfastly stood by their colors and performed with willingness and alacrity the duties of a soldier. They have shown by their prompt and willing obedience to the orders of their officers, and by their fidelity in the discharge of the various duties of camp, that they deserve to be f
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Army of the Potomac at Harrison's Landing. (search)
e from across the James was being directed on the shipping and on the supply depots near the camps. A Confederate force under General S. G. French had been sent out from the command of D. H. Hill, at Petersburg. General W. N. Pendleton reported that 1000 rounds were fired. The casualties in the Union camps, as reported by General McClellan, were 10 killed and 15 wounded.--G. L. K. Comparatively little damage was done. The next day a Union force was thrown across the river to seize Coggins's Point, where the elevated ground favored that style of attack on our camps. The army soon became restless for want of work, and there was great rejoicing at the prospect of a forward movement. On the 2d of August, Hooker marched a portion of his division to Malvern Hill, and on the 4th extended his advance to Charles City Cross-roads, near Glendale. But orders came to withdraw from the Peninsula, so we marched to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Newport News, and Fort Monroe. The Fifth and Third C
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 17: Pope's campaign in Virginia. (search)
order to transfer his army to Acquia Creek, and it could not be done. Meanwhile General French, with a considerable Confederate force and 48 guns, had gone down the south side of the James to assail McClellan's camp. He appeared suddenly at Coggin's Point, before daylight on the morning of the first of August, and opened fire on the camp and vessels. So soon as McClellan's guns were brought to bear on him, he ceased firing and withdrew. McClellan sent a force across the James that drove the Confederates back to Petersburg, and strongly fortified Coggin's Point. His own force had become much weakened by fighting and marching, and at this time its effective men did not exceed forty thousand in number. Sigel's corps had become reduced to about 9,000 effectives; Banks's to 5,000; McDowells's, including Reynolds's division that had come from the Peninsula, was only 15,000; Reno's was 7,000; and the cavalry, greatly reduced in its equipment of horses and arms, did not exceed 4,000. Bu
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
But this disaster did not loosen Warren's hold upon the Weldon road, and the Confederates gained nothing by their victory. For about a month after the battle of Reams's Station, there was comparative quiet along the lines of the opposing armies. During this time the Confederates made a bold and successful dash for food. General Hampton, with a heavy cavalry force, made a wide circuit around the National left from Reams's Station, Sept. 16. and swept down to Sycamore Church, near Coggins's Point, opposite Harrison's Landing, where he seized, and then drove back to the Confederate lines, 2,500 beef cattle, and carried with him about 300 men and their horses, of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania, who were guarding the herd; also 200 mules and 32 wagons. Hampton lost about 50 men. It was broken by General Grant, who, believing that only a few troops were then occupying the Confederate works on the north side of the James, ordered General Butler to cross over the river from Bermuda Hund
Army of the Potomac, because if a forward movement were contemplated many of the sick could be of service at the depots, and he could not decide what cases to send off unless he knew what was to be done with the army. On the 3d of August, Coggin's Point, on the south side of the James, was occupied by our troops, and Colonel Averill, at the head of three hundred cavalry, attacked and dispersed a cavalry force of the enemy four hundred and fifty in number, at Sycamore Church, on the main road862, 12.30 A. M. Started to Jamestown Island to talk with you; found cable broken, and came here. Please read my long telegram. All quiet at camp. Enemy burned wharves at City Point yesterday. No rebel pickets within eight (8) miles of Coggin's Point yesterday. Richmond prisoners state that large force with guns left Richmond northward on Sunday. G. B. McClellan, Major-General. Major-General H. W. Halleck, Washington. To which the following reply was received:-- Washington, A
h evidences of activity on our side. None being afforded, he sent Gen. French, with 43 guns, to approach Harrison's Bar stealthily on the south side of the river, during the night, July 31. and open a fire on our camps and vessels, whereby we had 10 killed and 15 wounded, with some little damage to tents, &c. French desisted after half an hour's firing, or so soon as our guns were brought to bear upon him, and decamped before daylight. Gen. McClellan thereupon occupied and fortified Coggin's Point, on that side of the river; and was no farther molested. Position at Harrison's Landing. Even if we raise our actual losses of men in the Seven Days to 20,000, it is doubtful that they much, if at all, exceeded those of the Rebels, whose reckless attacks on our strong positionsat Mechanicsville, Gaines's Mill, Glendale, and Malvern, being stoutly resisted, must have cost them very dearly. The official reports of two corps commanders show an aggregate of 9,336 killed, wounded, an
the left. Though but four miles from Warren's position, no reenforcements, owing to various blunders, reached Hancock till after he had been forced to retreat, abandoning Reams's station, after a total loss of 2,400 (out of 8,000) men, and 5 guns. Hill's loss was also heavy, but considerably smaller. Warren's hold on the road had become too strong to be shaken, and there ensued a pause of over a month; during which the Rebels planned and executed a smart raid on our cattle-yard at Coggin's Point on the James; running off 2,500 beeves at no cost but that of fatigue. The calm was broken at last by Grant, who ordered an advance by Warren on the left, to cover one more determined by Butler on the right. Gen. Warren pushed westward Oct. 1. with two divisions of his own corps and two of the 9th, under Parke, with Gregg's cavalry in advance; reaching the Squirrel Level road, and carrying two or three small works at different points. There was fighting along our new front throug
Clarke, Col., Mich., killed at Port Hudson, 333. Clark, Col., reports Rebel movements, 180. Clarksville, Tenn., captured by guerrillas, 213. Cleburne, Major-Gen. Pat. (Rebel), wounded, 221; commands division at Stone River, 274; turns on Hooker at Ringgold, 445; killed at Franklin, 683. Clendenin, Major, captures raiders, 404. Clinton, Miss., captured by McPherson, 306. Cockrell, Gen., wounded at Franklin, 683. Coffey, Gen., in Missouri, 36; at Lone Jack, 36. Coggin's Point, occupied by McClellan, 168. Cold Harbor, Grant's flank movement to, 579; battle and map of, 580; grand assault on, 581; officers killed at, 582. Collins, Capt., of the Wachusett, captures the Florida in a Brazilian harbor, 645; court-martialed, 646. colonization, President Lincoln's scheme, 257. colored Orphan Asylum, fired by rioters, 505. Colquitt, Brig.-Gen., at Antietam, 206. Columbia, Tenn., sacked by Morgan, 404. Columbia, Ark., Marmaduke defeated at, 551.
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